The GTPFIA GT World Cup Season 2 2012

  • Thread starter Jav
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Joe, you really shouldn't have piledrived me out of the way like that, onto the grass and into the wall on the exit of turn 1. Not clean at all. Owens, I don't know how you managed to knock me off the road, but I don't think I was at fault, as it was a complete overtake when I was ahead and had the racing line.
Sorry 2 all who I ruined the race for, I couldn't get my car stop in time with the draft pull. I'm not sure why I'm having so many issue's in this GT1 class I promised to full caution in the remainder races to come' 👍
You cut the chicanes..caught me. And then u rammed me from behind going into one of the corners. U already effected the outcome of the race by hitting me twice and cutting corners. Just because you don't finish the race does not make everything go away. Please have some decency and respect for others in the league.
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This race day was screwed up from the get-go. I think we need to step back, take this as a learning experience, and start anew. Jav, I believe, you need to have a stewards meeting to go over some specifics about the series to get things ironed out, and then post the outcome of the meeting. What should be discussed is a firm qualy/race start, contingency strategies, and maybe some other things to help smooth the pre-race start times. Today was just horrible on all accounts, and we can't have one of the best series on GT5 go like that.
Original comment has been deleted - Hydro

Sorry, but this is by far one of the most amazing posts I've ever seen on these forums.

I can't believe one can let them selves go like that on a forum for sim racing.

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Well even though this is my favorite track, after reading what happend I can't say I'm not glad I'm on vacation 👍
Original comment has been deleted - Hydro

If you want to stay a member at GTPlanet, and henceforth, a member of this racing series, you best delete those insults, because that's abuse right there. You'll be getting some points for this race.
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Joe, you really shouldn't have piledrived me out of the way like that, onto the grass and into the wall on the exit of turn 1. Not clean at all. Owens, I don't know how you managed to knock me off the road, but I don't think I was at fault, as it was a complete overtake when I was ahead and had the racing line.

You really are delusional.

Honestly a few of the racers need kicked to stabilize the clean respectful racing.
As soon as this becomes difficult for Jav he's not going to want to do it anymore. All he should have to do is open the room ans we should know exactly whats going on. Being the host of a series that you are racing is really difficult. I haven't done it before but I notice that Jav has to waste time kicking randumbs instead of finishing qualy laps or practice laps. Its not fair so we should make it easy.

1. People not showing up on time.
( Please make an attempt to be prompt and show up before the cars have been checked for legality) That should be the cutoff. If you are not in the room before then. Just go away.far away. and never return

2. People deciding to learn the track for the first time on lap 1 of the race.
If you are not well versed on the track just skip the race rather than missing braking points and slamming into others.

Rage quitters.
(Rage quitters…)
15 people started. 7 finished. I didn't. Shame on me. Shame on all of us who quit. aCertain people have not even tried to finish a race. Just because you crash does not mean everything is over. Other people will crash later on

3. Track Boundaries.
(Do you want others to race dirty or clean? Stay on track regardless of your situation)

4. Hitting people on the pace lap.
(This is unacceptable. Mainly caused by people deciding to slam on the brakes and come to complete stops. This occurred right before chicane 2. There was no reason for this. )

5. Pace lap speeds.
(There actually are none in the OP). but no one should be slowing to 35mph.

And finally. Just read the gosh darn messages that popup from Jav! The man said” just start the race wherever it puts you”. So YES JoetruckV8. I was mad when you cluelessly just drove your way to the front of the field, making other people think they could start passing on the pace lap. Under no circumstances do you pass cars on the pace lap unless someone has rage quit!!

We are all competent people. This is easy. I promise you.
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As soon as this becomes difficult for Jav he's not going to want to do it anymore. All he should have to do is open the room ans we should know exactly whats going on. Being the host of a series that you are racing is really difficult. I haven't done it before but I notice that Jav has to waste time kicking randumbs instead of finishing qualy laps or practice laps. Its not fair so we should make it easy.

1. People not showing up on time.
( Please make an attempt to be prompt and show up before the cars have been checked for legality) That should be the cutoff. If you are not in the room before then. Just go away.far away. and never return

Lets set a Strict 5PDT (8EDT) Qualy Start time. This means pre-qualy check should start at 4:50 (7:50) along with resetting tracks and all that fun stuff. This season has a lot of different regs to keep cars close, so no one should attempt qualifying until everyone has been checked, since you will most likely get rejected at one point. This could also happen by checking at the other track like we did this weekend, however we need to go back to the track we have been practicing on since there are noticeable differences between weather change and non weather change tracks. So just go back to the track we've been practicing on as a rule. Qualy should be 20 minutes, so race starts at 5:20 (8:20). Anyone who shows up late for qualy can still qualify with whatever time they have left and will be under a post-race tech inspection for non-ambiguity. If you arrive after 5:20 (8:20), you may watch, but don't say anything, or feel free to enjoy your now free hour.

2. People deciding to learn the track for the first time on lap 1 of the race.
If you are not well versed on the track just skip the race rather than missing braking points and slamming into others.

This baffles me. Most people should have some time during the week to spend 10-15 minutes at least learning how to properly stay on track. Hell, just do some laps immediately after the race the previous sunday. Problem solved.

Rage quitters.
(Rage quitters…)
15 people started. 7 finished. I didn't. Shame on me. Shame on all of us who quit. aCertain people have not even tried to finish a race. Just because you crash does not mean everything is over. Other people will crash later on

(It was actually 5 DX)
I don't like people who do this. **** happens during the race. Keep driving and you may surprise yourself at a good finish. I had a hellish race but I kept driving and wound up winning even with starting in last and getting hit off and spun on multiple accounts. Not going to point fingers at anyone because the entire night was a disaster and no one was really in their right mind. As blaze said, forgive and forget. If you find your race ruined by someone else, you can submit an incident report, and a fitting penalty will be addressed to the perpetrator. (No one has ever done this in this series that I've seen, good thing and bad thing)

3. Track Boundaries.
(Do you want others to race dirty or clean? Stay on track regardless of your situation)

No more need be said. Stay on track. We're better than this.

4. Hitting people on the pace lap.
(This is unacceptable. Mainly caused by people deciding to slam on the brakes and come to complete stops. This occurred right before chicane 2. There was no reason for this. )

There is a reason I run a quick first half of lap usually, and that is to give everyone room and "get tires up to temp" but the second part doesnt happen. Think of the first 1/2-3/4 of the pace lap as a warm up lap. You are allowed to use some throttle. I, or anyone else on pole, will slow the field somewhere around the final corner or just after, depending on final straight length, and give appropriate time for the field to bunch up. Pay attention here. There is no reason we cannot get through a pace lap without damage. Remember things accordion when you hit your brakes so do so with plenty of room and do not come to a complete stop or bad things will happen.

5. Pace lap speeds.
(There actually are none in the OP). but no one should be slowing to 35mph.

Never. When I am on pole, don't expect me to slow anywhere near that speed. I will go down to 50-60. Never lower than 50 again. Pole sets pace speed. End of story.

Pole also gets to choose lane (2nd goes opposite, 3rd and back stays in game positioning). Pole sets when to start race. This can be a bit before the start line, but never after. No passing until you cross the start/finish line. Stay in your line until you cross start/finish line. Normal start rules, but I'm reiterating in case anyone has forgotten.

And finally. Just read the gosh darn messages that popup from Jav! The man said” just start the race wherever it puts you”. So YES JoetruckV8. I was mad when you cluelessly just drove your way to the front of the field, making other people think they could start passing on the pace lap. Under no circumstances do you pass cars on the pace lap unless someone has rage quit!!

Jav is the host. Jav has final say on all matters. You may address you opinion, but it's Jav's hammer that says the final word.

We are all competent people. This is easy. I promise you.

Thank you for this, blaze :) I hope my commentary just adds to what you already said.
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jesus what the hell happened last night lol

Be glad you was away. LOL

It was just a cluster mess. The late start. GT5 messing up grid. Room was unstable at first.

Thinking some practice sessions through the week might be useful.

Let's plan a weekly test and tune with some 5 lap races. Maybe like Wednesday or even Saturday evening. 6-12 est time slots.
Thinking some practice sessions through the week might be useful.

Let's plan a weekly test and tune with some 5 lap races. Maybe like Wednesday or even Saturday evening. 6-12 est time slots.

I agree with this there needs to be no excuse for missing your breaking points becase you didnt compensate for the draft. Having some practice races would help those who only learn the track on practice and qual only if they were willing to show up. Seriously tho I know how fustrating it can be last season I had 4 races in a row where I took engine damage early on in the race for this very reason. I know its been said a few times already but Im going to repeat it.

If you dont practice untill jav opens the room/qual dont race please.
You really are delusional.

Lag may be a bit of an issue here, but I was on the inside into turn 1, was ahead at turn in, and made it to the next apex fine, but got tagged on the way to the exit of the corner. Once you are ahead at turn in, you have the right to the corner and the person who has been passed should make an effort not to have a collision, because the corner and position is no longer theirs to defend.

I guess if we re-do this track next week, we will all have our racecraft sorted. 👍
I didn't know what the hell was going on last night, I was slowing last night to let others pass me to get to their rightful qualy spots then I got hit. I was hoping for a restart but alas everyone just kept going.

I used to like racing this series but it's starting to become a chore now. Perhaps some of you faster (more dedicated) guys could run by yourselves, and the slower guys like me could run a less serious event so we could have fun too. Please consider this Jav, I have friends that would join a less serious series with these specs in a heartbeat.
I didn't know what the hell was going on last night, I was slowing last night to let others pass me to get to their rightful qualy spots then I got hit. I was hoping for a restart but alas everyone just kept going.

Dear Ronin,

Jav said for everyone to start where the game puts them. Its becoe clear to me that many people missed this message but thats what he said. That's why everyone was confused. You werent supposed to be letting people pass you.
Lag may be a bit of an issue here, but I was on the inside into turn 1, was ahead at turn in, and made it to the next apex fine, but got tagged on the way to the exit of the corner. Once you are ahead at turn in, you have the right to the corner and the person who has been passed should make an effort not to have a collision, because the corner and position is no longer theirs to defend.

I guess if we re-do this track next week, we will all have our racecraft sorted. 👍
That whole 'someones corner' bs is dumb. If theres a car there or a chance they will be there, leave room if you dont want to be hit. This is a video game with very limited visibility, if you shut the door on someone expecting them to back out expect a wreck.
Guys it's been 2 days now and I've had some time to cool off and think things trough. I really feel the best course of action under the circumstances is to put the series on hold till we can find a way to adress the issues. I don't wanna keep anyone in the dark, so I'm just gonna say it. I'm stepping down, the series is gonna go on and you guys will still have a place to race on Sundays. After almost 2 years of this I simply need a break, we will keep everyone updated and let everyone know when the season is going to resume.
I need to thank everyone who's ever taken part of this series for the support and the good times, really appreciate it!
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