Homossexuality is a pretty complicated subject to discuss, not because people usually think that gays are promiscuous or sinners, but because society has planted firm roots on ignoring and opressing them. I found quite funny that people still attribute it to the Devil or that the word of God says you can't be this or that way, I know opinions are opinions and therefore biased to whoever is talking, but you can't go again natural flow of things, and homossexuality was
always existent and therefore a natural human and animal characteristic.
As a hetero, I find myself as a pretty liberal thinker, if someone has a natural tendency he should follow it. No matter if that's due to biological and hormonal characteristics, or whatever.
I have two homossexual friends and they're awesome, of course everyone jokes about them and make funny about the couple, but still, everyone in my circle of friendships treats them normally and some even consider them friends ( they're great guys, we just don't hang out to hit chicks...but we still can have beer together...
As a side note, I must confess I'm also a bit of a jerk when it comes to homossexuality, I wouldn't for example accept the most remote possibility of my (future) sons being gay, that also goes on about: "I want my son to be like me, to drive along, hit chicks and show up saturday night, holding the left hand of Barbara, the hottest chick on the college". Which is fine as a paternal feeling, but when family is involved things get harder you know.