The Homosexuality Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Duke

I think homosexuality is:

  • a problem that needs to be cured.

    Votes: 88 6.0%
  • a sin against God/Nature.

    Votes: 145 9.8%
  • OK as long as they don't talk about it.

    Votes: 62 4.2%
  • OK for anybody.

    Votes: 417 28.2%
  • nobody's business but the people involved.

    Votes: 765 51.8%

  • Total voters
Why shouldn't it be called marriage? Theres not a single reason.
Every human being should be treated like the other.

And there is no reason not to give civil unions the same legal protections without calling it marriage.

Why the need to not?

Like, interracial marriage?

Not even in the same league. Homosexuals were never kept out of the same restaurants, the same schools, nor were they ever slaves in this country.

Interracial marriage can still be between a man and a woman. Not all of us live in Alabama where interracial marriage is bad, but marrying your sister isn't.
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And there is no reason not to give civil unions the same legal protections without calling it marriage.
Yes there is: There's a differentiation, one that doesn't make sense.
Please answer my question: Why shouldn't it be called marriage?
Not even in the same league. Homosexuals were never kept out of the same restaurants, the same schools, nor were they ever slaves in this country.

You have no idea how homosexuals were and are treated in some places.
It's not as bad as the racism issue, but just because it isn't as widespread, it isn't less wrong.
Not even in the same league. Homosexuals were never kept out of the same restaurants, the same schools, nor were they ever slaves in this country.
If you could tell who was homosexual on sight do you think that would all still be true?

Oh, and they were (and sometimes still are) kept out of jobs, housing situations, etc. My cousin is a teacher and has to hide the fact that she is in a lesbian marriage with adopted kids for fear of losing her job. My state government is currently in a lawsuit challenging Constitutional equal protection for homosexuals legally married in other states. They are arguing that the Constitution doesn't apply to homosexuals the way it does everyone else.

Interracial marriage can still be between a man and a woman.
In recent years, sure. But not always.
Yes there is: There's a differentiation, one that doesn't make sense.
Please answer my question: Why shouldn't it be called marriage?

You have no idea how homosexuals were and are treated in some places.
It's not as bad as the racism issue, but just because it isn't as widespread, it isn't less wrong.


Yeah, boo hoo on the guys drug behind trucks or beat to death.

The worlds smallest violin should play for the people whose own marriages are so weak that they think legalizing homosexual marriage will ruin theirs.
And there is no reason not to give civil unions the same legal protections without calling it marriage.

So your argument is that an animal that looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck is a duck, but a gay duck is a civil avian?

What does having an additional term in the language to define the difference between heterosexual and homosexual marriage add to anything? Pro-homo marriage people will still just call it marriage either way, and anti-homo marriage people will still find ways to claim that it's an abomination regardless of the name. Can we just keep it simple for the rest of us ordinary folk?

I think you're fighting a losing battle, to be honest. Once it was to keep gays from being recognised at all, being gay was a crime. Then it was against gays having relationships openly. Then it was against gays being legally recognised as couples, and then it was gay couples receiving similar protections to hetero married couples. You're nearing the end of the line and all you've got left to fight for is the purity of the name "marriage". I wonder what you'll fight for when that's gone?

Let's face it, in another 50 years all the people who grew up culturally homophobic from the early 20th century will have died out, and all that will be left are people who grew up during times when gays were accepted. People who grew up with gay friends, work with gay people, have gay people in their family. It won't be possible to find many people who aren't connected to the gay community in some way, and it's pretty hard for most people to argue seriously for something that is a giant "🤬 you" to people that they actually like.

Best of luck to you, but your closed minded, biblically literalist way of thinking is about 400 years out of date. If you felt like opening your mind a bit, you might find that there's all sorts of great people out there and that all this stuff about which chromosomes you and your partner have is really pretty irrelevant.

What actually matters is having a nice life, being kind to those around you and building a community of happy, friendly people who aren't afraid to be who they want to be.
Not even in the same league. Homosexuals were never kept out of the same restaurants, the same schools, nor were they ever slaves in this country.

Interracial marriage can still be between a man and a woman. Not all of us live in Alabama where interracial marriage is bad, but marrying your sister isn't.
Except how homosexual relations were in fact illegal until just a few decades ago. Or how about how in many states there are absolutely no laws against discrimination towards someone within the workplace in regards to his or her sexual orientation? What about the cases where kids have been suspended from school for wearing something not supposedly appropriate for his or her gender, or when kids have been suspended for exhibiting any sort of homosexual behavior whatsoever?

Assault, rape, discrimination, harassment, parental abandonment... but sure, worlds smallest violin. Homosexuals just need to learn their place, right?
Come to Vancouver and see it for yourself sunshine.

Wow, sure, nothing bad could happen to me then. You sound like a swell fella.

Question: your post that I replied to. Were you responding to the OP or to the post above yours? If you were responding to the OP then I apologise for a mistaken assumption. If you were responding to the post above, I stand by every word.

No one being allowed to criticize it. What ever happened to freedom of speech?

People are more than free to decry homosexuals as abominations of nature, if they so choose. Other people are then allowed to use their freedom of speech to decry those people as assholes.

All's fair in love and butt sex.
Wow, sure, nothing bad could happen to me then. You sound like a swell fella.

Question: your post that I replied to. Were you responding to the OP or to the post above yours? If you were responding to the OP then I apologise for a mistaken assumption. If you were responding to the post above, I stand by every word.

People are more than free to decry homosexuals as abominations of nature, if they so choose. Other people are then allowed to use their freedom of speech to decry those people as assholes.

All's fair in love and butt sex.
That's nice to know. But take your tone down a notch, quite rude actually.
No one being allowed to criticize it. What ever happened to freedom of speech?
What government tried to stop you from saying something? Not that it applies, but how were you prevented from saying something here? Your post is still there.

I just tried to be humorous in asking what you mean by 'unless it affects you.'
You can go real far with that in life.

I find it odd that you're refusing to clarify whether you're OK with people being gay as long as it doesn't affect you, or whether you're OK with people discriminating against gays as long as it doesn't affect you.
You can go real far with that in life.
Hmm, I sense judgment in that tone, but someone else is rude for asking you to clarify your remarks?

Also, unless it affects you? You have every choice regarding who you choose to associate with, so I don't think there will be a case when what two consenting adults do in their own private lives is going to start harmfully affecting you. Unless we're talking an uprising here, and you think homosexuals are going to start the third world war or something :P
Hmm, I sense judgment in that tone, but someone else is rude for asking you to clarify your remarks?

Also, unless it affects you? You have every choice regarding who you choose to associate with, so I don't think there will be a case when what two consenting adults do in their own private lives is going to start harmfully affecting you. Unless we're talking an uprising here, and you think homosexuals are going to start the third world war or something :P
Michael Sam is a perfect example of homosexuality going overboard, he literally smeared cake on his lovers face and well you know the rest. Homosexuals are forcing their agenda upon people; school assemblies advocating homosexuality are the perfect example for promoting this agenda, why were we forced to attend these as teenagers. People get vilified for challenging it. Liberals are very narrow minded people always proclaiming their openness yet bash others on their stance. Homosexuality just like heterosexuality is a bedroom situation, which the government shouldn't be involved in promoting. I don't how anyone can argue with this. Rand Paul 2016 wooo woooo
Michael Sam is a perfect example of homosexuality going overboard, he literally smeared cake on his lovers face and well you know the rest.

Well, I guess we know where you stand then. Did you throw up a little in your mouth when you saw that?

Homosexuals are forcing their agenda upon people; school assemblies advocating homosexuality are the perfect example for promoting this agenda, why were we forced to attend these as teenagers.

Advocating homosexuality? Unless they're some very strange schools, I doubt they're suggesting that people should become gay. The idea is generally to reinforce the message that there's nothing wrong with being gay, and people who are gay shouldn't be ashamed of it. Which is clearly a message that needs reinforcing.

Given that it's not really a choice thing in the first place, you can hardly convince people to become gay any more than you can convince gays to become straight. At best you can convince them to pretend, and I don't see compelling reasons why a hetero person would pretend to be gay. As opposed to the social pressure and potential for discrimination, abuse and physical violence being solid reasons for a gay person not letting on.

Homosexuality just like heterosexuality is a bedroom situation, which the government shouldn't be involved in promoting.

I agree. The government shouldn't be promoting any particular lifestyle.

However, I do like that the government helps in putting down inequality wherever it lies. If it's related to race, or religion, or sexual preference doesn't really bother me.

If people weren't allowed to serve in the military unless they were homosexual, you can bet that the heterosexuals would be just as up in arms. As they well should be.
Michael Sam is a perfect example of homosexuality going overboard, he literally smeared cake on his lovers face and well you know the rest.
You know the rest? You mean two men kissed? Yes, you must of contracted cancer from such a horrible sight. What's that? Nothing about them kissing affected you other than making you uncomfortable because of your beliefs? I get uncomfortable when when any couple, regardless of sexual orientation, feel the need to make out like 15-year-old's at a restaurant or other public venue, despite the fact that I've only seen straight couples do so. You know what I do? Look away.

Homosexuals are forcing their agenda upon people; school assemblies advocating homosexuality are the perfect example for promoting this agenda, why were we forced to attend these as teenagers.
Ooh goody, the word "agenda" again. I love seeing "forced" and "agenda" used together. So has a gay couple ever rang your doorbell and asked to come into your house to tell you how you should accept homosexuality? I know religious groups have asked me to do so. Hell, the girl scouts are pushier when they're trying to sell cookies. It's a debate, and there are sides to said debate. Just because a group of people believe differently than another group of people doesn't mean the former is pushing an "agenda." For the record, most schools are actively against any sort of mention of homosexuality within their walls. Yours wasn't? Well, then maybe it's because your school doesn't want some of their students fearing for their lives, or committing suicide because of social pressure and bullying, or simply wish the students would all treat each other equally and respectfully.

People get vilified for challenging it.
You're not being vilified for disagreeing. You're being presented with an opposing argument, made with facts, and with respectful intentions. You can cry about it and say I have to respect your side, or you can continue such a discussion with respectful, countering arguments. On the same topic: how come it's always okay for someone against homosexuality or gay marriage to outright say another human being does not deserve to be treated respectfully and to call another human being an abomination, but it's not okay for someone opposing that stance to say it's disrespectful for someone to treat a human being that way?

Liberals are very narrow minded people always proclaiming their openness yet bash others on their stance. Homosexuality just like heterosexuality is a bedroom situation, which the government shouldn't be involved in promoting. I don't how anyone can argue with this. Rand Paul 2016 wooo woooo
Government shouldn't be promoting it, huh? Then government should stay out of marriage as a whole, right? Or should government condemn homosexuality solely because it's what you believe, despite that not being the majority belief within the United States? It also stops being a governmental issue when the government stops deciding homosexual couples are not lawfully allowed to get equal benefits as straight couples, like whether or not they get to collect estate if a partner dies, or whether or not their children get taken away if one of them dies.
No one being allowed to criticize it. What ever happened to freedom of speech?

Silly argument... this is a privately owned forum publishing in its own name, you're a registered member, the right to freedom of speech exists for the owners in this context, not for us. We agree to an AUP and stay around if we think the mods up hold. I've been slapped with it so I know they do :)

You can hold any view here you like and explain it, if you claim facts you have to back them up. If you claim an opinion this is a good place to test it by arguing it. So carry on :)

@AGENT47; I've asked you several times if a same-gender legal union should be called "marriage" or not. Several other members have asked you questions on similar lines. I suspect you think we'll hold a differing opinion from you - it seems reasonable to guess what your opinion is from the ground you're circling :)
That's nice to know. But take your tone down a notch, quite rude actually.
Your not a member of staff so please do not act as one.

If you feel the AUP has been broken then use the report button to draw it to the attention of the staff and if they agree then action will be taken. What you will not do is tell other members how to post.
In my eyes, a same-sex civil union is technically not a marriage in the eyes of the law.

Exactly, and that's kind of the difficulty here. When the law recognises that a same-sex couple have the same rights as a mixed couple then then it technically becomes a marriage.

So should the law recognise that "marriage" to be A Marriage?