The GTP Unofficial 2020 US Elections Thread

GTPlanet Exit Poll - Which Presidential Ticket Did You Vote For?

  • Trump/Pence

    Votes: 16 27.1%
  • Biden/Harris

    Votes: 20 33.9%
  • Jorgensen/Cohen

    Votes: 7 11.9%
  • Hawkins/Walker

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • La Riva/Freeman

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • De La Fuente/Richardson

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Blankenship/Mohr

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Carroll/Patel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Simmons/Roze

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Charles/Wallace

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 15 25.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Agreed with this. We cannot shred one part of the Constitution and our rights just for a hurried attempt to fix what broke and heal the wounds of another constitutional crisis, as appealing as it seems.
I'm pretty inflexibly opposed to charges for treason in cases that can't reasonably be demonstrated to reflect the crime as defined in Article III of the Constitution for this very reason. It's defined the way it is because anything short of that is too easily abused. Can you imagine Pelosi actually being charged with treason for her role in impeachment proceedings? Or Vindman? Or any of the countless individuals the whiny little bitch base accused because their whiny little bitch bronzer daddy was facing consequences for his actions?

I hate how normalized these allegations of treason have become. There have been things I've wanted to share but have refrained because, no matter how reasoned the rest of it was, the notion of treason was entertained. I didn't even want to add the caveat that I didn't agree with that bit.

The criminal code may be flawed, but I think it's sufficient here. We don't need to go opening the door when the right has been trying to push it in for so long.

Speaking of the 11th hour, one argument shared by all courts who threw out Trump's lawsuits were the timeliness of the objections. You can't simply sit on your hands while things you believe are bad are happening, but then object after the fact. You have to object before it's said and done.
It's never been about seeking a ruling in their favor. It absolutely would have been accepted if provided, but the aim has always been to provide a show for the whiny little bitch base. Courts saw through this, thankfully, but idiots were still convinced enough that they attacked the Capitol.

Kayleigh McEnany is my age, 32.

I really hope she's saved for retirement because I doubt she'll ever be employed again.
Don't kid yourself. She's a fake pretty woman that's immediately recognizable as aligned with conservatives; there's no way conservative media will pass her up.


@UKMikey I got alerts to your quotes but only to those with edits requesting deletion.
The talking point that far-right news networks/influencers and their have been propping up is that the Trump supporters were the peaceful ones, and the people who stormed into congress, assaulted people, gave death threats, looted, etc, were actually Antifa members. Yup, Antifa definitely came to this rally in a calculated attempt to smear Trump supporters because deep down they know that Biden lost and they wanted Biden oh so much. I mean it's not as if I had a feeling Trump cultists would deflect and obfuscate following yesterday's debacle and place the blame on their political opponents. I keep seeing an image being floated around of some shaggy looking dude who has a tattoo that cannot be well seen, but supposedly it is of the hammer and sickle, therefore it must be Antifa. And then there was another dude who happened to be wearing all black, also must mean Antifa. Wouldn't be surprised if I also hear that George Soros and the Deep State is also behind it soon. If you didn't already have proof that the MAGA cult would never denounce anything bad that their messiah and fellow cultists do, well here it is.
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I wouldn't be able to identify an Antifa flag unless it was pointed out to me, but I would easily be able to point out a MAGA supporter without any help.
Don't kid yourself. She's a fake pretty woman that's immediately recognizable as aligned with conservatives; there's no way conservative media will pass her up.

At least she's married to a baseball player that had an ERA of 8.51 with Rays last season. *sad trombone noises*
People are pointing out that while Trump has been banned from Twitter & Facebook ... he still has the nuclear codes.

One of the duties of a soldier is to disobey illegal commands. I hope in light of this, those who actually press the buttons would disobey a command to start firing nuclear weapons willy-nilly.

Kayleigh McEnany is my age, 32.

I really hope she's saved for retirement because I doubt she'll ever be employed again.

Unfortunately, don't be surprised if something like OANN would pick her up as a contributor in a heart beat.

I'm pretty inflexibly opposed to charges for treason in cases that can't reasonably be demonstrated to reflect the crime as defined in Article III of the Constitution for this very reason. It's defined the way it is because anything short of that is too easily abused. Can you imagine Pelosi actually being charged with treason for her role in impeachment proceedings? Or Vindman? Or any of the countless individuals the whiny little bitch base accused because their whiny little bitch bronzer daddy was facing consequences for his actions?

I hate how normalized these allegations of treason have become. There have been things I've wanted to share but have refrained because, no matter how reasoned the rest of it was, the notion of treason was entertained. I didn't even want to add the caveat that I didn't agree with that bit.

The criminal code may be flawed, but I think it's sufficient here. We don't need to go opening the door when the right has been trying to push it in for so long.

Understood, and fair and valid points about treason. How do you feel about charging those individuals who participated in yesterday's attack with sedition (seditious conspiracy under the law) or insurrection/rebellion under US Code Title 18?
I'm pretty inflexibly opposed to charges for treason in cases that can't reasonably be demonstrated to reflect the crime as defined in Article III of the Constitution for this very reason. It's defined the way it is because anything short of that is too easily abused. Can you imagine Pelosi actually being charged with treason for her role in impeachment proceedings? Or Vindman? Or any of the countless individuals the whiny little bitch base accused because their whiny little bitch bronzer daddy was facing consequences for his actions?

I hate how normalized these allegations of treason have become. There have been things I've wanted to share but have refrained because, no matter how reasoned the rest of it was, the notion of treason was entertained. I didn't even want to add the caveat that I didn't agree with that bit.

The criminal code may be flawed, but I think it's sufficient here. We don't need to go opening the door when the right has been trying to push it in for so long.
The code is indeed sufficient.

"Trial by combat". You may hate how normalized these allegations are but I hate how normalized treason has become.
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Republicans blame Biden more than Trump for the Capitol attack. Fox News rhetoric is working... :banghead:
The road ahead toward unity will be very long in this country.




(Source YouGov)
@UKMikey I got alerts to your quotes but only to those with edits requesting deletion.
I made a weak Mitch joke about the shells of the political shell game now having baby turtles in but realised your post referred to Lindsey Graham and not McConnell. It didn't help that the site was seizing up and refusing to refresh so my posts were coming out duplicated and triplicated.
Trump's recent message sounds like about as much of a concede as you'll get. Acknowledges a new administration is coming.
I get no joy in posting Donald Trump speech, but he tapes a speech that acknowledges Biden's win.

Seems like an attempt to placate enough people to stay in power for the remainder of term. He knows he's lost.
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That Trump speech came across, dare I say it, almost presidential. I think someone (or everyone) must’ve had some pretty firm words with him to make it happen, but it’s nice to see him finally put an end to the shenanigans.
That Trump speech came across, dare I say it, almost presidential. I think someone (or everyone) must’ve had some pretty firm words with him to make it happen, but it’s nice to see him finally put an end to the shenanigans.

I was thinking the same thing. My guess is someone told him to either give the speech or we're invoking the 25th.
Turns out being openly fascist is actually bad for you: Josh Hawley's book deal with Simon and Shuster is cancelled.

And the baby throws a tantrum.

How can a senator get 1A so badly wrong?

Amusingly "cancel culture" here is basically capitalism in action. The publisher thinks it will be bad for their profit margin working with him - either from paying him for a book that people won't buy, or customers choosing not to buy anything from that publishing house, or perhaps even other profitable authors leaving for other publishers to avoid association - so decides not to work with him. It's people speaking with their wallets, or rather a business recognising that people will speak with their wallets if they don't act.

See also: the idiot who wore his work ID badge.
I thought Pence deployed the guardsmen, not Trump. Even way it wasn't immediate. Those rioters must be aware by now that he's thrown them under the bus. I wonder how Q will spin this.

Hawley has some nerve taking about a woke mob when the unwoke mob he's buddies with have done more damage than it ever will. But I guess it's easy to see everything and everyone else as a conspiracy than admit you're at odds with most of the world as the 2:1 ratio on his tweet indicates.

Who the heck is going to represent him in court?
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