- 8,141
- Halifax, NS
- Noob616
Why would it be the Church's?
What would it be?
As far as I'm concerned, it should be whoever wants to get married's responsibility. If a Catholic couple want to be married in a Catholic church, they should go to their church and get married. If a gay couple want to be married, they should be married wherever would permit them to.
A legal marriage contract could certainly be drawn up, and the bride, groom, or brides and grooms could decide what conditions they wanted to be included in the contract themselves.
I just think marriage is such a personal thing. What some people think is a "good marriage" may be the complete opposite to another. What some believe is a total deal breaker is another person's fantasy. I don't think it's right that the government hands out licenses and makes laws on marriage, when it's such a personal opinion on what makes up a good marriage.
I believe marriage should be whatever the people who are getting married want it to be. If one couple wants a traditional Christian, monogamous marriage, they should include that in the terms of their marriage. If two people want to have a polygamous marriage, or have multiple partners while remaining married, that should be their own decision. I think that it isn't fair to anyone that a government can decide who can and can't get married. And if the government weren't involved in the first place, gay New Yorkers wouldn't have to wait until 2011 to get married. I mean, it's great that it's legal in NY now, and it's certainly a step forward. If the government is involved in marriage, it had damn well better be for everybody, but I think it would be better if it was a private matter, and not the business of the state.