The Homosexuality Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Duke

I think homosexuality is:

  • a problem that needs to be cured.

    Votes: 88 6.0%
  • a sin against God/Nature.

    Votes: 145 9.8%
  • OK as long as they don't talk about it.

    Votes: 62 4.2%
  • OK for anybody.

    Votes: 417 28.2%
  • nobody's business but the people involved.

    Votes: 765 51.8%

  • Total voters
RE: LGBT mafia, Obama involvement, socialist movement: Those three things were probably brought together because most homosexuals are liberals/socialists.
That's a very bold, broad, and in my opinion inaccurate claim to say most LGBT individuals are socialist. You also really should try to provide proof of a claim that fantastic.

One, because touchy-feely socialist rhetoric appeals to those kinds of people, two, because they've been convinced that the "right" to call same-sex unions marriage is more important than having a functional, fiscally sane country to exercise rights in (or perhaps that we can keep on borrowing, spending, and redistributing forever with no consequence).
I'm assuming you're just classifying homosexuals as an individual group along with liberals by saying "those kinds of people", but last time shorthand was thrown around like that was the 1950s, so your phrasing comes off as very judgmental. Yes, the massive debt this country is in, alongside other glaring issues, is more important to fix for the well-being of the nation as a whole, however; fixing said issue is an extremely long-term ordeal. Are we supposed to ignore same-sex marriage until the nation's debt is addressed fully?

And I'd go so far as to say that all was intentional on the part of the left - their policies and rhetoric are geared toward dividing the country into factions along lines of race, gender, and sexual orientation, so people will vote in blocs based on whoever promises their faction the most stuff, which of course will be the Democrats. Such herdthinks are very powerful, especially when any prominent figure in one of these blocs who dares to think for themselves gets branded a traitor and ostracized. (see: any African-American who doesn't follow the party line getting branded an "Uncle Tom". Which makes for an interesting study of meanings, when you consider the book character that label comes from.)
...What? So you're saying liberals want to divide the United States into factions, basically? How is that the case? I really don't see how Democrats are trying to section minorities to get their votes any more than Republicans.

As for Obama's politics differing from his words on this issue, I'd be inclined to disagree that that's a good thing - though they don't anymore anyway, as he made a public flip-flop on the issue.
I've always hated this. Don't change your stance and you're too standoffish or incapable of seeing other sides to an argument, change your stance after deliberation and you're flip-flopping on your morals and beliefs and can't be trusted as a leader. He gave his reason for changing his stance on gay marriage, he didn't just do it out of nowhere for pity votes.
1. This isn't the political debate thread, I'd rather not talk who should be president.

2. LGBT...mafia? What does that even mean?

I hope I'm missing a joke here, otherwise I've got some nice argumentative discussion ahead of me. :D

Canada got the right memo with the LBGT community whereas the USA keeps forcing it daily. Just the other day Ontario elected a gay mayor or something like that and it was basically non existent on the news. If that happened here oh boy breaking news. Obama is rumored to have been on the fruity side back in the 1980's (This is not a joke this is true look it up) hence his pro gay ways. Canada just gave the LBGT their rights and that was it, but for some reason in the US it's propaganda everyday. Maybe we need a Putin he flat out said he doesn't want any fruity propaganda in the media. Can't have a leader fo the so called free world being so/so. Just grow a pair Obama and just give the LBGT rights done deal.

RE: LGBT mafia, Obama involvement, socialist movement: Those three things were probably brought together because most homosexuals are liberals/socialists. One, because touchy-feely socialist rhetoric appeals to those kinds of people, two, because they've been convinced that the "right" to call same-sex unions marriage is more important than having a functional, fiscally sane country to exercise rights in (or perhaps that we can keep on borrowing, spending, and redistributing forever with no consequence). And I'd go so far as to say that all was intentional on the part of the left - their policies and rhetoric are geared toward dividing the country into factions along lines of race, gender, and sexual orientation, so people will vote in blocs based on whoever promises their faction the most stuff, which of course will be the Democrats. Such herdthinks are very powerful, especially when any prominent figure in one of these blocs who dares to think for themselves gets branded a traitor and ostracized. (see: any African-American who doesn't follow the party line getting branded an "Uncle Tom". Which makes for an interesting study of meanings, when you consider the book character that label comes from.)

As for Obama's politics differing from his words on this issue, I'd be inclined to disagree that that's a good thing - though they don't anymore anyway, as he made a public flip-flop on the issue.
Kids these days are reading books on Chucks & Chad what-about Jenna & Tera. The LBGT is more BGT than L. I think many in the straight demographic are offended that the "L" in "LBGT" isn't promoted enough. Obama on the other hand is just a pansy. I can guarantee if they just gave the LBGT full rights like normal peeps this gay agenda/fad would simmer away hopefully.

They are the exception.
Definitely not an exception.
Canada got the right memo with the LBGT community whereas the USA keeps forcing it daily. Just the other day Ontario elected a gay mayor or something like that and it was basically non existent on the news. If that happened here oh boy breaking news. Obama is rumored to have been on the fruity side back in the 1980's (This is not a joke this is true look it up) hence his pro gay ways. Canada just gave the LBGT their rights and that was it, but for some reason in the US it's propaganda everyday. Maybe we need a Putin he flat out said he doesn't want any fruity propaganda in the media. Can't have a leader fo the so called free world being so/so. Just grow a pair Obama and just give the LBGT rights done deal.

The last thing the USA needs is a fascist like Putin, given how little he cares about freedom of speech and the media, not to mention the blind eye his government turns to packs of skinhead thugs roaming the streets "hunting" for LGBT people.

Where is the source of these rumours that Obama was "on the fruity side" (disgraceful term BTW) in the '80s? You're making the claim, the onus is on you to provide evidence.

Perhaps the "gay agenda" isn't pushed so hard in Canada because, as you said, LGBT people have their rights and that was that - contrast that with the USA where about 30 states have explicitly stated marriage is between a man and a woman in their constitutions. When blacks were denied treatment as equals by their state governments in the '60s, I wonder how many conservatives shrieked about the "black agenda"?
They are the exception.
The last thing the USA needs is a fascist like Putin, given how little he cares about freedom of speech and the media, not to mention the blind eye his government turns to packs of skinhead thugs roaming the streets "hunting" for LGBT people.

Where is the source of these rumours that Obama was "on the fruity side" (disgraceful term BTW) in the '80s? You're making the claim, the onus is on you to provide evidence.

Perhaps the "gay agenda" isn't pushed so hard in Canada because, as you said, LGBT people have their rights and that was that - contrast that with the USA where about 30 states have explicitly stated marriage is between a man and a woman in their constitutions. When blacks were denied treatment as equals by their state governments in the '60s, I wonder how many conservatives shrieked about the "black agenda"?
The US needs a leader that is as vocala s putin is but just give the LBGT the rights and that's it, tired seeing this crap on TV all day everyday. Just the other day Fifa had a commercial and Jason Collins out the blue pops out. This scrub is like Tilke he's infecting everything especially the credibility of NBA players.

Racism is a bigger agenda but let's not go on that route, sticking with the LBGT issue. The U.S is obsessed with the back door brother agenda for some strange reason. If given full rights like in Canada I wonder how the LBGT peeps and supporters will react like. It'll probably be a fruity implosion kind of like how Obama is using food-stamps for votes. Our culture isn't the same as the Euro's or Canucks. The LBGT need to know one thing the 'T' doesn't exist it's not even applicable in biology. Just the other day on news some confused teenage boy said he was a female and was given permission to use the women's washroom; sounds like a cover-up. The T peeps need a good old fashion American a** whooping. Maybe it's the Bieber Generation being manipulated so easily. Kids need to be outside more not trapped in some closet playing am I a boy or am I a girl. Parents making their damn kids become Rupaul's protege. What's next I'm Metapod.
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The LBGT need to know one thing the 'T' doesn't exist it's not even applicable in biology. Just the other day on news some confused teenage boy said he was a female and was given permission to use the women's washroom; sounds like a cover-up. The T peeps need a good old fashion American a** whooping. Maybe it's the Bieber Generation being manipulated so easily. Kids need to be outside more not trapped in some closet playing am I a boy or am I a girl.

Just out of interest, where are you getting your information* from?
The LBGT need to know one thing the 'T' doesn't exist it's not even applicable in biology.... The T peeps need a good old fashion American a** whooping.

That's interesting, I wonder why on earth you've decided this bit of randomness. I mean, transgender people do exist. You think people are undergoing those surgeries just to trick people somehow?
because they've been convinced that the "right" to call same-sex unions marriage
their policies and rhetoric are geared toward dividing the country into factions along lines of race, gender, and sexual orientation
Two things. First, the lack of self awareness on display here is incredible. Second, it's hilarious that you think gay marriage and fiscal responsibility are mutually exclusive. It's like you think that Democrat/Republican are the only two sets of political views in the world.

Canada got the right memo with the LBGT community whereas the USA keeps forcing it daily. Just the other day Ontario elected a gay mayor or something like that and it was basically non existent on the news.

She was elected premier in our provincial election last week. And yeah, when people are treated as equals there's no need to make sexual orientation an issue. It's non existent on the news because it wasn't an issue in the election, funny how that works.

Kids these days are reading books on Chucks & Chad what-about Jenna & Tera. The LBGT is more BGT than L. I think many in the straight demographic are offended that the "L" in "LBGT" isn't promoted enough.

Ah, so gays are icky, fruity and disgusting unless it's hot lesbians making out, got it.
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That's interesting, I wonder why on earth you've decided this bit of randomness. I mean, transgender people do exist. You think people are undergoing those surgeries just to trick people somehow?
It's against the law to do sex reassignment operation under 18yrs old in the United States of America.
Just out of interest, where are you getting your information* from?
My sources are confidential as you can see. Edward Snowden kept it confidential as par our agreement. It's our little secret.

Two things. The lack of self awareness on display here is incredible, and it's hilarious that you think gay marriage and fiscal responsibility are mutually exclusive.

She was elected premier in our provincial election last week. And yeah, when people are treated as equals there's no need to make sexual orientation an issue. It's non existent on the news because it wasn't an issue in the election, funny how that works.

Ah, so gays are icky, fruity and disgusting unless it's hot lesbians making out, got it.
You got the memo more Jenna/Tera FTW.
The US needs a leader that is as vocala s putin is but just give the LBGT the rights and that's it, tired seeing this crap on TV all day everyday.
The T peeps need a good old fashion American a** whooping.

Well, you do seem to emulate your hero Putin in one way at the very least.
Well, you do seem to emulate dein Führer Putin in one way at the very least.
Obama's human rights record
- Attacked Libya
- Caused civil war in Egypt
- War with Iraq
- War Afghanistan
- Wins Noble peace prize
We need an outspoken leader not some hypocrite with his sheeple.

Wait, are you saying you want to see more gay sex?

Sounds like something the LGBT mafia would be all about.
B - BI
Gay definition:
of, indicating, or supporting homosexual interests or issues: a gay organization.
Even the supporters don't know what LBGT means.

Did you know that 57 on Heinz ketchup bottles represents the number of varieties of pickles the company once had? I figured we were just stating random unrelated facts.
That's the spirit! The Obama administration would love to have you aboard, distractions for the masses. The agenda is too legalize marriage for the LBG. I'm just skeptical how America would handle the issue compared to Europe/ Canada.
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Quoted for life, as this is the most sensible thing you have ever said.
Add Obama and the liberal mafia to that list.


You change topics faster than my wife changes shoes.
You meant husbands? If the LBG got rights everything will be normalized faster then this LBGT mafia would die down.

But, who shall I now go to for quality baked beans?
Obama gives out food-stamps . Sorry I just had to say it.
Well, you do seem to emulate your hero Putin in one way at the very least.
Courage? Perseverance? Man of a 1000 traits? Tell me more.

That's interesting, I wonder why on earth you've decided this bit of randomness. I mean, transgender people do exist. You think people are undergoing those surgeries just to trick people somehow?
Fallon fox certainly did it cause he couldn't cut it on men's MMA.

Well, the last eight pages have been... interesting. Silly me, I forgot how cruel people could be on the internet. Not caring about innocent people being tortured and slaughtered in other countries for loving someone, etc. I sincerely hope that most homophobes don't reproduce, so they can't teach their young, impressionable children to hate people that only wish to live and love in peace.

I apologize for liking so many posts. Sorry for spamming your alerts, guys. :(
Same could be said about us American's invading countries for resources but we seem to only care bout ourselves, and the LBG"T" over these bigger issues. Hetero-phoia is the trend. Obama has done his job brillantly with the masses. Remember the most important speech/view to protect is the one you are against.
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Courage? Perseverance? Man of a 1000 traits? Tell me more.

It's your sadistic desire to see transgender people brutalised.

Same could be said about us American's invading countries for resources but we seem to only care bout ourselves, and the LBG"T" over these bigger issues. Hetero-phobia is the trend.

"Heterophobia"? You're sounding more and more like Ann Coulter on meth.
Canada got the right memo with the LBGT community whereas the USA keeps forcing it daily. Just the other day Ontario elected a gay mayor or something like that and it was basically non existent on the news. If that happened here oh boy breaking news.

It's a non-story there because same-sex marriage is legal.

Just grow a pair Obama and just give the LBGT rights done deal.

Quite possibly the most ignorance crammed into the fewest words that I've ever seen.

Just the other day Fifa had a commercial and Jason Collins out the blue pops out. This scrub is like Tilke he's infecting everything especially the credibility of NBA players.


Obama is rumored to have been on the fruity side back in the 1980's (This is not a joke this is true look it up) hence his pro gay ways.

The U.S is obsessed with the back door brother agenda for some strange reason.

Yeah, you should definitely be participating in open, rational discussion on this topic.

Add Obama and the liberal mafia to that list.

So anytime a group of people views things differently than you, they're a "mafia?" Are you capable of doing anything besides vomiting out the fear-mongering that Fox News dumps into your head?
Add Obama and the liberal mafia to that list.

You meant husbands? If the LBG got rights everything will be normalized faster then this LBGT mafia would die down.

Obama gives out food-stamps . Sorry I just had to say it.

Courage? Perseverance? Man of a 1000 traits? Tell me more.
It's your sadistic desire to see transgender people brutalised.

No such thing as transgender people just confused people that needed a good spanking when they were younger. I woke up this morning now I'm feeling like a loaf of bread. You don't want to discriminate bread now do you? I'll be sticking with my choice of being a Texas Toast, Wonder bread is too soft.That's the problem you don't just wake up 1 day saying you are this and that when are against biology.

"Heterophobia"? You're sounding more and more like Ann Coulter on meth.
Ann Coulter now that's a true patriot. Meth that's something liberals want legalized, so leave me out of the dirty closet the liberals want to use for their druggie habits.
It's a non-story there because same-sex marriage is legal.

Quite possibly the most ignorance crammed into the fewest words that I've ever seen.

Gets same coverage as a top player look at those statlines. Careful though, don't want to attract the LBGT MAFIA . Remember liberals, they hate facts, they feed of emotion hence Obama got elected president over the likes Ron Paul. If he is gay , he is too be critique the same way any other scrub would be with those stat-lines. American LBGT supporters whine and complain too much compared to our Northern Brothers, the LBGT gets critique in Canada but in the USA it's a no. The most important thing to protect is the speech/view that you are against.

Yeah, you should definitely be participating in open, rational discussion on this topic.
Saving my rations against the American LBGT mafia.

So anytime a group of people views things differently than you, they're a "mafia?" Are you capable of doing anything besides vomiting out the fear-mongering that Fox News dumps into your head?
Nope just facts, didn't I say legalize marriage for LBG so why are you against what I'm saying. Sounding salty maybe a little bitter. Don't be such a lemon
"Facts"? You still haven't provided any evidence about Obama's alleged homosexuality in the '80s, and I see nothing about legalising meth from the manifesto of the Democrats. I'm done with you, any attempt at reasoning with you has failed to drill through your skull.
Actually, JulesJackson has come along and said some interesting and provocative things. He is well-informed on his subject, but is still learning to argue correctly and effectively.

It's true that patriarchy was the dominant social structure from the 4th millennium BC to a few years ago when feminist movements changed things.

Now we have L, G, B and T factions, which are in tension with feminism, and traditional males are challenged like never before.

In a sense, it boils down to identity. Who are we?

"The question of what identity means and how, exactly, people determine who they are. Are we who our parents say we are? Our communities? Do we determine who we are for ourselves? Is there an “authentic” self that constrains who you can be—are we even trapped by destiny? Or can we reject our given identities and follow a different star?"
"Facts"? You still haven't provided any evidence about Obama's alleged homosexuality in the '80s, and I see nothing about legalising meth from the manifesto of the Democrats. I'm done with you, any attempt at reasoning with you has failed to drill through your skull.
That's the spirit. Keep that fighting Irish spirit up. The LBGT mafia must be singing Sunday bloody Sunday, when one critiques them.
I'm not watching 58 minutes of right-wing bollocks. Do you have actual proof of Obama being gay in the 1980s or not? The first page of results for "obama gay 1980s" on Google comes up with a few links to baseless blogs and the equally baseless WorldNetDaily.
I'm not watching 58 minutes of right-wing bollocks. Do you have actual proof of Obama being gay in the 1980s or not? The first page of results for "obama gay 1980s" on Google comes up with a few links to baseless blogs and the equally baseless WorldNetDaily.
Cat caught your tongue there?

He wants facts, not opinions...
Sort of like how transsexuals teenagers are just a fabrication Liberals just say the darnedest things.
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Actually, JulesJackson has come along and said some interesting and provocative things. He is well-informed on his subject, but is still learning to argue correctly and effectively.

It's true that patriarchy was the dominant social structure from the 4th millennium BC to a few years ago when feminist movements changed things.

Now we have L, G, B and T factions, which are in tension with feminism, and traditional males are challenged like never before.

In a sense, it boils down to identity. Who are we?

"The question of what identity means and how, exactly, people determine who they are. Are we who our parents say we are? Our communities? Do we determine who we are for ourselves? Is there an “authentic” self that constrains who you can be—are we even trapped by destiny? Or can we reject our given identities and follow a different star?"

@JulesJackson said something about that? I must have missed it. Every other word from him is "obama", or "mafia", followed by something generally unintelligible and usually unrelated to whatever he's "responding" to.

Cat caught your tongue there?

View attachment 172887

You posted a youtube video of a random person spouting nonsense for an hour with a title that pretty much gives away the level of thought that goes into it. Folks, if you did like I did and skipped past that video, just watch it for about 15 seconds, it's impressively idiotic and homophobic.
And I'd go so far as to say that all was intentional
I'm with you.

on the part of the left
Just lost me. The right does their fair share of dividing people. I think you fail to see it because you agree with them. A screaming head on Fox is just as divisive as a screaming head on MSNBC.

on the part of the left
Such herdthinks are very powerful,
Anyone else see the funny?

As for Obama's politics differing from his words on this issue, I'd be inclined to disagree that that's a good thing - though they don't anymore anyway, as he made a public flip-flop on the issue.
I was not referring just to this issue, rather the idea that a politician would put aside personal feelings or opinion for what might be morally right. Kind of like I oppose Obamacare while having a lifetime of expensive health issues.

That's interesting, I wonder why on earth you've decided this bit of randomness. I mean, transgender people do exist. You think people are undergoing those surgeries just to trick people somehow?
It's a trap?