The GTP Unofficial 2020 US Elections Thread

GTPlanet Exit Poll - Which Presidential Ticket Did You Vote For?

  • Trump/Pence

    Votes: 16 27.1%
  • Biden/Harris

    Votes: 20 33.9%
  • Jorgensen/Cohen

    Votes: 7 11.9%
  • Hawkins/Walker

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • La Riva/Freeman

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • De La Fuente/Richardson

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Blankenship/Mohr

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Carroll/Patel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Simmons/Roze

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Charles/Wallace

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 15 25.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Big yike.

Biden has to do something. Our enemies are united - this is the time to show the world, including our enemies, that we have a justice system which can follow rules and is effective.

More irony: Four years ago Trump did not like how China was becoming a real force in international trade. However by being Trump, pissing off the EU in trade and also doing less trade, we in Europe are looking more to China now than ever. Over the past years we have not been able to trust the US government and our wish to trade with America has been going away day by day.

Into China's hands. If you want the US to be outside and the rest of the world united, Trump is your man.
As a non-Republican, it's hilarious watching the Republican party completely implode. Around the time of the election, an argument could be made that what the GOP establishment versus the average Republican wanted were two different visions. Establishment wants the GOP to drop Trump and regress back to a George W. Bush or Mitt Romney-like candidate who is soft spoken, evangelical, very neocon in terms of foreign policy, always talking about the debt and deficit, and continuing to giving tax cuts the rich and deregulate. Republican voters though, who are not part of the elite class, wanted one thing, and that was Trump. His approval rating within the party has always been somewhere around 90%. That's not to say that Trump isn't also a neocon who gave tax cuts to the rich and deregulated. But with Trump, at least there was this veneer of populist, anti-establishment-ness, standing up to "RINOs", the "deep state" and "draining the swamp", being the savior for the little man that has been forgotten for decade, which is the main reason why he is so popular amongst Republicans. The Bushes and Romney were never like this, and that is why the Republican voter base will never vote through a Bush or Romney type candidate through a primary again.

After yesterday's debacle though, and trump (somewhat) finally conceding, I'm willing to bet that a good enough number of the Trump base has left the Trump train (though obviously he will always have his fair share of yes-men because thats how cults work). As others have said, he is no longer the most popular Republican. And right now, there seems to be no popular Republican. The base, as aforementioned, isn't going to revert back to Bush or Romney, and they also seem to have contempt for people like McConnell, Perdue/Loeffler, and many other "establishment Republicans". In the 2024 election, I predict that the RNC will try to completely erase Trump and act like 2016-2020 never happened, and force someone like Nikki Haley, Lindsey Graham, or even Mitt Romney again, down Republicans' throat, and they aren't going to buy it. At this point there's no way Trump will run in 2024. He'll either be locked up, dead, in too poor of health, or simply disinterested by that point. So, the GOPs strategy right now seems to keep doing their same old neocon policies, but embrace the "anti-establishment" rhetoric, though without the unhinged aspect of Trumpism. You can already see this with Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Tom Cotton, among others, formerly "establishment-types" who have changed their rhetoric to suite whats popular. Whether the base will buy into this is yet to be known. Or, the winner of the primary could be a non-politician outsider who runs on and continues the legacy of Trump. What's to say that Donald Jr. or Trump's other children, Cucker Tarlson, Charlie Kirk, or some of the other OANN/Breitbart/NewsMax goons that are popular couldn't run? Regardless, it's for certain that the GOP is in a very volatile and frankly, terrible place right now. But I don't think this is the death of the party nor will they be going any time soon. After all, money talks. And its not like the GOP doesn't have a history of breaking the rules and being brazenly corrupt to win an election.

They were warned in 2016 to not go all in on Trump but they did anyway so they get what they deserved. They let him play around for a little bit in 2012 then smartly kicked his butt to the curb. But now they're reaping what they sowed in 2016.

Right after the 2020 election I was certain Trump would run again in 2024 but now I don't see how he can.
More irony: Four years ago Trump did not like how China was becoming a real force in international trade. However by being Trump, pissing off the EU in trade and also doing less trade, we in Europe are looking more to China now than ever. Over the past years we have not been able to trust the US government and our wish to trade with America has been going away day by day.

Into China's hands. If you want the US to be outside and the rest of the world united, Trump is your man.
This is all part of his treachery against the US. This was part of his plan to become an isolationist dictator.

I don't know y'all, I'm nearly of the opinion that in certain extraordinary circumstances perhaps we should toss aside written procedure in a last ditch effort to save face. Is there a place for the public hanging of traitors in today's America? @Dotini @Chrunch Houston @Joey D
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In a way, the salient question is: how many 2020 Trump voters will have been convinced to turn their backs on Trump after the events of the last couple of months? John Kelly has just called for Trump to be removed from office, James Mattis has condemned him, even Bill Barr has spoken out against him. What will it take for Trumpsters - like our very own Crunch - to come to a realization of what a corrosive force Trump is in American politics?
Is there a place for the public hanging of traitors in today's America?

Capitol noose.jpg
Into China's hands. If you want the US to be outside and the rest of the world united, Trump is your man.

It will always be America First if it’s only America on that one side.
People are pointing out that while Trump has been banned from Twitter & Facebook ... he still has the nuclear codes. Time to invoke the 25th?
This is all part of his treachery against the US. This was part of his plan to become an isolationist dictator.

I don't know y'all, I'm nearly of the opinion that in certain extraordinary circumstances perhaps we should toss aside written procedure in a last ditch effort to save face. Is there a place for the public hanging of traitors in today's America? @Dotini @Chrunch Houston @Joey D
As appealing a prospect the short drop and sudden stop can be at times, I don't think this is the right path. I want a functional criminal justice system in which people are treated equally under law, and that some are not isn't justification for others being denied that right.
The wrong building is in the background.

Also given the temporary nature of that gallows I'm surprised this bunch went the expense of using treated wood. Also whoever measured that joist put shame on American build quality. Further proof that these people aren't merely unAmerican, they're anti-American.
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As appealing a prospect the short drop and sudden stop can be at times, I don't think this is the right path. I want a functional criminal justice system in which people are treated equally under law, and that some are not isn't justification for others being denied that right.

Let them stew for a while for Sedition. Execution is not worth the price of making Martyrs.

The wrong building is in the background.

Also given the temporary nature of that gallows I'm surprised this bunch went the expense of using treated wood. Also whoever measured that joist put shame on American build quality. Further proof that these people aren't merely unAmerican, they're anti-American.

Somehow I don't see Trump supporters as "measure twice cut once" type of people.
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The wrong building is in the background.

You said somewhere in America and the WH is Biden's now.

As appealing a prospect the short drop and sudden stop can be at times, I don't think this is the right path. I want a functional criminal justice system in which people are treated equally under law, and that some are not isn't justification for others being denied that right.
This is all part of his treachery against the US. This was part of his plan to become an isolationist dictator.

I don't know y'all, I'm nearly of the opinion that in certain extraordinary circumstances perhaps we should toss aside written procedure in a last ditch effort to save face. Is there a place for the public hanging of traitors in today's America? @Dotini @Chrunch Houston @Joey D
IMHO, under no circumstances should we resort to summary justice. We have to be seen as following our own laws.
As appealing a prospect the short drop and sudden stop can be at times, I don't think this is the right path. I want a functional criminal justice system in which people are treated equally under law, and that some are not isn't justification for others being denied that right.

Agreed with this. We cannot shred one part of the Constitution and our rights just for a hurried attempt to fix what broke and heal the wounds of another constitutional crisis, as appealing as it seems.
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This is all part of his treachery against the US. This was part of his plan to become an isolationist dictator.

I don't know y'all, I'm nearly of the opinion that in certain extraordinary circumstances perhaps we should toss aside written procedure in a last ditch effort to save face. Is there a place for the public hanging of traitors in today's America? @Dotini @Chrunch Houston @Joey D

As far as I know, New Hampshire is the only place that allows death by hanging, but the last public execution in the US was in 2000 or 2001 so you probably won't be able to see it if it were to happen.
As far as I know, New Hampshire is the only place that allows death by hanging, but the last public execution in the US was in 2000 or 2001 so you probably won't be able to see it if it were to happen.
Oh, I was reading about this fairly recently. The default for the state is lethal injection, but should that prove to be ineffective or if it for some reason can't be carried out, the mandate is to fall back on hanging. The state doesn't currently have any facilities to carry out lethal injection, but it's moot since the state's last execution was close to a century ago.


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Oh, I was reading about this fairly recently. The default for the state is lethal injection, but should that prove to be ineffective or if it for some reason can't be carried out, the mandate is to fall back on hanging. The state doesn't currently have any facilities to carry out lethal injection, but it's moot since the state's last execution was close to a century ago.


Damn, the Graham Cracker put the flip in flip flopper.
Oh, I was reading about this fairly recently. The default for the state is lethal injection, but should that prove to be ineffective or if it for some reason can't be carried out, the mandate is to fall back on hanging. The state doesn't currently have any facilities to carry out lethal injection, but it's moot since the state's last execution was close to a century ago.


Speaking of the 11th hour, one argument shared by all courts who threw out Trump's lawsuits were the timeliness of the objections. You can't simply sit on your hands while things you believe are bad are happening, but then object after the fact. You have to object before it's said and done.

That means that, at least in my opinion, Graham's and others' attempts to save face should be completely disregarded and they should be judged on their prior actions, which of course were suckling Trump's teet for several years now. Courts need to make clear that their last-ditch efforts to appear reasonable are null and void due to a lack of expediency.
Some pretty alarming claims in this BI piece.

An administration official described the president as "a total monster" who was "so driven by this notion that he's been treated unfairly that he can't see the bigger picture."


Axios paraphrased its sources as saying that Trump's closest friends and White House officials were "avoiding him like the plague" and that some had "given up trying to communicate with him, considering him mentally unreachable."


Haberman also described a Trump advisor as saying that people close to Trump were "certain the president wanted this and is enjoying it."

Trump staying in office is looking increasingly untenable. I'm starting to doubt he'll last the week.
No matter what transpires, Trump will leave office with a miserable reputation and possibly as a traitor. But his staunchest supporters still love him. What should be done about that? If the man himself is mentally ill, then what does that make his followers? If Trump becomes a convicted traitor but still has followers who are American citizens, what does that make them?
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No matter what transpires, Trump will leave office with a miserable reputation and possibly as a traitor. But his staunchest supporters still love him. What should be done about that? If then man himself is mentally ill, then what does that make his followers?

Psychophants. Anyone who voted to overturn the electoral college is a moron, especially if they're a "conservative". Can't think of a better way to have democrats completely control the country. Oh wait, maybe if we have a bunch of lunatic fascists storm the Capitol...
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McEnamy's little speech was a joke like her. Subtle attempts to separate Trump supporters from those who got inside.
McEnamy's little speech was a joke like her. Subtle attempts to separate Trump supporters from those who got inside.
Kayleigh McEnany is my age, 32.

I really hope she's saved for retirement because I doubt she'll ever be employed again.