The Homosexuality Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Duke

I think homosexuality is:

  • a problem that needs to be cured.

    Votes: 88 6.0%
  • a sin against God/Nature.

    Votes: 145 9.8%
  • OK as long as they don't talk about it.

    Votes: 62 4.2%
  • OK for anybody.

    Votes: 417 28.2%
  • nobody's business but the people involved.

    Votes: 765 51.8%

  • Total voters
We were born(meant to be), strait. I know your thinking, where does it say that. Well back @ all my older comments say it all.

So basically you are adding nothing to this discussion and just reverting to that old favourite of religious people - "Because God said so."
So basically you are adding nothing to this discussion and just reverting to that old favourite of religious people - "Because God said so."
And God said so in the bit of the book we pick and choose from. Kinda. If you read it funny.
We were born(meant to be), strait. I know your thinking, where does it say that. Well back @ all my older comments say it all.
It's been said at least twice in the last few pages: If homosexuality were a choice, why would someone choose to be so if they knew they would be ridiculed and oppressed?
[Citation needed]

If people choose their sexuality like they choose their clothes, you must have made a choice to not be gay in order for anyone who is gay to make the other choice.

Perhaps he wasn't always sure?
I'll just use humans as an example due to our current status. We are way overpopulated at the moment (7 billion? Seriously...), thus a non-reproducing gay contributes to humanity on his own part quite nicely. He can't affect things a whole lot alone, but the more gays there are in the world, the more effectively population can be controlled without any violence.

Of course, you don't need to be gay to refrain from reproducing. However, the likelihood for a non-raped gay woman getting pregnant is pretty much slim, as opposed to a straight who has simply decided not to have kids. 'Cause you know, accidents could happen any day even in safe sex between a guy & gal.

1) The earth is not over populated one bit.
However it's resources are misused.

2) Gay (non raped) woman get pregnant through artificial insemination everyday.

Not sure either of those points have anything to do with homosexuality?
What does scientists have to do with homosexuality?

Plenty. It's a complicated subject. This would be your opportunity to learn more about homosexuality before your next post, rather than spewing ill-informed statements all over the forum.

The earth is not over populated one bit.
However it's resources are misused.

No and yes, in that order. We could be more canny with the resources we have, but we also have limited capacity for resources which is exceeded by the rate population is growing.

But your final point is correct - overpopulation doesn't have much to do with homosexuality. Though it was brought up in good faith, through the genetics argument.
About "gay marriage"; aren't male-male, female-female and male-female "marriages" different? Why they all should be called with a same name, it's no longer about equality when the situations are clearly different. Using one word for them all isn't as descriptive as would be calling them with different names. For sure people who want to distinguish between them would begin to differentiate them with either attributes or by creating different words for them.

A good example of over-equalisation is Sweden, where the kindergarten teachers and children (in public kindergartens) are no longer allowed to call the children/each other boys and girls, but 'friends' ("vän") (somehow this means me of calling people "comrades"...). Also, in these kindergartens they are no longer addressed with 'he' ("han") and 'she' ("hon"), but a newspeak "hen", being a purposefully-made gender neutral third person singular pronoun.

In Sweden also there was also a toy catalogue for Christmas this year where girls were photoshopped to be playing with toy guns, cars and other toys often associated with boys. Then the boys were photoshopped to be playing with dolls. Seriously, I can tell that this kind of manipulation doesn't work: my parents refused to buy me any toy guns to not make me pro-firearm - I begun using roughly pistol-shaped wooden branches as toy weapons (I also own a rifle and a pistol nowadays, it worked well, you see). Nowadays I laugh at and look in disbelief at those people who want to ban toy guns (yeah, there are them in Finland, they're all leftists) and get boys playing with dolls. Like it really works... I remember an occasion when two friends of mine had hanged a doll they were put to play with and snapped its hands, I find it difficult to believe that was what the leftist pacifists wanted. Over-equalisation just doesn't work, that's from a first-person perspective.

Uh-huh. Please tell me more about genetics - I only have two degrees in it.

How female do you think X0 individuals are? How male do you think XYY individuals are? How female do you think XY individuals with AIS, Swyer's or 5ARD are? How female do you think XX individuals with CAH are?

We have at least six chromosomal gender genotypes - XX Female, XY Male, Turner's Female (X0), Klinefelter's Male (XXY, plus any additional number of X or Y), XYY male (unnamed) and Triple X Female (at least XXX, with any additional number of Xs).

As for gender phenotypes, I wouldn't even be able to count them due to all the intersex spectrum disorders. The above individuals would test as:

Chromosome Gender - FISH Gender - Barr Gender - Phenotype
XX - Female - Female - Female
XY - Male - Male - Male
X0 - Female - Male - Female
XXY - Male - Female - Male
XXXY - Male - Inconclusive - Male
XYY - Male - Male - Male
XXYY - Male - Female - Male
XXX - Female - Inconclusive - Female

Gender isn't as simple as what your sex chromosome complement is.

I know, but SRY causes masculine features to develop, a bodily appearance as a male. Physically the existence of a Y-chromosome makes the subject a male. While XXY, XXXY, XYY, XXYY, XYYY, XXYYY, XXXYY (those have been listed as possible, but some of them would already require parents with disorders) disorders cause the individuals to differ from a standard XY male, they have physical appearance of a male (physically being a male). XYY is even pretty close to a XY male, with few to none differences (even being potentially fertile compared to most X/Y chromosome disorders).

SRY causes the individual to be a male physically. While the disorders may cause psychological differences due to hormone level differences when compared to XY male, the individual is histologically a male (has all male organs). Also, other mental retardation may occur.

X0, XXX, XXXX and XXXXX females have a female physical appearance. Again, mental or other psychological differences may occur.

By the way, has anyone ever recorded a 00 individual, or is it a fatal disorder? That might explain even more from the gender development process.

Fun fact: birds' male gender is XY, while female is YY. Mole males are X0, their Y has self-degenerated and somehow disappeared, possibly their SR gene conjoined with another chromosome so that X0 produces a male, while XX produces a female.
About "gay marriage"; aren't male-male, female-female and male-female "marriages" different?
No. They're a consenting adult forming a civil contract with another consenting adult.
I know, but SRY causes masculine features to develop, a bodily appearance as a male.
SRY causes the individual to be a male physically. While the disorders may cause psychological differences due to hormone level differences when compared to XY male, the individual is histologically a male (has all male organs).
Nope. Please refer to androgen insensitivity syndrome - individuals with a Y chromosome and functioning SRY (producing TDF) but who are phenotypically female.

You simply cannot say "this allosome genotype is this gender phenotype". It doesn't work like that - except for the lucky majority.
By the way, has anyone ever recorded a 00 individual, or is it a fatal disorder?
It'd be fatal. 0Y is too.
Found the ultimate answer to all my quoters.

Romans 12:2- it says.
"And quit being fashioned after this system of things, but be transformed by making your mind over, that you may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of god".

So gays can change from being homo to being strait
Found the ultimate answer to all my quoters.

Whoops, you misspelled flimsy, fictional account taken out of context and not even well as ultimate answer. Do remember to spellcheck.

If we're going to play a game of Quotellships then I may as well throw out

Also Romans 12
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

so basically lol dis means u cn b who u wn 2 b.
Found the ultimate answer to all my quoters.

Romans 12:2- it says.
"And quit being fashioned after this system of things, but be transformed by making your mind over, that you may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of god".

So gays can change from being homo to being strait

Elementary school textbooks have greater authority than the Bible. Quoting scripture may work with other Christians, but it has no place in any discussion where facts, logic, and reasoning are given weight.

Meaningless point.
Found the ultimate answer to all my quoters.
Nope. You found a letter written by a guy called Paul to some people several hundred years before DNA - or even the cell itself - was discovered and then pulled a bit out of it that made no sense to support no point that has been brought up.

What I said was
[Citation needed], not [Please post something irrelevant].

In order for someone gay to have the opportunity say to themselves "I know, I'll put it in another man's bottom.", you must have also had that opportunity but said to yourself "I know, I'll put it up a woman's front bottom.". So when was that?

Only, I don't remember being asked.
Found the ultimate answer to all my quoters.

Romans 12:2- it says.
"And quit being fashioned after this system of things, but be transformed by making your mind over, that you may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of god".

So gays can change from being homo to being strait

Ahh, good old god, telling us what to do and who to be - hopefully Danny and those other misguided gays stop being happy as they are and listen to him. How about you make your mind over and stop being so closed to reasoning? Would you jump off of a cliff if god told you to?

May I ask, does somebody who you've never met being gay have any effect on you or your life, other than you not liking it because the Flying Spaghetti Monster said that it is wrong?

If you lived alone on an island, cut off from anybody else and with no means of contact (no internet, no phones, etc) you wouldn't know that gays even existed... so it's pretty clear that gays aren't the problem, but outdated fairytale nonsense is.
No. They're a consenting adult forming a civil contract with another consenting adult.

Legally that. But in normal speech people would surely differentiate them. Because there is a clear difference.

Nope. Please refer to androgen insensitivity syndrome - individuals with a Y chromosome and functioning SRY (producing TDF) but who are phenotypically female.

You simply cannot say "this allosome genotype is this gender phenotype". It doesn't work like that - except for the lucky majority.

Well, without SRY the phenotype can never be male. So, it's like female is the "base" gender, and male gender comes out of a combination of genes.

Interesting how people who think homosexuality is only a choice never recall when they chose to be straight...

I'd recall there was a study which came to the conclusion that 90% of heterosexuals had bisexual traits/possibility to be manipulated to become bisexual. Why would sexuality be something that is completely set by genes; isn't it that genes just set the borders to how much the environment can shape us? Hence manipulation of sexual orientation shouldn't be an impossibility.
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Legally that. But in normal speech people would surely differentiate them. Because there is a clear difference.
Which is irrelevant.

People can discriminate however they like. Government must not.
Well, without SRY the phenotype can never be male. So, it's like female is the "base" gender, and male gender comes out of a combination of genes.
Yet even with the Y allosome, SRY is not guaranteed and even with the SRY genotype, male phenotype is not guaranteed and "female" and "male" are not the only two options - which was the original point.
People can discriminate however they like. Government must not.

Discrimination? To differentiate a male-male coupling from a male-female coupling? I'd say not.

Yet even with the Y allosome, SRY is not guaranteed and even with the SRY genotype, male phenotype is not guaranteed and "female" and "male" are not the only two options - which was the original point.

Well, it's a sliding scale, kind of. But the two ends are far enough to distinguish them as their own genders, and most people are lucky enough to end being at one end of the scale or the other. The unlucky then fall somewhere between.
Found the ultimate answer to all my quoters.

Romans 12:2- it says.
"And quit being fashioned after this system of things, but be transformed by making your mind over, that you may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of god".

So gays can change from being homo to being strait
Well anything is possible in the Bible, just like on the interwebs.
Just say it's so and it's so, even if it contradicts something else, both shall be correct as the interpeter desires.
At least that is the book and religion I know... Ironically an evolving religion that disputes evolution, as it slowly evolves to accept evolution, the irony is just overwhelming.

And yes, you can choose to live a straight life, but that would be the equal of you living a gay life as a straight person.
I haven't ever seen volunteers though...
Discrimination? To differentiate a male-male coupling from a male-female coupling? I'd say not.
Then you'd be wrong.

Treating people differently because of where people like to place their genitalia of an evening is a discriminatory practice. Government has no business being concerned with it at all, much less using it was the basis for saying who can sign what contracts with others. For that matter it has no business even being involved in marriage in the first place.
Well, it's a sliding scale, kind of. But the two ends are far enough to distinguish them as their own genders.
It's at least four sliding scales and, for convenience and out of historical habit, we treat the points where all four meet as our two genders.

But it's just out of habit. Other countries have different habits - look up the Guevedoche gender of Dominican Republic.
Then you'd be wrong.

Treating people differently because of where people like to place their genitalia of an evening is a discriminatory practice. Government has no business being concerned with it at all, much less using it was the basis for saying who can sign what contracts with others. For that matter it has no business even being involved in marriage in the first place.

Legal differentation, maybe. But it is no discrimination for sure if people explain that one couple is a female-female while the other is male-female and the third male-male.


But yeah, I am pretty sure sexuality is manipulable. Endorphins and dopamine have such strong effects on the brain that people could possibly brainwash themselves to change their sexuality should they want to. Especially because that a lot of people are potential bisexuals, surely ancient Greece isn't the only place where most people were bisexual. It is just our environment that has "decided" that most of us are clearly and only heterosexual. The same applies to gay societies, from what I've heard through a gay schoolmate most of them like to impose the mantra that if you like the same gender you are a homosexual, and bisexuality doesn't exist.
Legal differentation, maybe. But it is no discrimination for sure if people explain that one couple is a female-female while the other is male-female.
Do we need to call mortgages something different if women get them compared to when men do - mortgages and "lady house loans"? Do we need to call credit cards something different if white folk get them compared to when black folk do - credit cards and "black plastic cash"?

So why do we need to call marriages something different if gay people get them compared to when non-gay people do?
But yeah, I am pretty sure sexuality is manipulable. Endorphins and dopamine have such strong effects on the brain that people could possibly brainwash themselves to change their sexuality should they want to. Especially because that a lot of people are potential bisexuals, surely ancient Greece isn't the only place where most people were bisexual. It is just our environment that has "decided" that most of us are clearly and only heterosexual. The same applies to gay societies, from what I've heard through a gay schoolmate most of them like to impose the mantra that if you like the same gender you are a homosexual, and bisexuality doesn't exist.
Indeed - check out the Kinsey Scale.
But yeah, I am pretty sure sexuality is manipulable. Endorphins and dopamine have such strong effects on the brain that people could possibly brainwash themselves to change their sexuality should they want to. Especially because that a lot of people are potential bisexuals, surely ancient Greece isn't the only place where most people were bisexual. It is just our environment that has "decided" that most of us are clearly and only heterosexual. The same applies to gay societies, from what I've heard through a gay schoolmate most of them like to impose the mantra that if you like the same gender you are a homosexual, and bisexuality doesn't exist.

My gay flatmate does this. He seems to believe that if anyone has the slightest interest in the same sex, that they must be gay.
My gay flatmate does this. He seems to believe that if anyone has the slightest interest in the same sex, that they must be gay.

I prefer to simply think of it as sexuality, we are attracted to who we are attracted to.
Legally that. But in normal speech people would surely differentiate them. Because there is a clear difference.

Two guys at your school/work/where ever like to hang out and have similar interests. They're called friends.

Two girls at your school/work/where ever like to hang out and have similar interests. They're called friends.

So I figure, it'll go something like that. As in there's not much meaningful difference to point out.
In humans, the latest research [source] suggests it's more the genetics of grandparents likely to produce parents of homosexual offspring. The maternal grandmothers and aunts of homosexual men seem to produce more offspring in general. Whatever it is, genetically, that results in homosexual offspring, results in more offspring in the first place. Indirectly, any homosexuality gene, latent or otherwise, can actually increase the fecundity of females in the family.

I've also read in a similar study in the past that women in families with homosexual offsprings are more fertile and have increased fecundity, but also that the homosexuals help to raise the relative's offspring, allowing the offspring a higher likelihood of survival and passing the family's genetics to the next generation.
Do we need to call mortgages something different if women get them compared to when men do - mortgages and "lady house loans"? Do we need to call credit cards something different if white folk get them compared to when black folk do - credit cards and "black plastic cash"?

So why do we need to call marriages something different if gay people get them compared to when non-gay people do?

Do we call a bunch of roses different when the first are white, the second yellow and the third a mixture of yellow and white? Most certainly we do have three different labels: "white roses", "yellow roses" and "yellow and white roses".

Indeed - check out the Kinsey Scale.

I apparently scored somewhere between 0 and 1, two tests resulted in 0, one in 0.4 without rounding.
But yeah, that scale was how I thought it goes, especially if I recall several people's behaviour while they were mildly drunk or tired - indeed somewhere in-between.
Do we call a bunch of roses different when the first are white, the second yellow and the third a mixture of yellow and white? Most certainly we do have three different labels: "white roses", "yellow roses" and "yellow and white roses".

Or alternatively, 'roses'.

Do we call a bunch of roses different when the first are white, the second yellow and the third a mixture of yellow and white? Most certainly we do have three different labels: "white roses", "yellow roses" and "yellow and white roses".
Couple of minor points.

Roses are not represented by a rose government, so how we'd discriminate between them is irrelevant.
They are different species. Are homosexuals a different species?
Its seems my time is up and I failed to try to change people views on this subject.

But you do have the rights to do whatever you like. Your making satan happy. All the people who become gay/ are gay.