The Homosexuality Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Duke

I think homosexuality is:

  • a problem that needs to be cured.

    Votes: 88 6.0%
  • a sin against God/Nature.

    Votes: 145 9.8%
  • OK as long as they don't talk about it.

    Votes: 62 4.2%
  • OK for anybody.

    Votes: 417 28.2%
  • nobody's business but the people involved.

    Votes: 765 51.8%

  • Total voters
So, I'm guessing that's a resounding "no" regarding proof of Obama's alleged homosexuality in the 1980s. That's all I needed to know.
[quote="Famine, post: 9784854, member: 9036"]'s interesting to note that in a thread that revolves around things going into arses, you're here pulling stuff out of yours.[/quote]

I think the word for this is "ouch", most definitely.

That YobTub vid was great though, wasn't it? I opened a Scissor Sisters loop on another channel and balanced the sound, that guy got riddum, whatever that is.

Was his "Oh-bummer" pun intentional or not? Sadly I think not, he missed a sitter there, spelling verified.
@JulesJackson must be trolling, right? This is some of the most nonsensical blubbering heresy that I've seen in quite a bit. I don't understand why you say you want the issue to be dropped and just part of the norm like Canada, but then use the word mafia for the umpteenth time in a derogatory manner. There's a lot I'd like to cover of your recent posts, as well as others, but I'm not in the best of moods so I probably wouldn't express myself clearly or in a civil manner, so I'll leave it to the many other fine members just as confused as I am about what you've been typing.
RE: LGBT mafia, Obama involvement, socialist movement: Those three things were probably brought together because most homosexuals are liberals/socialists.

Wow, what a broad generalization. Want to back that up with proof?

two, because they've been convinced that the "right" to call same-sex unions marriage is more important than having a functional, fiscally sane country to exercise rights in (or perhaps that we can keep on borrowing, spending, and redistributing forever with no consequence).

And the conservatives are convinced that doing anything and everything possible to prevent homosexuals from being equal is "more important than having a functional, fiscally sane country to exercise rights in (or perhaps that we can keep on borrowing, spending, and redistributing forever with no consequence)."

And I'd go so far as to say that all was intentional on the part of the left - their policies and rhetoric are geared toward dividing the country into factions along lines of race, gender, and sexual orientation

Want the perfect example of this kind of rhetoric on the conservative side? See Fox News.

Such herdthinks are very powerful, especially when any prominent figure in one of these blocs who dares to think for themselves gets branded a traitor and ostracized. (see: any African-American who doesn't follow the party line getting branded an "Uncle Tom". Which makes for an interesting study of meanings, when you consider the book character that label comes from.)

For conservatives, "when any prominent figure in one of these blocs who dares to think for themselves gets branded a traitor and ostracized. (see: all the Tea Party primary challenges.)

See what I did there? Your perfect little conservative bubble isn't really that perfect after all.
Kids these days are reading books on Chucks & Chad what-about Jenna & Tera. The LBGT is more BGT than L. I think many in the straight demographic are offended that the "L" in "LBGT" isn't promoted enough. Obama on the other hand is just a pansy. I can guarantee if they just gave the LBGT full rights like normal peeps this gay agenda/fad would simmer away hopefully.

Definitely not an exception.

For ****s sake, I don't even know where to start on you lol

He wants facts, not opinions...

Well, yeah, transsexuals had some work done. I fail to see the issue with that?
A lot of titties in California are also fabricated?
Leave the titties out of this fake or real it doesn't matter. As Duke Nukem I'm your worst nightmare, you uninvited alien scum-sucker! And right now you're all that stands between me and a planet full of babes - so get ready to bend over and kiss your a**goodbye! Don't mess with the babes.

I'm with you.

Just lost me. The right does their fair share of dividing people. I think you fail to see it because you agree with them. A screaming head on Fox is just as divisive as a screaming head on MSNBC.


Anyone else see the funny?

I was not referring just to this issue, rather the idea that a politician would put aside personal feelings or opinion for what might be morally right. Kind of like I oppose Obamacare while having a lifetime of expensive health issues.

It's a trap?
Not just a trap but a sexual trap. Where's Marvin Gaye when I need him.
Leave the titties out of this fake or real it doesn't matter. As Duke Nukem I'm your worst nightmare, you uninvited alien scum-sucker! And right now you're all that stands between me and a planet full of babes - so get ready to bend over and kiss your a**goodbye! Don't mess with the babes.

Not just a trap but a sexual trap. Where's Marvin Gaye when I need him.

I have absolutely no idea what that was about. And I have a feeling you don't know either.
@JulesJackson must be trolling, right? This is some of the most nonsensical blubbering heresy that I've seen in quite a bit. I don't understand why you say you want the issue to be dropped and just part of the norm like Canada, but then use the word mafia for the umpteenth time in a derogatory manner. There's a lot I'd like to cover of your recent posts, as well as others, but I'm not in the best of moods so I probably wouldn't express myself clearly or in a civil manner, so I'll leave it to the many other fine members just as confused as I am about what you've been typing.

I just used the special R-button in the end, feeding trolls is dangerous at the best of times but this one actually seems rabid.

Now, where were we?
It's true that patriarchy was the dominant social structure from the 4th millennium BC to a few years ago when feminist movements changed things.
I'm not really sure where you're reading that into his posts. He's not talking about the merits of patriarchy or the ramifications of getting away from a traditional social structure. He's spewing nonsense about Obama being fruity and a poorly defined mafia of liberals. There's a discussion to be had about social structures and whether or not there's an inherent benefit to the way society has historically been organized, but that discussion would be better served without this bizarre paranoia about the Obama/LGBT mafia and Michael Sam conspiring against America.

Now we have L, G, B and T factions, which are in tension with feminism, and traditional males are challenged like never before.
Where is the tension between "women should be treated equally" and "lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered people should be treated equally"? I see this viewpoint expressed a lot, but I don't really understand where the tension is supposed to be. There's no inherent tension between feminism and the LGBT rights movement, both are movements from marginalized groups of people to have their rights recognized.

I also don't agree that traditional males are challenged like never before. Unless you define traditional to mean oppressive, then sure. The traits of the most desirable men are the same traits of the desirable men in history. The George Clooney's and Brad Pitt's of the world are famous for the same reasons as their historical counterparts. We look up to men in positions of power, and we admire star athletes for the same reasons we always have. The most desirable men are confident, strong, handsome, and/or talented. That's been the same throughout history.

I don't feel challenged as a male by feminism or the LGBT rights movement. It doesn't make me feel challenged as a man that women can vote and that it's not OK for me to go home and beat my wife. It doesn't make me feel challenged that a woman is my supervisor at work, nor does it make me feel challenged that I would be expected to help my wife raise children. I'm not challenged by the fact that I would be expected to help my wife raise children or do housework. I'm not challenged as a man because I won't be entitled to sex from my wife whenever I want it.

In a sense, it boils down to identity. Who are we?

"The question of what identity means and how, exactly, people determine who they are. Are we who our parents say we are? Our communities? Do we determine who we are for ourselves? Is there an “authentic” self that constrains who you can be—are we even trapped by destiny? Or can we reject our given identities and follow a different star?"
The question is what does that mean about the LGBT rights movement? Is the LGBT rights movement sapping anyone of an identity? I'm a straight guy. If someone down the street identifies as a transgendered lesbian it doesn't change my identity. It's convenient to label people as male or female, straight or gay, but there is a ton of middle ground between those labels. Where's the line when people stop being straight or gay and become bisexual? Where's the line between being an effeminate man and being transgendered?

I'm not well versed on the subject but I've read and learned about studies done on biological links to gender identity or sexual orientation. There's a fairly solid idea that gender identity is something which has a biological basis. You get cases like David Reimer, a boy raised as a girl after a botched circumcision. He never felt like a girl despite his parents giving him traditional girly toys and clothes, and he didn't ever feel like a girl. He was raised and told he was a girl from the time he was born until he was 14, and once he was told the truth he began to identify as a man again and married a woman.
I'm not really sure where you're reading that into his posts.

I was hoping he would take the hint. But alas, it was not to be...

As for the rest of your excellent questions, I answered them to my own satisfaction by reading the long Wikipedia articles on patriarchy, feminism, post-feminism, and LGBT.

Like you, I'm set in my gender and sexuality, and at 65, not overly interested in arguing about it with the youth. It's up to them, as a matter of personal freedom and happiness.

After reading the wiki entries, if you still have questions for me, I can oblige.
Its really neither a serious problem nor an alternative lifestyle. You are what you are. People who are gay were born that way and no amount of hate or prayer is going to make it go away.
I always laugh at people who say its a choice. Really? Who would look at the LBGT community and all the hate they receive and think to themselves, "wow, Id love to be part of that! That looks awesome."
I always always have to laugh that those who are the most judgmental are those who follow a religion that preaches love and not judging.
I just used the special R-button in the end

Here you go:

Its really neither a serious problem nor an alternative lifestyle. You are what you are. People who are gay were born that way and no amount of hate or prayer is going to make it go away.
I always laugh at people who say its a choice. Really? Who would look at the LBGT community and all the hate they receive and think to themselves, "wow, Id love to be part of that! That looks awesome."
I always always have to laugh that those who are the most judgmental are those who follow a religion that preaches love and not judging.

...and the thread is now reset. It's one of the great things about threads this long - that someone will just show up and talk to the OP or thread title and start it all over again.
Wouldn't be the first time either. *cough* Isle of Man TT thread *cough*
Mr. Tilke what is your stance on LBGT issues? Being that you're fascinated with straight, perpendicular corners I reckon you're on team straight as oppose to team "LBGT"? Safety first.
I just used the special R-button in the end, feeding trolls is dangerous at the best of times but this one actually seems rabid.

Now, where were we?
We were talking about the ravaging LBGT mafia.
I suggest we stop feeding the troll. He clearly isn't interested in intelligent discourse. Either he has the most severe case of ADHD ever witnessed by men, or he just likes saying random stuff.
ADHD is my gift but it's also my curse. Touche good sir.
I have absolutely no idea what that was about. And I have a feeling you don't know either.
I see you're on team Chuck and Chad as oppose to team Jenna/Tera. Embrace the "L' in the LBGT.
For ****s sake, I don't even know where to start on you lol

Is this the factual book of LBGT issues? Seems to be blank sort of like liberals. Maybe it's Obama's policies? Please enlighten me ?

Its really neither a serious problem nor an alternative lifestyle. You are what you are. People who are gay were born that way and no amount of hate or prayer is going to make it go away.
I always laugh at people who say its a choice. Really? Who would look at the LBGT community and all the hate they receive and think to themselves, "wow, Id love to be part of that! That looks awesome."
I always always have to laugh that those who are the most judgmental are those who follow a religion that preaches love and not judging.
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My favourite part is that most of the "liberals" in this thread he's arguing with get called too conservative in the gun or tax threads. It's almost like there's more sets of views than Democrat or Republican and it's possible to have internally consistent opinions.
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Just ban the troll already. We all know he's an intolerant, homophobic bigot who can't formulate a decent argument or provide an actual, credible source for his outlandish claims.'s possible to have internally consistent opinions.

Good point.

Being truly consistent can be painful at times. The pragmatist or utilitarian has no problem changing his cloak with the circumstances.
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I have to chime with a thought. Well, I guess it's more of a observation. I think it is absolutely cringe worthy when a person comes in here and disagrees with the acceptance of homosexuality. It's not for the reasons you think either. It's the homosexuality supporters that are cringe worthy. They attack like a pack of jackals to a fresh kill. They hate, bash, and call names. Isn't that what you're fighting? When did fighting fire with fire become ok and acceptable? You're guilty of all the things in which you are fighting. It's stupid. Calling a man Hitler because he said the word fag? Makes sense, since he never called anybody that. He just used the word. The other thing that bothers me is the fact you all believe that anybody's opinion that differs from homosexuality acceptance is horrible. When did we all have to believe the exact same thing? People are entitled to their own thoughts. Even if those thoughts aren't social acceptable. It's an opinion. We not sheeple. You are stringing up people with different opinions then yours with the same rope that you would string up a person guilty of a violent hate crime.
I have to chime with a thought. Well, I guess it's more of a observation. I think it is absolutely cringe worthy when a person comes in here and disagrees with the acceptance of homosexuality. It's not for the reasons you think either. It's the homosexuality supporters that are cringe worthy. They attack like a pack of jackals to a fresh kill. They hate, bash, and call names. Isn't that what you're fighting? When did fighting fire with fire become ok and acceptable? You're guilty of all the things in which you are fighting. It's stupid. Calling a man Hitler because he said the word fag? Makes sense, since he never called anybody that. He just used the word. The other thing that bothers me is the fact you all believe that anybody's opinion that differs from homosexuality acceptance is horrible. When did we all have to believe the exact same thing? People are entitled to their own thoughts. Even if those thoughts aren't social acceptable. It's an opinion. We not sheeple. You are stringing up people with different opinions then yours with the same rope that you would string up a person guilty of a violent hate crime.
Which is why I try to always keep it civil unless someone wants to get blatantly disrespectful or flat-out lie. You can disagree and give a respectful and intuitive counter-argument. If you want to be derogatory, I'll probably be a little more aggressive, yes, but there's no reason to call someone Hitler. In reality, that's worse than calling someone *****t. Have your opinion, and I'll argue it with my own, but let's keep it respectful, calm and factual.