The GTP Unofficial 2020 US Elections Thread

GTPlanet Exit Poll - Which Presidential Ticket Did You Vote For?

  • Trump/Pence

    Votes: 16 27.1%
  • Biden/Harris

    Votes: 20 33.9%
  • Jorgensen/Cohen

    Votes: 7 11.9%
  • Hawkins/Walker

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • La Riva/Freeman

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • De La Fuente/Richardson

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Blankenship/Mohr

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Carroll/Patel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Simmons/Roze

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Charles/Wallace

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 15 25.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Thanks to this I just spend 30 minutes pondering the phrase "tater tot" with a friend, in disbelief that we adults use the term with a straight face, and reading the Wikipedia article. Yes, tater tots have a Wiki article. Say it with me...tater tot. Tater tot? Tater tot!

Alright, time for the news...

This is more of a state issue but is likely related to the federal rumblings of late.

FBI agents search legislative offices of multiple Tennessee Republicans.

Federal agents are searching multiple Tennessee Republican state House members' offices and homes Friday.

At least five agents from the FBI entered the Cordell Hull legislative office building just before 8 a.m., fanning out to multiple offices carrying empty boxes with them.

According to two people familiar with the investigation, earlier in the morning, the FBI searched the homes of former House Speaker Glen Casada, R-Franklin, Rep. Robin Smith, R-Hixson, and Rep. Todd Warner, R-Chapel Hill.

Agents also searched the homes of a current and former staff member.

Warner was just elected to the legislature, beating former Rep. Rick Tillis in an August Republican primary.

An agent in the Cordell Hull building on Friday could be heard telling a facilities manager that the FBI was executing search warrants.

An agent stood guard outside the office of Casada, who who resigned from his position as speaker in 2019 following a vote of no-confidence from the House Republican Caucus.

Agents were also posted outside of the Smith's office and the office of Rep. Kent Calfee, R-Kingston.

$1.3 billion. I hope she saved her pennies as a kid.
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Josh Hawley is many things, and many of the adjectives I could use to describe him would leave me in violation of the AUP. But he isn't stupid. And that makes his post all the more despicable. He's well aware of what he's saying. And well aware of what Simon & Schuster's decision is or isn't in relation to the 1st Amendment. But he's a very clever, political animal. And he's playing to his base. It's like waving a bucket of fresh fish in front of a group of seals at the zoo.

In other news...

I should probably post this in the conspiracy thread as right now it remains a series of loosely connected dots and stories that are starting to form a picture. But I suspect by the weekend we’ll know more and if there really is something to all of this...

Let’s start here:

That off-duty police officers or members of the military took part in right wing protests is not hard to believe. But then there’s this...

Biden‘s transition team claims they were not getting cooperation from the Pentagon since mid December. And why? Might it have something to do with this?

There are some pretty clear allegations in this article that Trump tried to purge people in positions of power at the Pentagon and put his own loyalists in those positions, effectively meaning that certain information would have to go through Trump’s people.

And then we get here...

and even here:

I realize the word coup has been used very liberally in the press over actions Trump has taken. But if we really find out that much of these Q anon conspiracy theories were purposely directed propaganda trying to wind up the masses, there could be a very clear case that what happened in Washington was indeed an attempted coup by the President using his mass of deluded followers with many insiders in the mix. Put together, the series of articles indicate:

- Trump put a series of loyalists in positions of power at the Pentagon shortly after he lost the election and his attempts at overthrowing the election in court weren’t going well.

- those officials, possibly, disrupted the transition team from passing any information over to Biden as to what was going on.

- Those same officials at the Pentagon stopped additional forces coming to aid and from turning away protesters from storming the capital.

What I’m not sure, even if all of this is true, it’s what they were truly hoping to accomplish? Taking members of Congress or the Senate prisoner? Forcing them to count ballots in their favor? How could they ever have hoped to legitimize such an action? So I’m not completely convinced that all of this really is connected. However, as incompetent as Trump is and as half-baked as most of his ideas are, perhaps this really was his plan and his line of reasoning simply stopped there. Perhaps there was more that he was trying to put in place and just couldn't.

That so many in positions of power are now abandoning him like rats from a sinking ship leads me to believe that they themselves are putting this together and realizing just how serious this was.

Rudy was clearly trying to delay the electoral counting procedure by getting loyal Senators to stall as long as possible. The fact that the Separatists/Seditionists wanted to occupy the capitol through the night seems to point towards the same goal. I don't think it would be a stretch to believe some in that mob were directed by the white house, directly or indirectly. The fact that Trump wouldn't deploy the national guard to protect the entire US congress...

It seems like an everything but the kitchen sink coup attempt. Chaos, delay, terror, instability. This is how governments fail. Was Trump trying to break congress? That seems unbelievable, but perhaps he was just trying to change the situation through whatever means he could reasonably deny, and hoping to emerge in a stronger position. Maybe if there was enough chaos, he would be "forced" to assume great powers. Remember, you have to think megalomaniacally.
Trump says he won't attend Biden inauguration

I’m curious what’s going on with Tennessee Republicans that would warrant multiple FBI raids.
Given that yesterday (or was it Wednesday) the PA Republican party effectively "seized" the PA Senate, I'm sure there will be numerous state government investigations and that conspiracy-like actions have taken place nationwide. I don't think the problem lies with Tennessee Republicans, I think it lies with Republicans outright.
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I would just like to iterate for those that don't know that there are no protestors called Via Getty.

The picture of that one guy in the beenie holding some stand had "Via Getty [Images]" written at the start of the tweet and everyone thought that was his name.

Whoever he is, they must find him.
I support efforts to impeach anyone holding public office who has demonstrated themselves to be unfit for that office, be it for criminal activity, conduct unbecoming of an individual holding public office or staggering ineptitude, all of which have been satisfied this presidency, but this strikes me as little more than theater at this late stage in the game.

The same could be said the first time around. How much damage can trump do before Biden is inaugurated? A lot still. He should be newly impeached and removed from office (and barred from holding public office in the future).
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The same could be said the first time around. How much damage can trump do before Biden is inaugurated? A lot still. He should be newly impeached and removed from office (and barred from holding public office in the future).
Agreed. He could unilaterally start a war with Iran. He can continue to award lucrative no-bid contracts to loyalists. He can continue to replace competent career government employees with incompetent cronies creating a massive brain drain. He can do an extraordinary amount of damage in just a few days. His planet-sized ego has suffered an extraordinary injury, and in his pain he is lashing out in all sorts of dangerous ways. No matter what it takes, he must be removed from office, and he must be impeached to prevent him from ever holding office again.
Sure I get that, but why him and now his family over plenty of others in his ilk? Not that I want them to find it, but surely there must be a better version of Trump to latch onto, rather than hoping the Trump dynasty continues? I don't remember Trump ever being wildly popular generally pre-2015, but I'm not American, so maybe I just didn't see it.
I don't know about anyone else but I don't really see the Trump fan base as being the "shop around" type when it comes to being told which candidate to support. Perhaps Hawley's or Cruz's campaigns will start to see some traction but neither of them has been anointed by Q as far as I can see.
I don't know about anyone else but I don't really see the Trump fan base as being the "shop around" type when it comes to being told which candidate to support. Perhaps Hawley's or Cruz's campaigns will start to see some traction but neither of them has been anointed by Q as far as I can see.
Is there any historical precedent for Hitler's followers being like, "Goebbels will do"?
$1.3 billion. I hope she saved her pennies as a kid.
I think it's fan-****ing-tastic. I want every piece of garbage who enabled the ****er to get the absolute worst allowed by law. I want examples to be made. I don't want this to happen in my country ever again. Sadly, I have no doubt it will happen to some degree every election going forward where a Republican is seeking to hold or retain office.

I know these wastes of air aren't capable of owning up to their own actions and I've come to terms with that. In place of personal responsibility, I'll settle for them blaming and hating Trump. I want them to hate that he ever sought government office.

I don't think the problem lies with Tennessee Republicans, I think it lies with Republicans outright.
Boom! Nailed it!

The same could be said the first time around. How much damage can trump do before Biden is inaugurated? A lot still. He should be newly impeached and removed from office (and barred from holding public office in the future).
Yeah, that's fair, and really, if I thought there was any reasonable possibility of expediency, I'd be for it without question. As it is, I question how much can actually happen before it's moot.

To my knowledge, conviction on articles of impeachment doesn't render future runs for office void. I may be mistaken (odds are quite good, frankly), but I don't believe it works that way; there are limitations to what one convicted can suffer. There absolutely are avenues for seeking that result, though, and they aren't dependent upon him occupying office at the time.

It looks like there will be a second run at impeachment whether I think it's worthwhile or not. If it proves to be meaningful, I will absolutely eat my words, and I promise not to gloat if it doesn't.

This makes it official that Donald is owner of the smallest penis in the world.
What, a jar? I'm not convinced he's so equipped. To any degree. He stands and walks like he's got a huge vagina.

They should use the inauguration for the Roast of Donald J. Trump part 2.
A part of me wants Biden to be super petty about it but I don't think he will be and that's definitely for the best.
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Its clearly missing the ten billion exclamation points he uses daily and of course his caps lock.

Exactly my feelings. Almost as if someone's grabbed his phone and went "Right I've had enough of this."

I'm thinking there's been an intervention. Well I'm hoping there's been an intervention.
Satire is dead. There is no satire, only reality.

"We didn't attack the United States Capitol and if the media doesn't stop saying we did, we'll attack their studios as well. Oh and here's me posing playfully outside the building we attacked, resulting in multiple deaths."
I don’t recall this being posted but it was actually proposed in January 4, in response to Trump’s several prior mentions of self-pardons, but the timing just days before Trump gave himself a big reason to self-pardon is eerie.

House Joint Resolution 4 to limit pardon power of the President is obviously aimed at limiting nepotism and other crony conspiracy members. I don’t know what fate this resolution has seen yet.

Been a while since I’ve been so satisfied by an H. J.

Edit: Speaking of which, how am I just learning that Hope Hicks exists? Wow, she is...insane
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I'm split on the impeachment topic. The best would be if Trump would resign by himself (not gonna happen), my second preferred option would be Pence truly finding his balls and invoke the 25th. I'm absolutely for showing a clear example with Trump that his actions are inexcusable but the problem with an impeachment is the Senate. Romney and a few more would no doubt vote for conviction but the rest not. Mr. Cracker already tweeted that it wouldn't go through the Senate. So as much as I want to have DJT out of the White House since January 20, 2017, I don't think there's a realistic chance for that until January 19, 2021.
Churlish and petulent to the end.

But perhaps a small mercy that no-one involved will need to be polite to the biggest baby world politics has ever seen.

Oh, and if Trump is planning on being in Scotland that day, there will be no shortage of people ready and waiting to make him feel about as welcome as a fart in a spacesuit.
That's nice.

But...don't we look pretty ****ing vulnerable right now? Like....if there was an opportunity to launch an attack on the US, it would be right now.