The Homosexuality Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Duke

I think homosexuality is:

  • a problem that needs to be cured.

    Votes: 88 6.0%
  • a sin against God/Nature.

    Votes: 145 9.8%
  • OK as long as they don't talk about it.

    Votes: 62 4.2%
  • OK for anybody.

    Votes: 417 28.2%
  • nobody's business but the people involved.

    Votes: 765 51.8%

  • Total voters
I know he has flip flopped, he sticks his finger in the air, have we seen him introduce anything worth while? That I don't know.
Same can be said about current we can't see it but it exist as an example. But in all honesty everyone at the moment, including my self need to get back on topic, Too much holistic talk. Starting to get the jitterbugs jks...
You are a key protagonist and from what I can see, also the one most responsible for most of what is off topic. You are also borderline trolling this topic. Wind it in or move along.
Quite simply, this thread simply needs an FAQ with all common questions / arguments listed and our members' best replies plucked from the thread.

As interesting as debating can be, this is the same old stuff;

- The bigoted / ignorant come in with intolerances A, B and C
- The GTP regulars retort with information X, Y and Z
- It goes back and forth for a while
- The bigoted / ignorant get bored and go away
- New batch of bigoted / ignorant appear

Wash, rinse, repeat ad nauseum.
Guys, case closed. Everyone can go home. Pack up the science into the big science bag.

#YouAreGayIf is trending on Twitter and it's providing a comprehensive list of what causes it, simultaneously amusing and disappointing me. Here's a selection.

#YouAreGayIf you start a chat with "hi"
#YouAreGayIf as a guy, u prefer romantic movies to action movies.
#YouAreGayIf you're alone with a girl in a room and you start talking about boko haram and football.
#YouAreGayIf u have sex less than 10times in a year...
#youaregayif you hate the opposite sex
#YouAreGayIf you re always going 'oooh get her'
#YouAreGayIf as a guy, u don't like football.
#YouAreGayIf you ve got a pink shirt
#YouAreGayIf u don't u understand God or nature's creation of the opposite sex. #Infact u are just foolish
#YouAreGayIf being called a "cheap slut" isn't necessarily an insult
#youaregayif you have dimples
#YouAreGayIf you spend more than 5minutes in the bathroom.
#YouAreGayIf if you hug a guy chest to chest and give girls side hugs
#YouAreGayIf you've never been in the back of a Police Van
#youaregayif you decide you want to be ok bye
#youaregayif you are riding a horse but in your head its a unicorn with rainbow coming out of its ass

I hope this clears things up for you all.
3/4 of those apply to me, and probably most of my friends. Surprise, none of us are gay.

One thing I find fairly tragic today is that, teenagers in particular, find any kind of emotion/close friendship/non "lad" behaviour gay. It infuriates me.
Guys, case closed. Everyone can go home. Pack up the science into the big science bag.

#YouAreGayIf is trending on Twitter and it's providing a comprehensive list of what causes it, simultaneously amusing and disappointing me. Here's a selection.

My linguistic feeling is that this actually covers the emergent definition of "gay" in a younger social context. "Gay" in that sense can simply mean "lame", it doesn't necessarily imply sexuality :)
My linguistic feeling is that this actually covers the emergent definition of "gay" in a younger social context. "Gay" in that sense can simply mean "lame", it doesn't necessarily imply sexuality :)
But they overlap, "lame" gay is because of sexuality gay.
3/4 of those apply to me, and probably most of my friends. Surprise, none of us are gay.

One thing I find fairly tragic today is that, teenagers in particular, find any kind of emotion/close friendship/non "lad" behaviour gay. It infuriates me.
Most of my male coworkers, who are predominantly 20-30, find any sort of male contact to be the most uncomfortable thing ever but treat the women in a way that almost crosses the line into sexual harassment. It's pathetic and a little disrespectful to the women that work where I do as well.
That's why i've found having a friend who isn't emotionally closed and, to a certain extent, homophobic, fantastic for me.
Most of my male coworkers, who are predominantly 20-30, find any sort of male contact to be the most uncomfortable thing ever but treat the women in a way that almost crosses the line into sexual harassment. It's pathetic and a little disrespectful to the women that work where I do as well.

Meeting French male friends in the UK is a strange experience because we have no problem kissing each other on each cheek* before we shake hands.

Work-wise I'm often in environments with white male engineers in their late fifties. Their behaviour borders on animal and is sometimes disgusting. It's fortunate that more and more of their male colleagues are becoming brave enough to say "no, say it out of work and not in".

*Facial**, calm down Finbarr :)

** Not that kind of facial Finbarr.

But they overlap, "lame" gay is because of sexuality gay.

Which in itself overlaps from the original meaning of Gay 1.0, to be happy and unfettered. Language develops, I don't think that the #YouAreGayIf (or whatever) tag refers specifically to homosexuality, more to the evolution of the word that encapsulates the "offence" of Gay 2.0 with a youthful overtone of general joking disrespect. This creates, in my view, Gay 3.0
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What's funny about the talk of Michael Sam and the liberal media "shoving it down our throats" (fnarr), is that once the law is changed it becomes a ho hum thing and life goes on. The same people who get upset about "the gay agenda" don't realize that if they would stop making such a huge fuss every time gay people do something gay, it wouldn't have to be a story.

The current premier of Ontario is a lesbian, and it is a complete non story. It doesn't matter, gay marriage has been legal here for over 10 years, the "debate" is over. If people would stop crying about gay people doing gay things it wouldn't have to be a story anymore.
You mean me, not @Azure Flare

I originally studied physics and mechanical engineering before moving to programming and design, photography is a hobby/job/art thing to me.

Your use of science is very... black and white for the most part. Which is to be expected from a career engineer.
"Which is expected to be a career engineer", nice character defamation there, yet I see no one mentioning you stay on topic. Sounds like you didn't finish your degree.
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"Which is expected to be a career engineer", nice character defamation there, yet I see no one mentioning you stay on topic. Sounds like you didn't finish your degree.
Yeah, my brother is an engineer, and I work with a couple, so I know I can say from my experience he's got a point. It wasn't meant as an insult, but more so stating how engineers typically want specific answers from what in which they are a part. Need a solution? Well there's a specific answer for it and it better be found; that's how my brother is at least. :lol:

A little general, maybe, but this whole topic is pretty much based off of generalizations, as is a lot in life, so I don't think it was anything worth taking personally.
Jason Collins is the perfect example of the media pushing the LBGT (gay part) agenda. He shouldn't be considered a hero for coming out. Ben Sharpio makes some good points.
Sounds like you didn't finish your degree.

I have a nearly useless associates in applied science, but you are correct, I dropped out of the engineering program my junior year. Though, for what it is worth, I have about 40 more credits of course work than most people holding a Bachelors degree.

Though I fail to see why having a degree in engineering would have much relevance in a discussion on human sexuality or gender identity.

Only defending my character as, you forgot to mention he did the same above, but I can see the blatant preference on your side.

It was more a comment on your odd need for objective analysis, such as requesting people's degrees and implying no one here understands science because they are not "qualified." The fun part is engineering and science are quite different in practice.

Of course, you then constantly use subjective concepts, like pushing the "gay agenda" and are, I can only suspect, a Christian that has his values placed in a very, very subjective book.
Though I fail to see why having a degree in engineering would have much relevance in a discussion on human sexuality or gender identity.

You fail because the 2 have absolutely nothing to do with each other.
Personally, I don't think you have a good stance on an argument when you start by saying something hypocritical as Shapiro did there. "I think that heroism is defined by willingness to sacrifice in favor of... and take a real personal risk in favor of a noble larger goal." So, American sports are widely homophobic, this is well known, and as has been seen with owners saying they would not have drafted Michael Sam because him being homosexual may disrupt the locker room, so how is Collins coming out not a personal risk? He could've easily been cut from his team and never played in the NBA again for coming out. And Shapiro admitted it was for a larger goal, that being to inspire youths to not be afraid of who they are, so how was what Collins did not heroic under Shapiro's definition?

Men kiss women on just about any TV show or news medium every single day, yet if two men kiss suddenly it's blatant advertising and promoting an "agenda." This is exactly why homosexuals are in no way treated equally even with marriage rights.
Have you ever heard of the word "empathy"? LGBT people also live in the real world, a real world that can be really horrible at times.
That's the easy way out fella, America is becoming too soft. If the LBGT wants special treatment then I also want special treatment for being heterosexual. Can't being using this gay card when they have the same rights.
America is becoming "too soft"? How is it "too soft"?

At the end of the day, all LGBT people is to receive the same respect and have the same dignity as straight people. They want equality - what's "special" about that?
That's the easy way out fella, America is becoming too soft. If the LBGT wants special treatment then I also want special treatment for being heterosexual. Can't being using this gay card when they have the same rights.
The fact that you think they're asking for special treatment is worrying. They're asking for equal rights and acceptance, and to simply coexist as normal people, which you don't seem to think they deserve.

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