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Who gives a damn where you plant your seed if its consensual. Of course the bible would say somthin like "tho shall not lay with a man as he lays with a woman". It was writtin by straight men and straight men think thats disgusting. The bible never says anything bad about lesbians because lesbians are awsome. I dont read the bible but Im sure it doesnt say that, straight men wrote it.
If there was a straight guy, had two lesbos wanting to party with him, and he asked jesus what to do, jesus would slap him. If the man yall belive died on the cross for you came back to life for one day, just one day. And he was offered girls, drugs, little men, he would take them all. His father created them for the human race to enjoy, and enjoy them we will.
If you want to have sex with rocks, dogs, men, women, then I belive you should have the right to!!!! If you want to do drugs then I belive you should, ya only live once. The government should not infringe on our lives if were not hurting anyone. Who cares if I destroy my liver drinking....ohh wait, thats already legal and they dont give a DAMN!!!
So why do they care if gays get married??? ...............Oh yea the bible, A book telling us how to live our lives. I got news for ya people, we dont all get mansions in the sky when we die. Id rather have 72 virgins anyway!!!!!
This lie about hell is to scare you so that your a good citizen and dont sin. Dont these remind you of the LAWS we follow in everyday life? And doesnt anyone play tourist trophy anymore? "tho shall run at least 3 laps of the ring per week" - thats what god told me we all have to do, or he would keep the earthquakes coming.
If there was a straight guy, had two lesbos wanting to party with him, and he asked jesus what to do, jesus would slap him. If the man yall belive died on the cross for you came back to life for one day, just one day. And he was offered girls, drugs, little men, he would take them all. His father created them for the human race to enjoy, and enjoy them we will.
If you want to have sex with rocks, dogs, men, women, then I belive you should have the right to!!!! If you want to do drugs then I belive you should, ya only live once. The government should not infringe on our lives if were not hurting anyone. Who cares if I destroy my liver drinking....ohh wait, thats already legal and they dont give a DAMN!!!
So why do they care if gays get married??? ...............Oh yea the bible, A book telling us how to live our lives. I got news for ya people, we dont all get mansions in the sky when we die. Id rather have 72 virgins anyway!!!!!
This lie about hell is to scare you so that your a good citizen and dont sin. Dont these remind you of the LAWS we follow in everyday life? And doesnt anyone play tourist trophy anymore? "tho shall run at least 3 laps of the ring per week" - thats what god told me we all have to do, or he would keep the earthquakes coming.