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The point I'm making is that you wish they didn't pick the rainbow symbol because children like rainbows. I'm saying that many people vote against the legalization of gay marriage solely because of the term "marriage."
You're saying that you wouldn't have a problem if the homosexual community just chose a different symbol/color. I'm saying that another group wouldn't have a problem if the homosexual community chose a different term besides marriage.
They are similar in that they are both superficial. Sorry for the confusion. I didn't mean to "equate" them.
Gotcha! Appreciate you taking the time to clarify, totally envision your perspective now.
As you have probably deciphered, that rainbow situation muddles my understanding. Point taken though.
Historically we've seen churches act as toll-booths that taxed sinners rather than as the idealistic figureheads that one might hope for. To prove the threat of sin it was necessary to maintain the Church view of science - and that's based in very old word-of-mouth storytelling that represents a social view of a thousand or more years ago.
Homosexual sodomy features in the Christian Bible and is portrayed as both a natural activity and a sin... this (along with views on the place of women in society) has been the cause of much schism.
I hate the title of this thread - homosexuality is neither a serious problem OR an alternative lifestyle... to be 'alternative' would presume the 'normality' of another lifestyle.
You're gay, or you're not. Some people spend too much time worrying about what other people are doing in private. Get over it.
This in general. 👍