The GTP Unofficial 2020 US Elections Thread

GTPlanet Exit Poll - Which Presidential Ticket Did You Vote For?

  • Trump/Pence

    Votes: 16 27.1%
  • Biden/Harris

    Votes: 20 33.9%
  • Jorgensen/Cohen

    Votes: 7 11.9%
  • Hawkins/Walker

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • La Riva/Freeman

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • De La Fuente/Richardson

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Blankenship/Mohr

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Carroll/Patel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Simmons/Roze

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Charles/Wallace

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 15 25.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
When you post a Nazi picture in response to Trump and his supporters, you absolutely are comparing them to Nazis. It is an abusive and hateful attack against myself and other Trump supporters.
It's a picture showing roughly the same thing, don't get triggered.
I didn't see him say anything of the sort, unless your calling yourself a 1930s German supporting their beloved national socialist.
I am a 2020 supporter of Trump. Why am I being demonized and compared to a Nazi? He posted this picture/


This has nothing to do with the Trump.

This is nothing more than Leftist propaganda. And this is more than likely against the GTplanet AUP.
I am a 2020 supporter of Trump. Why am I being demonized and compared to a Nazi? He posted this picture/


This has nothing to do with the Trump.

This is nothing more than Leftist propaganda. And this is more than likely against the GTplanet AUP.

Didn’t you call Bernie Sanders’ supporters “comrades” just a moment ago? :lol:
I am a 2020 supporter of Trump. Why am I being demonized and compared to a Nazi? He posted this picture/


This has nothing to do with the Trump.

This is nothing more than Leftist propaganda. And this is more than likely against the GTplanet AUP.
If your personally offended because you see yourself as the group you posted earlier, I'm surprised I don't see tin foil hats anywhere.
Well if that’s the case, why don’t you answer to the other replies, debunking your claim that Trump has done well as president?
In several ways Trump has not been an exemplary President. But like I said before, it is undeniable that in the two MOST IMPORTANT criteria for voters (peace and prosperity), Trump has indeed done well. No matter what you or anybody else says. You may style yourselves as debunkers, but you are the joke.

That said, peace and prosperity are transitory, and may not last the summer. In which case Trump loses reelection.
In several ways Trump has not been an exemplary President. But like I said before, it is undeniable that in the two MOST IMPORTANT criteria for voters (peace and prosperity), Trump has indeed done well. No matter what you or anybody else says. You may style yourselves as debunkers, but you are the joke.

That said, peace and prosperity are transitory, and may not last the summer. In which case Trump loses reelection.
I am the joke? Yet the only possible measure of failure you’ve allowed is that he hasn’t taken America into war... but then your criteria are so vague that you could also mean... well he didn’t conscript people into war...

But then going to war in Europe in the 1940’s guaranteed peace and prosperity... so maybe even conscription into a war wouldn’t count...

phew, glad I’m the joke...
I am a 2020 supporter of Trump. Why am I being demonized and compared to a Nazi? He posted this picture
Not everyone who supported Hitler was a Nazi. In fact most people who supported Hitler in his rise to power weren't Nazis. They were ordinary German people who believed in all the good things Hitler promised, said, and indeed did - which gave him the power to go on to do the terrible things. Very few people remember that Hitler's first victims were the normal German citizens. The fact that 85 years later someone can still look at a photo of ordinary Germans supporting Hitler and call them Nazis is testament to that.

The photo doesn't show Nazis supporting Hitler, it shows Germans (with some Nazis) supporting a leader who promised them a lot and loved their country and brought them prosperity (which, after two decades of misery, wasn't hard). The meaning of the photo is that charismatic leaders with lofty promises inspire love and loyalty in their supporters. Nobody is calling you, or any Trump supporter, a Nazi or comparing you to a Nazi.
In Seattle, photos of hitler or nazi imagery is considered at best extremely poor taste and I suppose at worst trolling, incitement, hate speech or otherwise unacceptable.

It probably doesn't typify the most desirable sort of forum discussions. It might be good to know the limits on discussing hot button terms like hitler or nazi. Could a thread be started on the subject(s)? I should think not.
I meant to imply would-be debunkers of reality (the actual fact of relative peace and prosperity), those debunkers become unreality - the joke.

Check out these wicked one-liners!

The death rate for U.S. in 2019 was 8.782 deaths per 1000 people, a 1.12% increase from 2018.

Hate crime rising in 30 US cities as overall crime rates decline, report finds. Fifth consecutive rise and steepest since 2015, and trend continues in 2019, as ‘white supremacist’ homicides also increased

I'm so hilarious!!!
Check out these wicked one-liners!



I'm so hilarious!!!
Of course there are always exceptions that prove the rule.
The bottom line truth is that the US is a land of relative freedom and opportunity, relative peace and prosperity, and a good place for hard-workers and optimists.
Of course there are always exceptions that prove the rule.
The bottom line truth is that the US is a land of relative freedom and opportunity, relative peace and prosperity, and a good place for hard-workers and optimists.

So you just discredit any reality that under Trump the US has become worse, based on your inane, meaningless criteria. And just fall back on the fact that the US is a fairly free nation with some nice people in?

It seems like you've moved on from moving goalposts to just not even bothering to have goalposts to begin with...
Not everyone who supported Hitler was a Nazi. In fact most people who supported Hitler in his rise to power weren't Nazis. They were ordinary German people who believed in all the good things Hitler promised, said, and indeed did - which gave him the power to go on to do the terrible things. Very few people remember that Hitler's first victims were the normal German citizens. The fact that 85 years later someone can still look at a photo of ordinary Germans supporting Hitler and call them Nazis is testament to that.

The photo doesn't show Nazis supporting Hitler, it shows Germans (with some Nazis) supporting a leader who promised them a lot and loved their country and brought them prosperity (which, after two decades of misery, wasn't hard). The meaning of the photo is that charismatic leaders with lofty promises inspire love and loyalty in their supporters. Nobody is calling you, or any Trump supporter, a Nazi or comparing you to a Nazi.

That is EXACTLY the point I was trying to make (somewhat more cryptically) by juxtaposing the two photographs. Although white nationalists & neo-Nazis do apparently support Trump enthusiastically, the vast majority of Trump supporters are not neo-Nazis. However, as Famine points out, the vast majority of Germans who voted for Hitler in 1932/33 were not Nazis either - they were ordinary German citizens who believed Hitler "means well, loves his country and he is always trying to do what is best for Germany".

The photograph of Trump supporters doesn't show any neo-Nazis - it shows regular American citizens. It's true that Obama was a charismatic leader who was very much admired by a lot of people in the United States & abroad, but he didn't himself encourage a "cult of personality" the way Trump does (& the way Hitler did).

Trump is nothing like Hitler of the later 1930's & the war years ... but there are parallels to Hitler in 1932/33. Trump has systematically attacked many of the basic underpinnings of American democracy: the idea of a "free press" (the "enemy of the people"), the independence of the State Department, the US intelligence services, the judiciary, the Department of Justice, the electoral system itself ("rigged"). Trump has aggressively moved to discredit & quash any disagreement or dissenting voices within the Republican party. It's disturbing to contemplate what Trump might do to consolidate his power if given a second term.
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Trump has systematically attacked many of the basic underpinnings of American democracy: the idea of a "free press" (the "enemy of the people"), the independence of the State Department, the US intelligence services, the judiciary, the Department of Justice, the electoral system itself ("rigged"). Trump has aggressively moved to discredit & quash any disagreement or dissenting voices within the Republican party. It's disturbing to contemplate what Trump might do to consolidate his power if given a second term.

Quite... and it's amazing to me that there are still people that do not notice this. I think at least some of this damage will be lasting too, even if Trump is a one-termer.
It's probably off topic, but in terms of "6 degrees of separation" it's true I have 1 degree of separation from Trump and 2 from hitler.
comparing them to Nazis.
When I go to McDonald's I compare that Mickey Dub to sweet, sweet nuggies.

Comparing the excitement of one political rally to another is perfectly valid. I believe you are the one reading too far into it. You've invented a correlation out of a simple comparison. Nobody said a Trump rally is a Nazi rally. They said it is like a Nazi rally. For that matter, a Bernie rally is also like a Nazi rally - people show up, the politician says things, they get really excited. That's a factual comparison.

The most common reason that people are upset by comparisons is because they automatically assume correlation and are attempting to defend their position. Why their position would need to be defended if it does not correlate to the negative scenario, I'm not sure...

EDIT: As I scroll I find this

Why am I being demonized and compared to a Nazi?
You're not being demonized. You think you're being demonized. You're just making it up.

Your position is in fact being compared to Nazi supporters. Why? Because they excitedly supported their candidate. You also excitedly support your candidate. I like Bernie, and I excitedly support my candidate. Anybody could compare my passion for Bernie to the passion of Hitler's supporters, but I wouldn't get upset because 1. it's a valid comparison and 2. they aren't correlating me to them.

So again, you are being compared but you're not being correlated. That means you're inventing your own drama and getting mad for no reason.
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When I go to McDonald's I compare that Mickey Dub to sweet, sweet nuggies.

Comparing the excitement of one political rally to another is perfectly valid. I believe you are the one reading too far into it. You've invented a correlation out of a simple comparison. Nobody said a Trump rally is a Nazi rally. They said it is like a Nazi rally. For that matter, a Bernie rally is also like a Nazi rally - people show up, the politician says things, they get really excited. That's a factual comparison.

The most common reason that people are upset by comparisons is because they automatically assume correlation and are attempting to defend their position. Why their position would need to be defended if it does not correlate to the negative scenario, I'm not sure...

EDIT: As I scroll I find this

You're not being demonized. You think you're being demonized. You're just making it up.

Your position is in fact being compared to Nazi supporters. Why? Because they excitedly supported their candidate. You also excitedly support your candidate. I like Bernie, and I excitedly support my candidate. Anybody could compare my passion for Bernie to the passion of Hitler's supporters, but I wouldn't get upset because 1. it's a valid comparison and 2. they aren't correlating me to them.

So again, you are being compared but you're not being correlated. That means you're inventing your own drama and getting mad for no reason.

No keefe - just no. Whataboutism. There's no cult of personality around Bernie Sanders. People excitedly support his ideas.

Can you imagine what Sanders would say if he was confronted by a sign at one of his rallies that read: "Thank you Lord Jesus for President Sanders"? :odd:

BTW: "But that was just politics - while a tax cut for low income earners is what got Reagan elected, what those filthy boomers didn't realize is that the logarithmic nature of a marginal system was decimated."

I'ma let this go with an AUP warning. :irked:

I'd like to point out to you that in 1980 young boomers were 15 years old. The oldest boomers were 35. They were hardly responsible for dictating the outcome of the 1980 election, let alone the promotion of trickle down economics. This would be like your children, or grandchildren, blaming you for the election of Donald Trump & his divisive, racist policies.
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Well there is this:

I mean, if any of the democrats have a cult of personality/crazy following it’s Bernie. You don’t have the venture far on YouTube and alike to find them.

And both times (2016 and 2020) he’s stood for Presidential elections, his followers campaign with ‘Bernie or Bust’. Seems fairly extreme as a Brit...