Youtube videos and game physics are two different things.
At least super_gt is trying to provide some evidence to their point and credit needs to be given. As no one debating with them has provided any of their own besides making flamboyant statements that can be given with a grain of salt.
If you think that comparison with Youtube videos is an acceptable way to judge the physics of a game, I hope you aren't too surprised when a lot of people disagree with you.
Youtube videos are generally a pretty terrible way to judge the physics of anything, see any number of Youtube videos for simulation-type games covered with "OMG that's so arcade" comments and similar. Youtube videos are a good start, but they need to be taken with a big grain of salt.
Is GT6 a reasonably accurate simulation ...I couldn't prove it to someone who disagreed. You seem to think that you can. Please begin, because I'd be interested to see how it's done.
Is this supposed to convince me that Youtube videos are useful tools for judging game physics?
They're very nice videos, but that's all they are.
GT6 is vastly unrealistic. Drives car into wall at 300km/hr (~220m/hr), bounces off to continue race.
You've mention track conditions? Well as the video is of real tracks you can obtain the time of day via shadow angles and length in support of where the sun is sitting in the sky and it's diameter. This will allow the time to be calculated and day, therefore temperature, wind conditions etc can be obtained.
As objects have a definate size and mass in videos, by the footage dipping from the car braking how much it dips can also be calculated and how much force is being exerted. Also speed can be determined by time and distance taken when transversing from point a to b in the video.
With these and using the angles of the cars spoilers downforce setups can be determined as you will know what exact angle settings have been used.
As most racing/cars adhere to strict guidelines weights etc will be known (approximately).
This is just a few ways as example of how videos can be used to judge in-game physics.
Also as one of the videos mentioned was of a gt academy driver I'm sure (being a Nissan and gt academy) it had that GPS visualizer in it. This would record a lot of the data required when making comparision and examplified when loaded into gt by the same driver competing with their actual race ghost replay.
If you can somehow see an object of known length and it's entire shadow, sure.
Temperature and wind are depended on more than just time of day though. I don't see how you're getting those from knowing the length of a shadow, or anything you see in a video unless it's a thermometer and an anemometer.
If you knew the mass of the car, the spring and damper rates at all four corners and the suspension geometry you certainly could have a good go at calculating the braking forces from how much the car dips. Assuming it's not thrown off by stuff like bumps in the road.
Speed can certainly be measured. A lot of videos have visible speedometers or digital readouts, but you can certainly estimate speed, if you know the distance between two points on the track.
I reckon you'd be better of calculating braking forces by the change in speeds, but if you wanted to do it with your car dipping method, knock yourself out.
Will you? How will you know what angle settings they're using? Do you know how efficient their wings are, and how much angle corresponds to how much downforce? What about the splitter, undertray and diffuser? Sure, but you don't need a video for that, just the internet.
You get yourself a video, one video, and extract all that information from it, showing the methodology behind how you've done it.
I really don't think you can. You'll get speed and braking at a few specific points around the track, and possibly a rough estimate of time of day. You may be able to have a rough guess at wind conditions depending on what you can see in the scenery. That's probably about it.
Then we're beyond videos and into GPS telemetry comparisons. Those would be much better and more suitable for comparison than a video, at least then you get hard data that you can compare without the need for subjective interpretation.
Once you know the time of day you can check and see what the weather was for that day.
Even if it's thrown of by bumps you will still see this as the car would raise back up. Also I can't see how spring and damper rates will throw the calculations as they'll be accounted for within the cars mass therefore the whole cars mass can be counted for in braking forces. Thus if low range and high range of the braking forces are known, spring rates and dampening can be calculated for within GT as the cars mass is known using an algebraic formula given the answer is known (braking forces exerted)and total mass.
Spoiler angles can be measured horizontally against the car/track surface.
Never said all information is contained in the videos just a lot of data can be gathered. But to turn data into relative information it needs to be grouped into relevancy. Then using the internet this data's relevance can be further increased in accuracy via obtaining data/info from the internet which is unknown.
That would be preferred but given the data available to super_gt, the data can be used to determine they're conclusions.
Remember guys: IT'S A VIDEO GAME !![]()
Imari can you tell me who are these cars?(outside of the few real life cars that I've driven and can confirm that they do not in fact behave in the same manner).
Imari can you tell me who are these cars?
I want to try something.
I want to try to setup these cars like I did with Nissan GT3 car,and then you will able to try them.What, compare them to videos and tell me that I'm wrong?
While waiting for the promised updates, I'm painting the calipers on all of my Favorite cars. It makes them faster!![]()
See how much information you're having to get from outside the video?
What? You're talking about measuring braking force by the measuring the deflection of the springs by
the decelerating mass of the car. The dampers will modify the rate of deflection, and the springs themselves will modify the rate and total deflection.
How do you know the car's mass anyway? Or are you again going outside the video and looking up some number, which may or may not be available, and may or may not be accurate depending on the weight of the driver, the fluids onboard and any other crap they have in the car.
Not from an onboard they can't. Let's assume that your video gives you a nice outside shot, with a known horizontal to compare to. You now have the angle.
Tell me how that allows you to calculate downforce. How do you know how much lift the wing generates for a given angle? How do you know how that particular wing varies with speed? How do you know how wide the wing is, and what the cross-section of it is? How do you know that there's not interactions with other body parts generating downforce? How do you account for the downforce from the splitter, undertray and diffuser, which you almost certainly can't see?
Then using the methodology I've listed one can open up the same track, set time of day etc then use the same car adjusting the settings to match those calculated from the video and see if similar conditions/outcomes can be met. I say similar as you pointed out no game/simulation would be able to match every single minute variable given the current hardware and software limitations.
I don't believe that you can get even close.
Again, you show this being done with one video, just one. You don't have to be perfectly accurate, but you do have to be able to explain how you arrived at any settings that you use. Until then I will maintain that you cannot do it.
Great idea!👍Being able to tune the suspension front to rear only is exactly the same as a real race car. Having control over camber and toe angle but not tire pressure is so realistic...I WANT TO DIE!!! (so fuzzy) I really can't believe there is any debate over this at all.
Wouldn't technically it make them slower due to extra paint weight!
Again I said the video is currently super_gt's only reference point and said a lot of data can be obtained from it, not concrete evidence. Remember data and information are two entirely different objects.
Deflection of springs/dampeners - if the car's mass is known and the rate (acceleration/time) the car is taken to dip one would be able to calculate the spring compression ratio to weight to equate to the same braking force as deflected in the video.
Car mass (not entirely known given onboard fluids, driver, equipment etc) - you stated that the calculations did not have to be perfectly accurate.
For a objective hypothesis a controlled variable needs to be used, in this case it is the car, matched the same as video and GT6. If there was a shot in the video that allowed the spoilers angles to be taken against a known horizontal plane as the car is the "controlled variable" all the information you stated on the spoilers would become redundant information. Therefore the down forces exerted on the car can be assumed like-for-like (though as we all now this will not be entirely true but for this instance would be the closest between game and video comparison).
The width of the wing could be adjusted (not sure if GT6 will allow this) in the custom spoiler fitting within GT6. As @Imari stated the width etc will be unknown. To compensate this using stills from the video the spoilers measurements could be taken and calculated into a percentage against the cars width or length, for what measurement is most appropriate. i.e width of the spoiler against the car width converted into the spoiler as a percentage of the cars width - if that makes sense?) Then the same methodology applied while setting wing customisations on the same car within GT6.
I'm not seeing much information at all that you couldn't have looked up on the internet without the video. Sounds like you'd get a lot more information a lot more easily by simply looking up a specifications page.
As @Imari said this does not have to be perfectly accurate and I cant really see track temp and day weather conditions affecting this comparison by enough to askew the outcomes.![]()
I said it before and I'll say it again: do it. Don't talk about it, pick an example and actually do it.
Same here. I've played every version of the game since the beginning and for the first time, I put down a new copy of the game just a few months into it. Been a couple of months since GT was in the PS3. Picked up Grid Autosport and found some good offline racing. Downloaded iRacing to try it out but haven't had much time the last month to really get into it, but I can see how it would be a lot of fun. Can't wait for Project Cars and for the first time in my life I'm leaning towards PC gaming and away from consoles. Sad for me but there's so little to offer me in GT6 I see no other choice. I have zero faith GT7 will be much different.I hardly spend any time anymore in the GT section. Bit of a sad goodbye as that used to be the only section i browsed when i was still a dedicated fan, and even when the series started to disappoint me i still kept a great interest in coming here and complaining about it at least, in the hope things would improve.
The GT series has attained such a dull character in general nowadays that i can't be bothered with it anymore. Even the Senna content didn't get me excited enough to go out and pick out a copy from a bargain shelve, and i've been a Senna fan for 22 years now.
Wonder if there are more old timers on GTP that also feel the same about GT now?
I most certainly feel the same way as you do @mister dog. I feel GT has run its course, and so many fans of the series has moved on after the failure that is GT5.I hardly spend any time anymore in the GT section. Bit of a sad goodbye as that used to be the only section i browsed when i was still a dedicated fan, and even when the series started to disappoint me i still kept a great interest in coming here and complaining about it at least, in the hope things would improve.
The GT series has attained such a dull character in general nowadays that i can't be bothered with it anymore. Even the Senna content didn't get me excited enough to go out and pick out a copy from a bargain shelve, and i've been a Senna fan for 22 years now.
Wonder if there are more old timers on GTP that also feel the same about GT now?