The GT7 Livery Editor Competition #47: Cartificial Intelligence (<1 week left)

  • Thread starter MatskiMonk
Just realised the closing date for this was wrong by a couple of days... you have till a week on Sunday to get your entries in.. only 4 entries so far.
I started in good spirit but now too much is coming in between. Still hoping to finish it, but I can't promise right now.
Hope more people will join just like the last competition because this is a very fun one.
Just realised the closing date for this was wrong by a couple of days... you have till a week on Sunday to get your entries in.. only 4 entries so far.
I had some ideas and some good images provided by the AI that are unfortunately a bit too hard for me to make. Still trying, but I can't make any promises.
Hey guys, I think next time we should do an one-off Eddie Jordan special in honor of the yellow rock and roll man himself! Already been thinking some cool ideas based on the yellow era! 💛

The winner of this competition can pick it for the next one. I'm trying not to be too rigid with the theme options, but I'd like to keep the same schedule with the winners deciding the theme. It gets messy otherwise.