This. I think i've gone through the lvl. 23 ticket about a million times for the Nissan R92CP. And yesterday it took me hours to get the Audi R8 Team Playstation from the 2009 ticket.
It seems a bit miserable to constantly erase and reload a game save, though.
I've resorted to simply making money on the high paying seasonals. It's easy to race 4-5 rounds and then buy any desirable cars Actually, I've simply bought every car I don't own, and after a few rounds, I'm making at least 500k net every 4 races anyway.
While I'm grinding I am tuning my car and trying now driving lines, instead of sitting in the XMB erasing a game save.
What I'd really really like is if GT5 would just have an over trading program. You put what you want up for trade, it's erased from your gamesave before the trade, and you either get it back or get what you and someone else agreed to trade for it, which is then saved.
One problem with the trading is that some cars were so deflated in value it was difficult to reliably trade. You have two really expensive cars and wish to trade one, but someone else has glitched the system and has 500 of them, so you can't trade for what it's worth anymore.
The GT on PSP had a pretty decent trade system. I'm not seeing why PD can't make this work. You shouldn't even need to be friends with who you're trading with. That adds unnecessary hassle.