Yes but it is the purpose of people to reproduce, it messes up the fundamental foundations of A. a species B. a society. Therefore I do not think that it should actively by encouraged, not that I think it should be discouraged as people should be free to do things they want as long as it doesn't hurt other people.
A) I don't buy it as homosexuality is seen in nature and Touring Mars even posted an article showing that there are clearly signs of homosexuality in humans being natural. Plus, the child is already born and has been abandoned (sometimes for the better, so don't take that as negative) or taken from bad parents. In the natural case of a species it should be dead, but no we have disrupted the natural order of a species by developing adoption. However, we are prolonging the life of a species as a whole by keeping it alive.
B) I don't get this at all. First of all, to support society many natural species issues get dropped, like killing babies when they cannot be cared for (I'll leave the abortion argument for another thread). And I believe that having a child adopted at all, no matter the parents sexual orientation and genders, would be better for the child and society than letting them grow up without ever having any form of stable family.
And the whole natural argument is used by some against adoption in general. My wife and I contemplated the idea at one point and we heard more than a few comments about how it just isn't right because it isn't our natural child. Apparently these people did not know, or forgot, that my wife was adopted.
And that brings up an unfair to the child thing. No family or gay parents? Which is more fair to the child. I can tell you right now that a child that is knowingly adopted already faces ridicule. Kids tell them that those aren't their real parents. The truth is that who your parents are often has very little to do with who conceived you. My wife is often asked if she knows her her real parents are, and she says, "Yes, the people that chose to raise me." I have a feeling that if she were raised by a lesbian couple her answer would be the exact same.
I just don't get your moral argument I guess, and it has very little to do with being American. You tried the reproduce argument, but the best way to quickly reproduce is non-monogamous relations.
Then you tried the unfair to the child thing, but the child is already being adopted so life is already unfair. And I think it is more fair to have a family than not.
And I definitely don't get the moral family is mother, father, child thing. Says who? By that rationale we need to adopt Old Testament laws and outlaw divorce, and when a parent does the closest, single next of kin has to marry the widow/widower.
The main problem is that you said it shouldn't be allowed. That means you want your moral point of view backed by law. It is one thing to say your personal view is that you disagree, it is another thing to want your point of view to limit others' rights by law. To some of us, that is the biggest immoral thing one can do. It ranks right up there with saying that practicing a certain religion should be illegal because you see it as being immoral.
And that is a bigger picture than homosexuality. The most moral thing is to allow people to live their lives as they see fit, so long as their actions do not prevent others from doing living as they see fit.
And to a certain extent I think that where I live in England liberalism has gone slightly to far and that is why we are having so much trouble over here.
but if you came to England today, especially in the urban areas you would be in for a shock.
But that is my 2 cents as you Americans would say.
You may want to check with Famine about his native country, and I assume still his country of current residence.