The Homosexuality Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Duke

I think homosexuality is:

  • a problem that needs to be cured.

    Votes: 88 6.0%
  • a sin against God/Nature.

    Votes: 145 9.8%
  • OK as long as they don't talk about it.

    Votes: 62 4.2%
  • OK for anybody.

    Votes: 416 28.2%
  • nobody's business but the people involved.

    Votes: 765 51.8%

  • Total voters
I have no problem with the homosexual community, however my parents do. But, eh, I support gay rights. Anyone who doesn't support EQUAL rights has to be ignorant.
Voted "OK for anybody", but my attitude runs between that and "nobody's business but the people involved."

Seriously. I don't understand why people get their knickers in a twist over something that doesn't concern or involve them in any way, shape, or form.

If I'm having a romp with my wife, and you've never met us before, ever, what difference does it make to you whether she has a penis or not?
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Getting Married, from a legal standpoint, is not a religous affair. It has nothing to do with any religion. You can get married in Vegas for christ sake, and not remember taking your vows because you were too drunk.

People being Gay is genetic. Its a matter of evolutionary psychology to sort out. Empirical evidence strongly suggests there is no God, and that all religions are made up. Fake. End of story. Religous extremism does nothing but crash planes into buildings.

Every major scientific organization in the United states rejects a God concept.

Getting married, from a legal standpoint, is a contract. It's contract law and under current law, marriage is between a man and a women regardless of their sexual preference. If a gay man and a gay women want to marry, they can. There's is no gay discrimination. However, the issue isn't's people wanting to marry whoever they wish. While that's all fine and dandy, contracts can be made invalidated for certain people. For instance, you cannot own property or enter a lease if you're under 16 years old, in some states that is. You have a constitution right to property, however, current law forbids some from owning certain types of property.

People being gay from a genetic point of view is most likely a myth perpetuated by an anointed class of 'victims' and their political cohorts. It's personal choice and there's nothing wrong with that. Likewise, some say that being an alcoholic or a substance abuser is genetic or one can be genetically predisposed to leading such a lifestyle. It's not. It's a culture of blaming anything but themselves.

If you're gay, fine. But the rationalization that you were 'born that way' is really selling yourself short. If you had pride, you'd stand up for your choice and not for your genetic whatevers.

I'd also like to see this 'empirical evidence' that there is no God. Science has yet to explain what time is, why we age, or what an electron really is. It took mankind over 2000 years to mathematically figure out what the symbol for infinity really is. Science has a hard time predicting if it is going to rain the next day and you believe them when they say there's no God? There's nothing wrong with being skeptical, it should be encouraged everywhere, yet to believe in that kind of absolute when man really knows so little is a bit of a leap of faith don't you think?

Seems like you may worship something else; hubris.
It's contract law and under current law, marriage is between a man and a women regardless of their sexual preference.
Careful about blanket statements, m'man. It's a contract between a man and a woman in most places, granted, but there are definitely exceptions.

People being gay from a genetic point of view is most likely a myth perpetuated by an anointed class of 'victims' and their political cohorts.
Wiki artile

A 1999 review by researcher Bruce Bagemihl shows that homosexual behavior has been observed in close to 1,500 species, ranging from primates to gut worms, and is well documented for 500 of them.
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If a gay man and a gay women want to marry, they can. There's is no gay discrimination.
Well, no, they can't, at least not everywhere, there are many countries (and states inside of them) were gay marriage is not allowed. Even in countries like Germany, a real "gay marriage" doesn't exist, just something called "registered partnership" or so, ridiculous and yes, it is some kind of discrimination.
Well, no, they can't, at least not everywhere, there are many countries (and states inside of them) were gay marriage is not allowed. Even in countries like Germany, a real "gay marriage" doesn't exist, just something called "registered partnership" or so, ridiculous and yes, it is some kind of discrimination.

Sorry, I should have specified that if a gay man and a gay woman want to marry each other, thus forming an opposite-sex marriage, that's legal. Elton John can legally marry KD Lang in the US. Now, if KD Lang & Natalie Merchant wanted to marry each other, thus entering a same-sex marriage contract, they cannot.

It's not a matter of the sexual preference of the parties, it's a matter of marriage being a contract between opposite sex people. There's the rub.

I'll also go further in saying many US laws, recent ones anyway, tend to favor politically expedient outcomes. Terrible reality really...
Sorry, I should have specified that if a gay man and a gay woman want to marry each other, thus forming an opposite-sex marriage, that's legal. Elton John can legally marry KD Lang in the US. Now, if KD Lang & Natalie Merchant wanted to marry each other, thus entering a same-sex marriage contract, they cannot.

In Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Washington, D.C., marriages for same-sex couples are legal and currently performed.
I was going to post this in my McDonalds discrimination thread as i referred to the case, but here is a journalists commentary about the story of the Christian couple sued for refusing to accommodate a gay couple in their bed and breakfast establishment.
Hm. This is a bit problematic.

The Bull family should ABSOLUTELY have the right to enforce what is and is not acceptable behaviour in their own home.

However, when they open their home to other people and turn it into a business, they're then beholden to the laws governing business in their country.

If they had a bit more business savvy, they could've had a contract that all renters would have to sign, prior to staying in their B&B, something along the lines of:

All unmarried guests hereby agree to bed in separate rooms, and refrain from lewd or unbecoming conduct, as determined by the proprietors. Failure to agree to such conditions, or a breach of such conditions will result in automatic and immediate eviction from the premises.
or some other legal jargon, appropriate for their situation.
Also from the link I provided:

DOMA has been under challenge in the federal courts, and on July 8, 2010, Judge Joseph Tauro of the District Court of Massachusetts held that the denial of federal rights and benefits to lawfully married Massachusetts same-sex couples under the DOMA is unconstitutional, under the Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution.[14][15] This ruling is currently under a stay, but would affect residents residing within the federal district that covers Massachusetts if the stay is lifted. If this decision is appealed and affirmed, the ruling could apply elsewhere in the U.S. For now, no act or agency of the federal government—except within the state of Massachusetts if the stay is lifted—may recognize same-sex marriage.
It's still a work in progress.


I'm endlessly fascinated as to how the law is sussed out, between the state and federal level. Example: medical marijuana. Legal in California, but illegal at the federal level.
I'm endlessly fascinated as to how the law is sussed out, between the state and federal level. Example: medical marijuana. Legal in California, but illegal at the federal level.

Factor in judges overturning laws and the bureaucracy issuing regulations, which are basically laws, and it's enough to make someone reach for a bottle.

I'm not sure if there's anyone who really knows how it works.

Medical MJ in California is basically, "he doc, I get headaches and can't sleep." Doctor - "that'll be $60 please".

Not sure where you live in CA, but if you're in the SD area do they still play those stupid hydroponic "so you can grow your own tomatoes man [/hippie voice]" commercials on the radio still? MJ for medical use has been turned into an absolute farce.
I live in the Los Angeles area; can't say I've heard/seen any of those commercials up this way, but they sound absolutely dreadful.

Regarding same-sex couples: my company has the same benefits for gay couples as straight couples. So, living in California, a gay couple working for my company (or other companies with similar policies) would be able to benefit from the... er... benefits said companies provide.

Now, how would those same couples be affected by the federal government? Not sure. Not sure how the (current) federal definition of "marriage" would infringe on any legal benefits they'd otherwise enjoy at the state level.
I view homosexuality as a problem, it just goes against how nature sets us up.

Of course, that's just my opinion:indiff:
Why is it a problem to/for you? It happens to be the way nature sets it up, which seems to be contrary to the way you would expect or like it to be. And if you are :indiff:, then why bother posting here? Perhaps you meant to type :ignorant:
If someone is gay then that is their business. I can't stand the one's who make it blatantly obvious that they are but they are a minority. There is a scenario which could be worrying in which everyone in the world is gay and then the human race would come to an end eventually. This would never happen though and yes I know about scientific advancements for reproduction now but it wouldn't be right would it? Having said that though imo they are missing out on possibly the best thing that can happen in your life, having children. It's the best thing that has happened to me so far in my life and I can't imagine life without it now.
Having said that though imo they are missing out on possibly the best thing that can happen in your life, having children.
At least one of them can have the exact same feelings as you, it's definitely possible that a gay couple can have one biological father and a lesbian couple one biological mother of a child. I know it's not exactly the same, but homosexual couples with children aren't that much different compared to a heterosexual one.

This would never happen though and yes I know about scientific advancements for reproduction now but it wouldn't be right would it?
I don't see a "right" or "wrong" there, all ways of reproduction are right, as long as no one will be harmed.
I have absolutly no problems with the gay folks.
I have a gay classmate, and he's a cool guy.

Sure, I pull one or two jokes about gay's but they know that I just kid them ^^
To say that homosexuality is unnatural is ignoring pure fact; in the wild, and in captivity, male pigeons, penguins and antelope have been in emotional relationships, without engaging in physical or procreational activities, through natural processes as the population increases, as a form of birth control.

Saying that homosexuality is a choice and not nature is only partially right; in some cases, particulary bisexuality, there is a choice made by the individual to follow a path. But for the majority of homosexuals, it is of a genetic make up, and they have no choice, in the same way that their taste in music, clothes, soft furnishings, mannerisms, speech, gait and stride, etc. are any more a choice, or something that is purely instictive.

For those who say that homosexuality is a sin (in the eyes of a hypocriticall God), what about incest; is that not a sin? Yet how come Adam & Eve's children were allowed to procreate? How come Lot's daughters were 'allowed' to procreate with him after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah?

Back on topic, my partner and I do our best not to cause offence to other people, and we are very discreet about pubic displays of affection. It does upset us that we are not 'allowed', by the fear of reprisals, to publically show our love, but hey ho.... For another matter, we have been together for 10 years now, and our relationship has never been stronger, which is more than can be said for some of our hetrosexual friends.
But for the majority of homosexuals, it is of a genetic make up, and they have no choice, in the same way that their taste in music, clothes, soft furnishings, mannerisms, speech, gait and stride, etc. are any more a choice, or something that is purely instictive.

I'm not sure I understand your point, does Louie act like this out of choice or is it his genetic make up?

I'm not sure I understand your point, does Louie act like this out of choice or is it his genetic make up?

That's actually quite funny to watch. :D

He is clearly over-acting his feminine tendencies, it is a trademark for him. Feminine tendencies are a given for him though, not a choice. A friend of mine didn't know he was as gay, but everything about him shouted gay: the way he walks, the way he talks, how he dresses. Up until he met me, it never occurred to him that he is gay. I had to pull him out of the closet and now he and his partner (husband to be) have been happily together for many many years.
And another thing, most gays are not feminine in their behavior. It just a small group, but I must admit, they do stand-out very much.
I don't have a problem if they get married but I have my doubts as to whether they should be allowed to adopt children, like Elton John did recently. Having no mother/ or father I believe can be hurtful for the child's proper development. Of course this needs scientific backing because homosexuals have the arguement that they should not be hindered to experience father/motherhood.
I'm pretty sure there were already a lot of studies regarding this, with the conclusion that it's not bad for the children at all. Don't quote me on that though.
That's actually quite funny to watch. :D

He is clearly over-acting his feminine tendencies…

And another thing, most gays are not feminine in their behavior. It just a small group, but I must admit, they do stand-out very much.

I'm glad you enjoyed that :D

I posted it as an extreme illustraion of the kind over flamboyant behaviour that I see alot of the time, I do believe that most of it is just an act & I think that they like the shock factor which is attached to their behaviour.

I'm not gay but I have worked in rather a few gay establishments over the years & I do know that not everyone is bad as that, in fact, there have been a few occasions I've been surprised when I've bumped into certain people inside these places as you would never guess their persuasion when seeing them in day to day life.

4am on a Sunday morning can be a real eye opener… :eek:
Acting "gay" has precious little to do with being gay. I suspect the OTT nature of the act is social conditioning - that's what we expect of gay men so that's what we get from some. You'd struggle to spot most gay men though.

Alex - Elton didn't adopt anything. He fathered that child.
I believe that homosexuality is a choice, one that will void your chance at salvation when you pass on. I guess my Christian faith has a lot to do with this. I believe homosexuality is wrong, but it's the higher power's job to judge you on that, and what you decide to do is your decision, not mine.
I'm not sure I understand your point, does Louie act like this out of choice or is it his genetic make up?

Perhaps I didn't make it clear. Denur is right when he says it is merely an extension or exaggeration of his actions, the same with John Inman or Larry Grayson, but if you were to look at other celebrities, such as Stephen Fry, Graham Norton, Freddie Mercury, etc., you see a natural level of 'campness', for want of a better word, which can be 'countered' if thought about, or acted 'straight'. But the majority of gay guys you will find hard to point out if you were to just look at them, you need to see a combination of traits to notice.
Having no mother/ or father I believe can be hurtful for the child's proper development.
Do you believe it would be healthier for a child to grow up in a single parent household?

I'm of the opinion that a child will benefit from growing up in a household where the adults consistently demonstrate healthy relationships with the people in their lives, be they single adults, a (so-called) hetero-normal couple, or a homosexual couple.
Do you believe it would be healthier for a child to grow up in a single parent household?

I'm of the opinion that a child will benefit from growing up in a household where the adults consistently demonstrate healthy relationships with the people in their lives, be they single adults, a (so-called) hetero-normal couple, or a homosexual couple.


Just because a child has a mother & father that's still together does not guarantee a good childhood. There's plenty of abusive parents out there and they are free to procreate and pop out as many kids as they want.

Whereas adopting a child is a different story. The prospective parents have to 'qualify' and basically have a full background check before they're eligible. If they've ever been arrested for any type of violent crime, drug charge, or even if they've been prescribed certain medications from a shrink; they'll be disqualified. Why do you think all the Hollywood weirdos have to go to Asia & Africa to literally buy their kids? It's b/c they're not qualified to adopt American children.

Given the choice between having a schizo mother, or an abusive father, or a broken home, or 2 gay guys; I'd rather be raised by the queers.

Having 2 gay parents shouldn't be an issue.