The Homosexuality Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Duke

I think homosexuality is:

  • a problem that needs to be cured.

    Votes: 88 6.0%
  • a sin against God/Nature.

    Votes: 145 9.8%
  • OK as long as they don't talk about it.

    Votes: 62 4.2%
  • OK for anybody.

    Votes: 417 28.2%
  • nobody's business but the people involved.

    Votes: 765 51.8%

  • Total voters
But, even if the court did overturn those things, sentiment has changed so much over the past several year, and there are lots of married gay Republicans, I doubt much would change.
A lot of Republicans use abortion, the majority while also condemning it, that didn't protect abortion rights at all!

They are literally coming for you, period, they want to actively criminalise you and you're so deluded as to think it will not happen.
Clarence Thomas would allow criminalization of miscegenation. Clarence Thomas would probably support the repeal of the 13th Amendment. He doesn't care about anything except anti-liberalism.
He used to be my favorite justice too, before I realized that he doesn't actually care about constitutional law. My first hint was Kelo v. New London. But he's off the rails these days. If it's not explicitly stated in the constitution, it's still in there as long as it favors conservatives. Executive privilege? Yea that's in there somewhere. Bodily autonomy? Probably up to the states.
A lot of Republicans use abortion, the majority while also condemning it, that didn't protect abortion rights at all!

They are literally coming for you, period, they want to actively criminalise you and you're so deluded as to think it will not happen.
Fear monger much?

I think the majority of people used to think being gay was a choice. But, I don't hear the term "chose the gay lifestyle" much anymore. I used to hear it a lot.

I think most people now know that being gay is not a choice. Most Republicans are more liberaltarian on that issue. And yes, there are some religious zealots in the party, but the Moral Majority wing has mostly lost it's power. The 80's was decades ago.
Fear monger much?

I think the majority of people used to think being gay was a choice. But, I don't hear the term "chose the gay lifestyle" much anymore. I used to hear it a lot.

I think most people now know that being gay is not a choice. Most Republicans are more liberaltarian on that issue. And yes, there are some religious zealots in the party, but the Moral Majority wing has mostly lost it's power. The 80's was decades ago.
There are still quite a few reasonably priced places to live in CA for when the time comes, and most of those places are conservative to boot. Property tax is lot less than Texas too. We've got nice mountains and beaches. The central valley even feels like TX!

edit: Please bring water, we're a little low rn
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Fear monger much?
Nope, they just overturned Roe vs Wade. Those who said they might do so were also accused of fear-mongering.
I think the majority of people used to think being gay was a choice. But, I don't hear the term "chose the gay lifestyle" much anymore. I used to hear it a lot.
You actually think they care about that? They simply shifted the (flawed) argument, and ironically in this very thread, less than 12 hours ago, you promoted one of them. For **** sake, you're loading the gun and handing it to them, somehow not expecting them to then use it on you!
I think most people now know that being gay is not a choice. Most Republicans are more liberaltarian on that issue. And yes, there are some religious zealots in the party, but the Moral Majority wing has mostly lost it's power. The 80's was decades ago.
They just overturned Roe vs Wade, that was the moral majority and religious zealots you claim don't have influence, and a number of prominent Republican's and right wing commentators have stated these are their next targets. The power within the GOP is not Libertarian, no matter how much they may claim to be, they are authoritarian and driven (and funded) by the religious right. That's the Trump legacy.
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Human society has done just fine for thousands of years with out all of this new pronoun/gender crap. I think it is nothing more than a fad.
I think most people now know that being gay is not a choice.
First, they came for democracy, and I helped them.
Then, they came for women, and still I helped them.
Then, they came for me, and I still helped them.

- Gay Republicans
Then, they came for the intelligentsia and I did not help for I was not intelligent

- Republicans
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@Chrunch Houston

All kidding aside - the only reason that the conservatives have appeared to relent in recent decades with regards to gay rights is that they had no other choice, they were not able to win elections with an anti-gay platform. But they (meaning fundamentalist Christians) have effectively found ways around democracy - gerrymandering and outright lies to acquire and advantage, protect that advantage, and increase that advantage. And then Trump came along and gave conservatives permission to speak out against...whatever...and proved that you can be a total asshole and still win elections. Trump was carefully not homophobic (I mean, he was a NYC liberal, if there's one thing about him I believe, I don't believe he is personally homophobic) but his whole platform was basically that it's OK to hate. Trump is relatively out of the picture now, but that core tenant of the GOP remains - this is not the pragmatic GOP of the 90s or 00s, this is a minority-representing fundamentalist Christian party that has a lot of power thanks to people like you and will turn as much of the country into a Clerical republic as they can. They are saying it plain as day. The current Supreme Court is not even close to representative of the makeup of the American people and they are appointed for life! If the Supreme Court rules in a case to effectively eliminate gay rights it won't be the will of the people, it will be in service to "God". It's simply not believable that Ken Paxton or Greg Abbot will defend gay rights - they won't because they don't have to anymore.

The thing I don't think you are seeing is that we are going backwards. Remember in the 90s and 00s when "not that there's anything wrong with that" was the kind of the base-case acceptance for homosexuality? I don't think we're there anymore when it comes to conservatives. I promise you that within 6 months Texas will enact anti-sodomy laws again with a goal of getting a supreme court ruling. If not I will send you a case of beer. bottle of California wine.
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I think most people now know that being gay is not a choice. Most Republicans are more liberaltarian on that issue. And yes, there are some religious zealots in the party, but the Moral Majority wing has mostly lost it's power. The 80's was decades ago.
Some religious zealots in the party? My friend I can assure you there are more than some living here in the heart of the book of fables....I mean bible belt. Just because they don't use the Moral Majority name anymore doesn't mean those same feelings from back then aren't pulsing through their cold hearts.

When you've got the governor of this state, Kay "the worlds worst Mee_Maw" Ivey saying in one of her campaign ads about gender determination that "Here in Alabama, we’re going to go by how God made us".

Nearly every Republican down here in any campaign ad is always saying, god, god, god.
Fear monger much?

I think the majority of people used to think being gay was a choice. But, I don't hear the term "chose the gay lifestyle" much anymore. I used to hear it a lot.

I think most people now know that being gay is not a choice. Most Republicans are more liberaltarian on that issue. And yes, there are some religious zealots in the party, but the Moral Majority wing has mostly lost it's power. The 80's was decades ago.
Maybe tell that to your state's GOP?

Texas GOP Party Platform

Homosexuality is an abnormal lifestyle choice
. We believe there should be no granting of special legal entitlements or creation of special status for homosexual behavior, regardless of state of origin, and we oppose any criminal or civil penalties against those who oppose homosexuality out of faith, conviction, or belief in traditional values. No one should be granted special legal status based on their LGBTQ+ identification.
We very nearly had one of those "religious zealots" that @Chrunch Houston as a US Senator from Alabama. Thank goodness enough people came to their senses and he lost to a good man in Doug Jones.

This is how Roy is described in an article about his lawsuit for defamation against Sascha Baron Cohen being dismissed.

Moore, a Republican known for his hardline stances opposing same-sex marriage and supporting the public display of Ten Commandments

You don't think he would start spewing those views if he had been elected? I certainly do.

I promise you that within 6 months Texas will enact anti-sodomy laws again with a goal of getting a supreme court ruling. If not I will send you a case of beer. bottle of California wine.
You already don't have to send the bottle of wine. Texas appears to never have gotten rid of their sodomy laws for gay people (though for heterosexual couples sodomy is ok). The course of action that Paxton is recommending is that someone arrest a gay person for having gay sex so that he can prosecute at the supreme court to get Lawrence overturned. Lawrence is currently the only thing preventing that part of Texas law from enforcement.
They just overturned Roe vs Wade, that was the moral majority and religious zealots you claim don't have influence, and a number of prominent Republican's and right wing commentators have stated these are their next targets. The power within the GOP is not Libertarian, no matter how much they may claim to be, they are authoritarian and driven (and funded) by the religious right. That's the Trump legacy.
They overturned it because it was a bad ruling. It just turned it back to the states.
Wikipedia The Supreme Court's decision in Roe was among the most controversial in U.S. history.[8][9] Roe was criticized by some in the legal community,[9] including some in support of abortion rights who thought that Roe reached the correct result but went about it the wrong way,[10][11][12] and some called the decision a form of judicial activism.[13]

Aww, you just can't keep your eyes off me, can you.

Look all this new gender and pronoun crap, I am not with that at all. It has nothing to do with most of us normal* gays. Just look at how they have puked on our beautiful rainbow flag. Activists have hijacked what gays started at Stonewall.

Those guys at Stonewall, in the riots, getting knocked unconscious by police wielding batons, they would not have wanted to see drag queen story hour.
I promise you that within 6 months Texas will enact anti-sodomy laws again with a goal of getting a supreme court ruling. If not I will send you a case of beer. bottle of California wine.
Not giving out my address, but how about we compromise, and I will just ridicule you instead. :lol:
When you've got the governor of this state, Kay "the worlds worst Mee_Maw" Ivey saying in one of her campaign ads about gender determination that "Here in Alabama, we’re going to go by how God made us".
All I gotta say about this is, don't trans the kids. Kids should not be exposed sexual things of any type until they are old enough to understand it.
Maybe tell that to your state's GOP?
I find that plank to be problematic, and it needs to be removed.
We very nearly had one of those "religious zealots" that @Chrunch Houston as a US Senator from Alabama. Thank goodness enough people came to their senses and he lost to a good man in Doug Jones.
Didn't he have some kind of sex scandal?

here is what he is suing over

* a new "normal" to use against me.
Look all this new gender and pronoun crap, I am not with that at all. It has nothing to do with most of us normal* gays. Just look at how they have puked on our beautiful rainbow flag. Activists have hijacked what gays started at Stonewall.

Those guys at Stonewall, in the riots, getting knocked unconscious by police wielding batons, they would not have wanted to see drag queen story hour.
They would have loved to see drag queen story hour. Please actually look into the history of Stonewall.

Many of the people involved, in that bar, were crossdressing or trans women. You think they wouldn't have loved to be accepted as normal members of society?

**** off with this "normal" ********. You side with those who want you dead or arrested. That's not normal.
They would have loved to see drag queen story hour. Please actually look into the history of Stonewall.

Many of the people involved, in that bar, were crossdressing or trans women. You think they wouldn't have loved to be accepted as normal members of society?

** off with this "normal" ******. You side with those who want you dead or arrested. That's not normal.
Have you ever seen a drag show? I have seen many, and believe me, they are not for kids.
They overturned Roe vs Wade because they don’t want abortions. The “it was a bad ruling” is just a pretext.

They also didn’t “return it to the states”, they cancelled a right granted by the constitution.
"they cancelled a right granted by the constitution"

yes, except it wasn't. Roe was bad law.

And yes it is now up to the states to decide. The democratically elected (by the people) representatives, it is up to to them to come up with the laws for that state.
I just want to add this.

There is a huge difference in the hearts and minds of the religious right between the killing of an unborn babies, and gay rights.

Thanks to the Internet and YouTube, their kids are coming out too. And they are learning that gay is not a choice.
They overturned it because it was a bad ruling. It just turned it back to the states.
And what's to say they don't plan to do the same?

I just want to add this.

There is a huge difference in the hearts and minds of the religious right between the killing of an unborn babies, and gay rights.

Thanks to the Internet and YouTube, their kids are coming out too. And they are learning that gay is not a choice.
Yep that's why gay conversion therapy isn't a thing, oh wait...
@Chrunch Houston is there a certain amount of self-loathing, or do you see yourself as somehow more "acceptable" in the eyes of conservatives/GOP compared to, say, trans people/non-binary individuals?

EDIT: I phrased that wrong so I'll just simply ask: do you have some feelings of self-loathing?
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Lol at constantly parroting how they turned the ruling back to the states whilst ignoring how the GOP was before and after, talking about a national ban which would immediately take the “power” back away.

Damn it’s sad watching people stand up for a party that wants them to disappear.