About "gay marriage"; aren't male-male, female-female and male-female "marriages" different? Why they all should be called with a same name, it's no longer about equality when the situations are clearly different. Using one word for them all isn't as descriptive as would be calling them with different names. For sure people who want to distinguish between them would begin to differentiate them with either attributes or by creating different words for them.
A good example of over-equalisation is Sweden, where the kindergarten teachers and children (in public kindergartens) are no longer allowed to call the children/each other boys and girls, but 'friends' ("vän") (somehow this means me of calling people "comrades"...). Also, in these kindergartens they are no longer addressed with 'he' ("han") and 'she' ("hon"), but a newspeak "hen", being a purposefully-made gender neutral third person singular pronoun.
In Sweden also there was also a toy catalogue for Christmas this year where girls were photoshopped to be playing with toy guns, cars and other toys often associated with boys. Then the boys were photoshopped to be playing with dolls. Seriously, I can tell that this kind of manipulation doesn't work: my parents refused to buy me any toy guns to not make me pro-firearm - I begun using roughly pistol-shaped wooden branches as toy weapons (I also own a rifle and a pistol nowadays, it worked well, you see). Nowadays I laugh at and look in disbelief at those people who want to ban toy guns (yeah, there are them in Finland, they're all leftists) and get boys playing with dolls. Like it really works... I remember an occasion when two friends of mine had hanged a doll they were put to play with and snapped its hands, I find it difficult to believe that was what the leftist pacifists wanted. Over-equalisation just doesn't work, that's from a first-person perspective.
Uh-huh. Please tell me more about genetics - I only have two degrees in it.
How female do you think X0 individuals are? How male do you think XYY individuals are? How female do you think XY individuals with AIS, Swyer's or 5ARD are? How female do you think XX individuals with CAH are?
We have at least six chromosomal gender genotypes - XX Female, XY Male, Turner's Female (X0), Klinefelter's Male (XXY, plus any additional number of X or Y), XYY male (unnamed) and Triple X Female (at least XXX, with any additional number of Xs).
As for gender phenotypes, I wouldn't even be able to count them due to all the intersex spectrum disorders. The above individuals would test as:
Chromosome Gender - FISH Gender - Barr Gender - Phenotype
XX - Female - Female - Female
XY - Male - Male - Male
X0 - Female - Male - Female
XXY - Male - Female - Male
XXXY - Male - Inconclusive - Male
XYY - Male - Male - Male
XXYY - Male - Female - Male
XXX - Female - Inconclusive - Female
Gender isn't as simple as what your sex chromosome complement is.
I know, but SRY causes masculine features to develop, a bodily appearance as a male. Physically the existence of a Y-chromosome makes the subject a male. While XXY, XXXY, XYY, XXYY, XYYY, XXYYY, XXXYY (those have been listed as possible, but some of them would already require parents with disorders) disorders cause the individuals to differ from a standard XY male, they have physical appearance of a male (physically being a male). XYY is even pretty close to a XY male, with few to none differences (even being potentially fertile compared to most X/Y chromosome disorders).
SRY causes the individual to be a male physically. While the disorders may cause psychological differences due to hormone level differences when compared to XY male, the individual is histologically a male (has all male organs). Also, other mental retardation may occur.
X0, XXX, XXXX and XXXXX females have a female physical appearance. Again, mental or other psychological differences may occur.
By the way, has anyone ever recorded a 00 individual, or is it a fatal disorder? That might explain even more from the gender development process.
Fun fact: birds' male gender is XY, while female is YY. Mole males are X0, their Y has self-degenerated and somehow disappeared, possibly their SR gene conjoined with another chromosome so that X0 produces a male, while XX produces a female.