The GTP Unofficial 2020 US Elections Thread

GTPlanet Exit Poll - Which Presidential Ticket Did You Vote For?

  • Trump/Pence

    Votes: 16 27.1%
  • Biden/Harris

    Votes: 20 33.9%
  • Jorgensen/Cohen

    Votes: 7 11.9%
  • Hawkins/Walker

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • La Riva/Freeman

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • De La Fuente/Richardson

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Blankenship/Mohr

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Carroll/Patel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Simmons/Roze

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Charles/Wallace

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 15 25.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I wouldn't be able to identify an Antifa flag unless it was pointed out to me, but I would easily be able to point out a MAGA supporter without any help.
"That's exactly what Antifa wants!"

At least she's married to a baseball player that had an ERA of 8.51 with Rays last season. *sad trombone noises*
You lost me at baseball...the pseudosport that it is.


One of the duties of a soldier is to disobey illegal commands. I hope in light of this, those who actually press the buttons would disobey a command to start firing nuclear weapons willy-nilly.
One does hope. There are no lows to which I don't believe he'd sink.

Understood, and fair and valid points about treason. How do you feel about charging those individuals who participated in yesterday's attack with sedition (seditious conspiracy under the law) or insurrection/rebellion under US Code Title 18?
I think Section 2383 has some merit. Section 2384, establishing grounds and maximum penalties for charges of seditious conspiracy, may or may not. If it can be established that actors sought to prevent the execution of law, and the confirmation of the Electoral College vote by the Legislative constitutes execution of law, I think that may be reasonable as well.

Of course, I make no claims to be any kind of legal expert. I may not be farthest from one, but I'd wager I'm on the south side of center. Still, I try to be informed and I'm getting a bit of a crash course with all that's going on.

The code is indeed sufficient.

"Trial by combat". You may hate how normalized these allegations are but I hate how normalized treason has become.

Look, I appreciate that you're passionate and I believe I want these actors to be held accountable just as badly as you do, even if we disagree on degree. Treason is a really high bar. The low volume of prosecutions and lower volume of convictions in this country demonstrate that. The biggest stumbling block for it is the First Amendment, and while that certainly is not absolute, I think it still has significant impact on what can reasonably be alleged, tried and proven given the information we currently have. Things may very well change as more information comes out.

I still believe the code is sufficient without reaching as high as treason.

Republicans blame Biden more than Trump for the Capitol attack. Fox News rhetoric is working... :banghead:
The road ahead toward unity will be very long in this country.
Divorced. From. Reality.

I made a weak Mitch joke about the shells of the political shell game now having baby turtles in but realised your post referred to Lindsey Graham and not McConnell. It didn't help that the site was seizing up and refusing to refresh so my posts were coming out duplicated and triplicated.
Gotcha. And it's perfectly understandable that you'd confuse the two; same ****, different name.

Turns out being openly fascist is actually bad for you: Josh Hawley's book deal with Simon and Shuster is cancelled.

And the baby throws a tantrum.


Another ****-eating Republican that either legitimately doesn't understand freedom of speech or, more likely, is a 10-ply, super-soft bitch.

How can a senator get 1A so badly wrong?

Amusingly "cancel culture" here is basically capitalism in action. The publisher thinks it will be bad for their profit margin working with him - either from paying him for a book that people won't buy, or customers choosing not to buy anything from that publishing house, or perhaps even other profitable authors leaving for other publishers to avoid association - so decides not to work with him. It's people speaking with their wallets, or rather a business recognising that people will speak with their wallets if they don't act.

See also: the idiot who wore his work ID badge.
Oh wait, my boss ISN'T supposed to know I went to the riot and committed crimes? But then how will people know I support the President?!

I find it humorous how a lot of social media is just barely doing any work to out these people. Play stupid games (support a failed insurrection while broadcasting it and not wearing a mask), win stupid prizes (loss of job, potential arrest and jail time, AND very high likelihood of contracting the hoax China virus)!
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Come on Hawley, give your horn a tug. And call your mom, she locked herself out of my house.
I don't know what this is. I mean...I recognize the euphemisms but I don't understand the context in response to the specific quote. I gather I'm missing a reference.
How can a senator get 1A so badly wrong?

Amusingly "cancel culture" here is basically capitalism in action. The publisher thinks it will be bad for their profit margin working with him - either from paying him for a book that people won't buy, or customers choosing not to buy anything from that publishing house, or perhaps even other profitable authors leaving for other publishers to avoid association - so decides not to work with him. It's people speaking with their wallets, or rather a business recognising that people will speak with their wallets if they don't act.
Exactly. It's not just 1A he doesn't understand. He's a :censored:ing Republican and he doesn't even understand capitalism.
Another ****-eating Republican that either legitimately doesn't understand freedom of speech or, more likely, is a 10-ply, super-soft bitch.
"I'll take '10-ply super-soft bitch' for $400, Ghost Alex."

The response from Seth Rogan is
The GOP has exactly one platform point now. Their only position is that votes cast in a democratic election don't count unless they were cast for one of their candidates.


Man, some of the replies to that Aww-haww-Hawley tweet are hilarious. I'd feel bad for Simon & Schuster losing the business of all those outraged Republicans if I thought they'd ever crack a book.
They've all got Mein Kampf and The Art of War under their pillows hoping the books osmote.

I mean...everyone's heard of the bowl of warm water trick.

Edit: It was inevitable...

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We must have missed it, but several hours ago Pence reportedly opposed invoking the 25th. That means Pelosi will introduce the articles of impeachment, but the House is adjourned until Jan 11.

Found this on there


Bro that's not a "heh". One million three hundred thousand people have seen his Parler post. I didn't even know what Parler was until a couple weeks ago, but apparently it's effectively a far-right echo chamber. 1,300,000 people saw that one single the hell many members are there?

Edit: That also makes me wonder if that is real or photoshopped. That high number is concerningly high for a relatively new social media platform.
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We must have missed it, but several hours ago Pence reportedly opposed invoking the 25th. That means Pelosi will introduce the articles of impeachment, but the House is adjourned until Jan 11.

Bro that's not a "heh". One million three hundred thousand people have seen his Parler post. I didn't even know what Parler was until a couple weeks ago, but apparently it's effectively a far-right echo chamber. 1,300,000 people saw that one single the hell many members are there?

It honestly makes sense to prefer impeachment over the 25th at this point since they can first do the transition and then focus on hopefully impeaching Trump after the inaguration
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It honestly makes sense to prefer impeachment over the 25th at this point since they can first do the transition and then focus on hopefully impeaching Trump after the inaguration
There is zero value in impeaching a former president. After the 20th, it's more likely Trump gets indicted than impeached.
It honestly makes sense to prefer impeachment over the 25th at this point since they can first do the transition and then focus on hopefully impeaching Trump after the inaguration
After the inauguration Trump can no longer be impeached because he's no longer the sitting President. But he can simply be arrested and charged with crimes.

Another issue we face is the concept of a self-pardon. But a self-pardon isn't mentioned in the Constitution, it's never been done, and the Supreme Court has never made a ruling on it. Nobody knows if it would hold any weight. I imagine any self-pardon he issues would be challenged into the SC. There are several days left until Monday when Pelosi can start impeachment proceedings so Trump issuing a self-pardon in the next three days is not out of the question. It would be like NFL teams tying...nobody knows what the hell it means, nobody knows if it's actually legally binding, but everybody is left feeling empty, confused, and pretty sure they should eliminate that rule.
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I get no joy in posting Donald Trump speech, but he tapes a speech that acknowledges Biden's win.

Seems like an attempt to placate enough people to stay in power for the remainder of term. He knows he's lost.

He's usually spouting so much nonsense that while I'm trying to follow along and process what the hell he just said I've never noticed before but when he's actually following a script, he has an odd cadence.

It's almost Christopher Walken-esque. :odd:
He's usually spouting so much nonsense that while I'm trying to follow along and process what the hell he just said I've never noticed before but when he's actually following a script, he has an odd cadence.

It's almost Christopher Walken-esque. :odd:

I've stopped watching him. There's something annoying about the way he talks and that's part of it.
I think it's silly that impeachment proceedings would be ushered in once again and I really want to be against it for the mess it'll cause, but more than that, I want someone here to have the opportunity to say "the Democrats were calling for his impeachment for four years."

How long before they claim Barr has always been a Never Trumper? Guessing it's either that or he's an antifa member in disguise.

Xena 1, Hercules 0


Ugly, dress funny, smell must be a Trumpkin.

Edit: I think my favorite part is the "Peanut." That's so my go-to for entertaining the childish things adults say.
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I get no joy in posting Donald Trump speech, but he tapes a speech that acknowledges Biden's win.

Seems like an attempt to placate enough people to stay in power for the remainder of term. He knows he's lost.

I am 100% certain that Pence told Trump to read that message as written or he would invoke the 25th Amendment. Pence holds all the power right now.
He's usually spouting so much nonsense that while I'm trying to follow along and process what the hell he just said I've never noticed before but when he's actually following a script, he has an odd cadence.

It's almost Christopher Walken-esque. :odd:
He speaks like he's...dictating. Except instead of saying, "read that back" or "delete that line" he simply interrupts himself mid thought and then continues with the new edit. Like a fifth grade English teacher inserting a mental carrot in the middle of your masterpiece.

Oof, this won't bode well for some people:

10 U.S. Code § 894 - Art. 94. Mutiny or sedition

@TexRex remember how you said you hate to see these accusations flying? Unfortunately, some morons flashing badges while breaking into federal property just hit V1 with stuck throttles.

Edit: Would you rather allow Congress to impeach the president for obvious crimes, or wait and see what the CIA or rogue actors will do the moment he pokes his face outside Mar-a-Lago? If justice is not administered legally, justice will be administered illegally. That should be clear at this point.
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Oof, this won't bode well for some people:

10 U.S. Code § 894 - Art. 94. Mutiny or sedition

@TexRex remember how you said you hate to see these accusations flying? Unfortunately, some morons flashing badges while breaking into federal property just hit V1 with stuck throttles.

Remember how I said my views were subject to available information? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Edit: Would you rather allow Congress to impeach the president for obvious crimes, or wait and see what the CIA or rogue actors will do the moment he pokes his face outside Mar-a-Lago? If justice is not administered legally, justice will be administered illegally. That should be clear at this point.
I support efforts to impeach anyone holding public office who has demonstrated themselves to be unfit for that office, be it for criminal activity, conduct unbecoming of an individual holding public office or staggering ineptitude, all of which have been satisfied this presidency, but this strikes me as little more than theater at this late stage in the game.

It also seems you're mistaking justice with vigilantism. The latter is not justice, no matter how deserved.
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Pentagon put significant restrictions on D.C. Guard ahead of pro-Trump protests.

Unfortunately I’m not subscribed so I can’t read this article but quotes on Reddit and numerous comments are suggesting Trump’s recent appointments to the Pentagon and subsequent changes to Guard policy immediately before the insurrection are evidenced of an organized plot. The concern and warning of prior SecDefs as shown in their letter seems based on the Pentagon shake up.
Pentagon put significant restrictions on D.C. Guard ahead of pro-Trump protests.

Unfortunately I’m not subscribed so I can’t read this article but quotes on Reddit and numerous comments are suggesting Trump’s recent appointments to the Pentagon and subsequent changes to Guard policy immediately before the insurrection are evidenced of an organized plot. The concern and warning of prior SecDefs as shown in their letter seems based on the Pentagon shake up.
I have seen a few reports now that say some of the capitol police and or dc police were in on the attack .
This video is of the front metal gate being breached . Notice on the right about a minute in , a cop trips and is injured .
