Let's be fair, they do this a lot. And by "this" I mean the bare minimum to meet whatever they've said they would do. They said that they'd upgrade some standards in GT5? Here, have a Jaguar. They said that they'd include leaderboards? Here, have two.
They technically meet their obligations, but they're very careful to do it in the way that involves the minimum amount of work for them, and rarely meets the assumptions that an average consumer might make given a fairly vague announcement. They're also usually fairly careful to make sure their announcements are as vague as possible to, presumably so that they can a) do the minimum amount of work to satisfy the statement if it turns out to be tough, and b) take advantage of people assuming that their work will be of a standard compared to other similar games in the genre.
Game updates never happen on weekends, right? So, we just need a new VGT every weekday until December 6, with Course Creator, B-Spec, improved online features, online championships, and club features sprinkled in there at some point.
My magic 8-ball is not going to like this...
Yeah, there's absolutely no way on God's green earth that they're making the VGT deadline. Or even nearly making it. I'll be surprised if they get to ten by Dec 6 at this point, which is less than one a month. Frankly, that's pretty poor considering the fuss they made about it. And it's a shame, because it's one of the cooler ideas they've had in a while. Had there been a couple of new concept cars coming out each month with a small set of interesting events for each one it would have been amazing.
Course Creator, B Spec, community features: I could see them pulling one of these out of the hat. I don't see how they could possibly have all three ready to go. And if they do somehow pull all three out of an orifice, it begs the question of whether they all happened to get finished just in time, or whether they've been sandbagging just so that they could try and make a big splash. Which would ordinarily be understandable, but in this particular situation I think it would be perceived as taking advantage of customers who have already paid.
I'm tempted to make a one month countdown thread, but I suspect it would degenerate pretty quickly into a cesspool.