My personal highlights so far:Apparently Trump's about to give a statement from the White House...
I get that Republicans might have voted for him, but if you support Trump at this point, that I cannot fathom.
Good old Mitchy Boy publicly ripped him when Trump claimed he won Pennsylvania.Nothing he said is likely to change his supporters at this point. However, I'm wondering if, at some point, the Republican mucky mucks will step in behind the scenes & usher him out. The GOP has come out of this election surprisingly intact. I can see they might see this an opportunity to move on to 2022 & 2024 & leave Trump behind before he does more damage.
- The Repulicans will win this election very honestly and very easily, through a lot of litigation
"We can't allow anyone to silence our voters."My personal highlights so far:
"Its amazing how those mail in ballots are so one sided."
"I won Pennsylvania by a lot."
"Likewise in Georgia I won by a lot. A LOT."
"In Georgia, a pupe burst [snip] and they stopped counting for 4 hours and... a lot of things happened."
Absolutely legendary moment
Ignoring the parts about litigation and it being easy, he actually is right about the Republican's winning. Sure they lost a senate seat, but they've gained 6 in the house and managed to hold all the governor seats plus gain Montana (so far, some races haven't been called).
So basically, despite the election being "fradulent" it actually was a decent night for the Republican's with the exception being Trump. Which is obviously something that very much hurts his cause.
Yes.I'm wondering how many people are reading this thread and thinking Trump is the Victim in all of this?
Absolutely legendary moment
Trump is a victim of Trump.I'm wondering how many people are reading this thread and thinking Trump is the Victim in all of this?
Again, it's like he cannot accept the concept of Donald Trump losing.And now it's getting to be to the point where I go from winning by a lot to... perhaps... even... being down by a little bit.
I'm wondering how many people are reading this thread and thinking Trump is the Victim in all of this?
We're not that lucky.Has he made any reference to alternate votes?
Just wanna clarify that Trumpism is different than "Law and Order". The law and order thing was invented by Nixon, and Reagan perfected it. Both were racist turds but neither of them tried to be kings."Law and order."
Trumpism, man.