And that's based on your research in genetics or your ability to use wikipedia?
I'm skeptical when it comes to politically sensitive research. Look at the farce global warming research has become. Think that can't happen to other research?
In addition, this is part of the larger debate of 'nature vs. nurture'.
Likewise, if homosexuality was genetic; there would be no homosexuality.
Do you think nature intended us to be on an internet forum discussing this?
Recently, they've found the glaciers of the Himalayas growing and not receding as was previously stated.
It doesn't mean that they are terrible at their jobs or that they are going to try and feel up their male patients. If that is the belief of some people, then that means that straight medical staff would want to feel up opposite sex patients.
Typical hetero women!
More proof that you are completely ignorant of science and haven't bothered to do even the bare minimum of research before spouting off on topics you know nothing about. There are numerous theories that show how homosexuality can be beneficial to a particular genetic line.
Google "gay uncle theory" for only one of them.
Yet again, the things that you are stating as absolute fact are incorrect. I'm starting to notice a trend.
Hi there. Speaking as the site's qualified (BSc. Molecular Biology & Genetics; MSc. Human Genetics & Disease) geneticist, I'd like to point out that there is evidence for a genetic component to homosexuality and a non-genetic component.
There's a major flaw in a lot of the pro-homosexuality-is-genetic research and Denur's table shows some of the classic signs of that flaw (in fact, I'd wager I know exactly who the lead researcher of that particular publication is and I do wish he'd just go away), but it doesn't invalidate the rest of the evidence for a genetic component.
I'd also like to point out that A, C, G and T isn't always the game-ending play it's often made out to be.
This isn't 4chan.
You can call me whatever you wish, doesn't make you right and it doesn't make you intellectual or scientific.
Go back to 4chan if that's your MO.
Can you explain the underlined?
I'm of the opinion that as strong as I find the draw towards women, boobs etc.. no man would be able to suppress those urges purely as a lifestyle 'choice' which to me would suggest either an incredibly low sex drive, but still a strong desire for companionship or a genuine physiological draw towards men.
Sure. Check the table Denur posted. Where's the ladygays?
See highlighted text.
Also, some men (e.g. priests) are required to suppress those urges, which can be seen as a lifestyle choice. Many are able to do so, but not all.
I guess the question I have is how can homosexuality passed down from parents to child?
If mom & dad are tall...their kids are going to be tall.
If mom & dad are intelligent...their kids are going to be intelligent.
If mom & dad are does a child end up gay?
Going further, what other behavioral attributes are genetic? Even deeper into the rabbit hole; which behavioral traits are triggered by environment and which are not?
Excuse me if I'm inquisitive.
If mom and dad have brown hair, how does a child end up with blonde hair? According to you, it's apparently impossible. I suggest you read some extremely basic/introductory texts on genetics, you seem to have no understanding of it whatsoever.
If mom and dad have brown hair, how does a child end up with blonde hair? According to you, it's apparently impossible. I suggest you read some extremely basic/introductory texts on genetics, you seem to have no understanding of it whatsoever.
I guess the question I have is how can homosexuality passed down from parents to child?
If mom & dad are tall...their kids are going to be tall.
If mom & dad are intelligent...their kids are going to be intelligent.
If mom & dad are does a child end up gay?
Going further, what other behavioral attributes are genetic? Even deeper into the rabbit hole; which behavioral traits are triggered by environment and which are not?
I had to make a few corrections. The rest is very educational (as always).Liking the same shape genitals as your own is not a choice, but one you maynothaveanysome control over.
I had to make a few corrections. The rest is very educational (as always).
I know this isn't what you are talking about, but my cousin and her wife are in the final stages of being accepted into the foster to adopt program. They will be parents and will experience that.This would never happen though and yes I know about scientific advancements for reproduction now but it wouldn't be right would it? Having said that though imo they are missing out on possibly the best thing that can happen in your life, having children. It's the best thing that has happened to me so far in my life and I can't imagine life without it now.
This opens a giant can off worms, if that is your reasoning. My father left when I was 12. Many people had one of their parents die when they were young. If a mother and father are required for proper development then you have to ask what you do with single-parent homes. If they are an exception, then why?I don't have a problem if they get married but I have my doubts as to whether they should be allowed to adopt children, like Elton John did recently. Having no mother/ or father I believe can be hurtful for the child's proper development.
Go through the Bible. Write down every single rule given by God, Jesus, or a prophet/apostle speaking in their name. I imagine you will find many you didn't think of as a sin. And then if you did any of those things you will need to offer up a female goat, slit its throat, have the priest spread the blood on the alter as directed by the Lord, and then burn the fat (Leviticus 4:27-31). And I don't know about you, but I like my bacon and medium rare steaks (Leviticus 7:22-27).but for those that think that God doesnt consider homosexuality a sin needs to go re read the bible again
People that can get offended by discussing and debating opinions shouldn't participate in adult debate. No one is offended. But as I pointed out above, claiming certain medical science is not natural leaves a big gap for explaining why any other medical science is OK.This is just my view so please don't take it the wrong way as I don't mean to offend anyone.
I'm not sure where you get your evidence from, but mine is first hand. I have met many gay men and woman in my life (being one does help in that respect) and out of those hundreds of people, I haven't heard from a single one that they were acting gay because they felt like trying something new or to make a statement. A political statement, if you will. Not a single one chooses to be gay, they only choose (myself included) to except the fact and make the best of it. Quite a few almost never come out of the closet and lead a double life by not telling their wife (or husband) and children. Some of those have and had to pay dearly for their frankness (losing all contact with both spouse and children).Your changes don't fit with the available evidence. Feel free to put it in your own words, but not in mine.
I'm not sure where you get your evidence from, but mine is first hand.
I have met many gay men and woman in my life (being one does help in that respect) and out of those hundreds of people, I haven't heard from a single one that they were acting gay because they felt like trying something new or to make a statement. A political statement, if you will. Not a single one chooses to be gay, they only choose (myself included) to except the fact and make the best of it. Quite a few almost never come out of the closet and lead a double life by not telling their wife (or husband) and children. Some of those have and had to pay dearly for their frankness (losing all contact with both spouse and children).
So, maybe I misread your comment, but being gay is not a choice for most and unless you provide convincing evidence to the contrary, I feel a bit offended, even if you don't mean to offend.
Personally, I find the whole "choice or genetics" issue a red herring. It's irrelevant why some people are gay or straight or both. Who should care how other people couple up? No one. Does anybody care that I like chubby brunettes while my friend likes skinny blondes? No - no need to examine WHY that's the case, it just is. Why should it be different if one of us happens to like our own gender?
Personally, I find the whole "choice or genetics" issue a red herring. It's irrelevant why some people are gay or straight or both. Who should care how other people couple up? No one. Does anybody care that I like chubby brunettes while my friend likes skinny blondes? No - no need to examine WHY that's the case, it just is. Why should it be different if one of us happens to like our own gender?
A lot of people are born that way, and other are just made over time. This is coming from personal experience of what I have seen so far. A lot of these people are only gay because they feel lonely, and think the only way to fit in is to be gay.👍