Let's have some proof here, O'Reilly.Our President tramples the constitution on a regular basis
Let's not. This isn't the America thread, it's the Homosexuality one - and unless Barack has got a serious chat to have with Michelle, there's precious little relevance.
Can't really bring up the Constitution either, since it doesn't say anything about own-gender-lovin'.
Ok Famine, but I still have a right to at least defend myself. I don't appreciate being called O'Reilly as that is a direct attack on my character.
Genetic code determines your disposition towards sexuality.
The law provides protection with the " equal protection " provisions.
Homosexual activity should only be a problem if someone is forcing it on you . And that us covered under " rape " , laws.
To many the true definition of marriage is hetrosexual.
So to satisfy the equal protection clause , you need treat Gay couples with same benifits you afford hetrosexuals.
Discrimination is wrong.
There is no homosexual problem , only a problem with education and reasonable discourse among adults .
You do realize he knows what he's talking about right?
Liquid you look for argument where there is none .
You want a citation go to the highway and speed .
If you wish to read about sexuality and genetics and law that has been used to provide for transgender operarions by taxpayers using it , look it up.
Google has pages on it.
He also seems to object to healthcare involving pyschological or sexual health, from his comments.
So all those in here screaming it's not a choice now want proof it's genetic? I'm confused, is it then a product of environment and/or upbringing?
If so...
It's not actually possible to scream on the internet but whatever(calling me a wacko tv sensationalist is ok but saying 'screaming' is not? lol) , my point was a simple one; it's been stated several time that it is not a choice in this thread, has there not been a citation to back that up in all this time?
If it is a product of environment then as a practice it could be all but eliminated.
No, because "screamer" is a derogatory term for the uber-camp.
Addiction and sexuality are both a mixture, it seems, of genetic predisposition and environmental upbringing.
Genetic and not making a choice are different, as one implies a clear marker would exist in the genome. Would be like arguing that someone's favorite color is genetic.
Calling it a practice and wondering if said practice could be eliminated is a bit extremist sounding. Just a bit. Secondly, if it is choice why try to eliminate it anyhow? Why compare it to drug addiction when drug use would be a more apt analogy (still poor either way) in this case?
It's not actually possible to scream on the internet but whatever(calling me a wacko tv sensationalist is ok but saying 'screaming' is not? lol) , my point was a simple one; it's been stated several time that it is not a choice in this thread, has there not been a citation to back that up in all this time?
And what is O'Reilly?
Which it could be for all I know.
Maybe maybe not, drug use would be a clear choice, addiction not so much. I was also pointing out a legit parallel simply as in homosexuality used to be just as criminal as drug use/addiction.
In general I think as a whole we worry too much about things that will not effect us on a direct personal level, placing unreasonable importance on some sort of social pact.
We violate human rights this way all the time.
That was not the meaning of the term said to me.
Where did I say I was not interested exactly? you are grasping at straws now.
There are so many instances of rights violations in the name of the greater good it's not really funny.
Any example where the rights of a few are sacrificed for the rights of the majority, I'm sure you know what the u.s. was founded on don't you? Any violation is relevant to this thread as homosexual discrimination is on the table.