The GTPlanet 1/4 MILE Record thread!!

  • Thread starter mafia_boy
How the heck do you guys get those times?!:( The best i could do was a 8.5 with a Toyota GT-1, stage 4 turbo, and nitrous. How do you get a normal road going car in the sub-8's? Those times are impressive...:(
Welcome to :gtplanet: also it takes lots of practice to do this many people mess with the test course to find 100m times. To see if their going faster with the tune they just did.
How the heck do you guys get those times?!:( The best i could do was a 8.5 with a Toyota GT-1, stage 4 turbo, and nitrous. How do you get a normal road going car in the sub-8's? Those times are impressive...:(

1. Use the right car.
2. Set your gearing right.
3. Set your suspension right.
4. Use ballast & TCS correctly.

Those four areas are your keys to getting a time up on the board. Good luck.
with my ballpark base tune up I ran this in my cobra. i have run a 8.46 at the other track.

you can go ahead n throw me up on the list :)

If you can run an 8.46x on the Test Track, you will go faster at Las Vegas because there is no elevation change.

Time added.
I just use my phone and hook it up to my laptop via a USB cable, and upload to Photobucket/Imageshack/some other photo storage site.
Lol I broke the 15th record of Unlimited Race Cars in my Escudo 7.420 xD is there a way to transfer replays from GT4 to the computer? I would.
Lol I broke the 15th record of Unlimited Race Cars in my Escudo 7.420 xD is there a way to transfer replays from GT4 to the computer? I would.

Use the USB slot on your PS2. But I think you also need an Action Replay Max to allow this to happen.
Welcome you new guys, i see that times are been put down, I am very happy too see the love of the game is still there,but for me my ps3 is down,and if i get another one it cant play ps2 games, that a bummer for me:grumpy:. keep up the good work you are doing.
I want to see you get LOW 7's with the 3000GT & R34 because no one has come near those figures.....mid 7's, sure. Not low 7's, unless you prove me wrong. Like I said in my previous post, I would prefer you to focus your attention on the Escudo and see how you do with that because that is the Holy Grail when it comes to the 1/4 mile, mastering that car. ;) Only three people in the world have beaten the 7.200 barrier [I'm #3 with 7.199, behind I-Runner (7.081) & rossifumi from another GT forum (7.166)], so it would be good to see a fourth join that club. mcsqueegy is the closest to it so far.

7. 160 :lol: in the 14/09/2006

I forgot to update cyberscore but my best time


But The king Runner is still far to take second place:banghead:
Welcome Rossifumi!! :D I have been eagerly awaiting your arrival for quite a long LONG time. It's so good now to have ALL the top guys in the whole world under one roof and now validates GTPlanet as THE PLACE when it comes to bringing you the best 1/4 mile racers on Earth!! 👍

I will put your time in there ASAP as I know it's been verified on other sites, and good to see your time went down to a 7.128 in the pic (not 7.124 as you've said! :P). 👍 Keep up the good work and I await more times from you in the future and remember to always come here because I update things very quickly, and if I am lazy or miss things (like I say in the first post that I am lazy sometimes), just remind me and I'll get onto it straightaway.

thanks for Welcome Mafs :cheers:

I was wrong to post the photo my best time is 7125 .. changes little but better to be precise :sly:

sorry for the mistake :bowdown:
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Yeah, as Mafs said, welcomne to gtp! (sorry if there are some typos,my 9mth old loves png w

edit: ... playing with the keyboard

Rossifumi, great to have you here. Another new member has been breaking hearts on gtp, evokid2. I'd love to see you try some of his cars/atizzmES
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hii to all ... 👍
I,m very happy to see this 3D alive 👍👍

This is thanks to Mafs and the other Drag_members 👍 ..
I've noticed that i lost many positions but as the french people say "cest la vie" ..

I don't know if i'll find time to try some runs , here is too hot in the evening and
my old PS2 could be ... burned :eek: (I've lost the hand ..too :grumpy: )

I stop to play GT5P for the hot temperature also ..

see yaa and "hit the pedal"

mafia_boy,long time i am looking too buy me a ps2 again, my no nos times have not been put up yet. Welcome new guy you are breaking down the times i love that, i got to get back in the game.:)
Finally a place like this

What do you mean by finally? This thread has been around for just off 5 years, and another 2 years before that for the original 1/4 mile thread. Don't spam the thread please but welcome to you aswell since it's your first post. :)
Well, evokid......I've given you a fair amount of time keeping my road car world record warm for me, and so I decided tonight that it was time for me to take my record back before my birthday on Saturday!!

Basically, I've overhauled the R35 and pushed the boundaries of it's performance like I never have before. Not believing that I could lower my previous PB I set off in pursuit of the target of 7.314, and I started slowly hacking down the thousandths......first a 7.321, then 7.319, then .318, then .317, then .315 and then I equalled the record of 7.314, but at the end of the night here (it's now 2am my time!) I have achieved my goal with a NEW WORLD RECORD TIME of 7.313, at a speed of 301km/h.

Pic AND video has been taken this time to prove it's validity, and also to show the differences in launches between us, like I promised many months ago.

I'm off to bed now as I have to be in 6hrs to get my son ready for daycare but after he's on the school bus, I'll upload the picture on here and the video on my YouTube channel and link it across for you all to witness it.

All I can say after this is.........🤬 YEAH!! WOOHOO!! I GOT MY ROAD CAR RECORD BACK!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

*waits for evokid to get a working backwards compatible PS3 or PS2 to try and take it back.*

What a way to bring in the 6th year of the 1/4 mile thread!! :cool:
I just pulled an 8.095 with the RX-7.

Sadly, this means I can't do anything with GT4 until I either find my phone or borrow a camera. But it's worth it. I saw a run come up as 8.116, laughed, did a little more gearing tweaking, a couple more runs to get my shift points right and... Boom.

Edit: Oh, wait, I forgot replay screen works for legality here. It's all good.
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Wow, two records within an hour and a half of eachother. First the Road car record, and now the rotary record. The world awaits our pics RJ. 👍

Just remember, replay theatre screen also works RJ, so long as I see where the replay was done and what time was done......or just pause it across the line during the replay ala No Nitrous times.

I'm just getting the boy ready for school right now, waiting for the bus, then I'll be back on to upload my pic and video. :cool:
Thanks Max. :) By the way, the setup for the R35 is slightly changed to what I showed you a few months back......not much mind you but I used some of your tricks and combined them with my tricks along with some new things I discovered to come up with the ultimate combination, so in part, this record is thanks to you and Macca. :P

The funny thing is if I had evokid's settings I'd probably have a 7.2xx GTR due to my launch being much better than his, I've compared both runs (his YouTube video vs my run last night) and yeah, my time comes in the first 60ft, where his is a higher top speed than mine.
Nice work mafs and RJ. It's quite remarkable that 6 years later we're still getting records. I'd like to see evokid back here to test you blokes even further.
Tell me about it mate, I'd actually like to collaborate with the others now to try and achieve those holy grails of a 6 second Escudo and a 7.2xx GTR because I feel that both are achievable, but I doubt it can be done singlehandedly.

Also, since RJ ran his 8.0, I'm thinking that maybe an 8.07x or lower is possible.....I doubt a 7 is there but I've been proven wrong before.
I too have to thank Max a bit... It seems that my suspension tune was actually off quite a bit... Gearing could STILL use work as well though, as I ran that .125 with my "wrong" suspension setup. And I think my trap speeds are missing a bit as well...

Edit: I was able to improve the time a bit further. Still using an absolute crap launch technique (Redline, spray when clutch engages a bit) but oh well. Here's the new time:

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I have to say great job guys, 👍 i been down no ps2, or ps3 so i have been working on getting back the two. How i love this game maf i really do have two thank you for believing in me, and my other gt fans thanks. i will do my best too get back in the game. my new pic will be up soon.:sly: i got it back 7.312 and i am going down.


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The pic isn't working on my adobe reader.......why didn't you just leave it as a JPEG?

Take another pic and upload.....I'm still wondering why the sound didn't work for my replay video, hence why I haven't uploaded it yet.

*added bit* Thanks for the re-uploaded picture evokid.....I'll update your time asap, and get back onto the PS2 to get a 7.311. :lol:
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