The Homosexuality Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Duke

I think homosexuality is:

  • a problem that needs to be cured.

    Votes: 88 6.0%
  • a sin against God/Nature.

    Votes: 145 9.8%
  • OK as long as they don't talk about it.

    Votes: 62 4.2%
  • OK for anybody.

    Votes: 417 28.2%
  • nobody's business but the people involved.

    Votes: 765 51.8%

  • Total voters
Plus, I live in Germany, and I think it's lots and lots better than America. Thanks to Obama, America isn't a total disaster. (Yet.)
Been there, have you?

I wonder what it is that Obama has done to prevent the USA turning into "a total disaster"... Probably the same thing Romney did to make you want to have him executed - sod all.
No I'm not. You should check WHO edits a message next time.
Yes you were - that's why I edited it. Creatively typing an expletive so you don't have to bother with the word censor is not acceptable.
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lol. America has been a country since 1776, how is a president with limited power dictated by checks and balances going to make this profound difference from 2008-20012 exactly?
Been there, have you?

I wonder what it is that Obama has done to prevent the USA turning into "a total disaster"... Probably the same thing Romney did to make you want to have him executed - sod all.

You are surfing on a forum online, and seem to forget there is such a thing as the internet. Or Friends/family that might have moved there?

Yes you were - that's why I edited it. Creatively typing an expletive so you don't have to bother with the word censor is not acceptable.

Fine, whatever you say.
lol. America has been a country since 1776, how is a president with limited power dictated by checks and balances going to make this profound difference from 2008-20012 exactly?

Hope and Change, duh.
You are surfing on a forum online, and seem to forget there is such a thing as the internet. Or Friends/family that might have moved there?
Nope, but unless you've lived in both your comparison of what it's like to live in both is meaningless. If you'd been to both at least you might have a basis.

Anyway, please fill us in on the policies Obama has implemented to make the USA not a total disaster yet. You know, besides executing US citizens without trial.

We're still waiting on the information you were going to post several weeks ago that proved Romney deserved to go to gaol for his homophobia too.
That's kinda the same for me and Robert Downey Jnr. Although there's something wrong with you if you don't love him, no matter what team you swing for :dopey:
His movies were a close second.

Craig's ludicrously blue eyes make him my go-to example.
Nature vs nurture. To point at just one and say that is it is likely folly. Sexual inclinations, and attraction in general are definitely affected by the events around us. You can see it in many places from people marrying spouses just like one of their parents to things like sexually molested children becoming sexual predators as adults (not always but there is a vicious cycle there). Yet, people also may have attractions to things that zero influence can be attributed to. No one can explain why a certain hairstyle or smell of a certain perfume/cologne can draw your attention or turn you off.

And these things can go into activities we enjoy, foods we like, etc. So to say homosexuality is completely genetic or completely influenced is showing a great disregard to the human condition. It could be just a genetic trigger that sits dormant until puberty, but we have no verified evidence to date and so the best option is to assume that it is like most things in our personalities, a combination of nature and nurture.

Well physical acts don't always come from actual attraction. Psychological trauma from being molested is sure to cause someone to do things they otherwise wouldn't. But I don't know if child molesters are actually just attracted to children or if there's something going on inside their head that just makes them feel a need to do that anyway, whether there's a legitimate physical attraction or not. And the physical appearances and personalities we're attracted to I would think were almost entirely nurture. The faces, styles, and personality traits we enjoy are always going to be effected by the people and things we're exposed to in our lives, even to a lesser extent in adulthood.

But whether you prefer those traits in a man or woman I think is mostly genetic
Nope, but unless you've lived in both your comparison of what it's like to live in both is meaningless. If you'd been to both at least you might have a basis.

Says you.

Anyway, please fill us in on the policies Obama has implemented to make the USA not a total disaster yet. You know, besides executing US citizens without trial.

Considering he is starting to try and make a difference towards some communities, plus he is implementing social security etc?

We're still waiting on the information you were going to post several weeks ago that proved Romney deserved to go to gaol for his homophobia too.

Watch the news, dear. Should have during the elections, enough proof there. But on the other hand, have fun waiting. :)
I'm pretty damn sure FDR implemented social security way back in 1935 or so, not that it's such a great thing anyway tbh.

Going back to this word fine?

I'm curious how much this wrong use of words fine will cost and how it will be enforced. Can I pay a year in advance and have unlimited non compliance like a tax? Keep in mind you can only get so many speeding tickets before you will find yourself in a cage.
I'm curious how much this wrong use of words fine will cost and how it will be enforced. Can I pay a year in advance and have unlimited non compliance like a tax?

My money's on a massive, several-storey high swear jar affair in D.C.
Says you.
Yep. But then if you're happy to say "I think A is better than the B" without any actual experience of A or B, you should be happy not to be taken seriously.
Considering he is starting to try and make a difference towards some communities
plus he is implementing social security etc?
He's about 80 years late for that. And since he isn't doing that either - just turning health insurance into a cartel for the insurance companies - you're even further off the mark. Incidentally, Evil Satan Romney introduced a state-payer healthcare system in Massachussetts when he was governor there.
Watch the news, dear.
I think you should probably put less stock in what German television decides to show you - and do far less condescending for someone so young, so ill-informed and so hypocritical.
Should have during the elections, enough proof there. But on the other hand, have fun waiting. :)
With an attitude like that towards backing up your opinion - with the facts you said you were going to bring - it's almost amazing you're not a creationist.
From what I understand, you are born with a certain sexuality already engraved in you from when you are born, whether it would be asexual, bisexual, heterosexual, or even homosexual. For this reason I feel it should be legal.
You are also born to only want foods that meet your nutritional needs and to only eat the amount needed to satisfy your need. By age five that's out the window. Nearly all aspects of human behavior have a natural part to them, but culture and society influences it all. And anyone who has ever tried parenting by book can tell you everyone responds to stimulus differently. It is near impossible to determine how sexuality, or anything, can be affected by your surroundings.

I already said, so many times, stop talking about the jail 🤬. I never said I'd throw someone in jail for calling someone a faggot. IF you wanna use things you heard use them correctly.
If it is a law it has an ultimate conclusion that ends at gunpoint, because government/regulation is force. I know you can't see it because you are not currently saying it should be an imprisonable fine (even though you fully supported a person being jailed for a Facebook post - pardon us if we are confused by that). But if your desired law were to pass and I was fined for saying something "offensive" like accusing our president of being only slightly better than the Connecticut shooter (which I believe) and decided to protest the law by not paying the fine, what happens? Maybe more fines. I refuse those in protest. Then I'm held in contempt of court, which results in jail. I continue to protest by refusing to go willingly and fight to resist arrest. It will end by either me being tazed or shot. And since I have a pacemaker, I have a better chance of surviving the bullet.

You see, every regulation ultimately means you either accept your loss of freedom or find yourself in jail or worse. It is the only power government has to enforce laws.

And America as an example towards Europe? I doubt it. Really do. :)
Yes, because when we were under European law we were doing so much better.

Are you stupid? Just wondering.

You may want to avoid attacking individuals directly. You have suggested jailing Romney, then backed off, then openly said you approve of a law that jailed someone for a Facebook post. Stupid? No. Confused because you seem to be all over the place? You betcha.

Considering the last time I checked, a law does NOW always have a punishment that's going to jail. :/ How about a speeding ticket? You'd go to jail for that?
Depends on your speed, but you can go straight to jail for speeding. But even if it is for the minimum fine, you can go to jail if you protest by not paying the fine. Otherwise, why would we pay the fines?
So you want a law with no penalty now? Cool 👍

Dom never said 'no penalty'.

Once again people are putting words into her mouth to try and make her look like a paranoid neo-fascist.
The ultimate end to all laws is jail, or death.

If you do something enough times.

Which defeats the object of punishment at all.

So what you're saying is that all crimes must be resolved with jail, and cut out the middleman?
If you do something enough times.

Which defeats the object of punishment at all.

So what you're saying is that all crimes must be resolved with jail, and cut out the middleman?
I explained it already. Scroll up.
How about a speeding ticket? You'd go to jail for that?

Actually, yes you can. It isn't even particularly hard, depending on the tolerance that the state you are in displays for over the limit driving and/or where you were speeding (school zone, work zone, etc.).
In fact, you can go to jail for getting too many parking tickets; which is something that can have absolutely nothing to do with safety like speeding violations can.

We need to abandon laws altogether.

Do I have the power to declare a worldwide state of Anarchism? No? Well I'm doing it anyway.
No one is saying that, what some of us are saying is making laws willy nilly about what word one or the other might use is a silly dangerous slippery slope. Crimes have victims, not hurt feelings.

I covered some of the lagit laws we already have on the books regarding this btw, a few pages back.
Once again people are putting words into her mouth to try and make her look like a paranoid neo-fascist.
Fact check.
  • Wants laws against free speech
  • Wants individuals locked up for being insulting towards her chosen group
  • Wants individuals executed for being insulting towards her chosen group
  • Wants to be free to insult others for no better reason than "I don't like you"
  • Doesn't accept dislike as a reason for others to insult her chosen group
  • Doesn't accept any anecdotes of discrimination towards groups that are not part of her own identity
Nobody needs to try anything to make someone like that look paranoid and fascist. And hypocritical.

While it's probably not helpful to the thread to have this pointed out - though it does give guidance on which posts to gloss over - it's also not all that helpful to the thread to have participation from such an individual.

I'm still amazed that anyone from a group persecuted and executed during WW2, living in a country badly affected by such persecution during WW2, perpetrated in the first instance by legislated denial of freedom of speech would support legislated denial of freedom of speech.
You are also born to only want foods that meet your nutritional needs and to only eat the amount needed to satisfy your need. By age five that's out the window. Nearly all aspects of human behavior have a natural part to them, but culture and society influences it all. And anyone who has ever tried parenting by book can tell you everyone responds to stimulus differently. It is near impossible to determine how sexuality, or anything, can be affected by your surroundings.

I say this because after age 20 or so, you can't change your sexuality. If you don't want to be hetrosexual, there's not much you can do about it. We also have no idea what causes people to be gay, and we have no control over it. This is why it should be legal.
Fact check.
  • Wants laws against free speech
  • Wants individuals locked up for being insulting towards her chosen group
  • Wants individuals executed for being insulting towards her chosen group
  • Wants to be free to insult others for no better reason than "I don't like you"
  • Doesn't accept dislike as a reason for others to insult her chosen group
  • Doesn't accept any anecdotes of discrimination towards groups that are not part of her own identity
Nobody needs to try anything to make someone like that look paranoid and fascist. And hypocritical.

While it's probably not helpful to the thread to have this pointed out - though it does give guidance on which posts to gloss over - it's also not all that helpful to the thread to have participation from such an individual.

I'm still amazed that anyone from a group persecuted and executed during WW2, living in a country badly affected by such persecution during WW2, perpetrated in the first instance by legislated denial of freedom of speech would support legislated denial of freedom of speech.

1: True.
2: Wrong
3: Wrong (Where the hell did you get this from?)
4: Wrong.
5: True.
6: Wrong. (Where did you get this from as well?

It's not helpful to this thread to have a participation of an individual like me? WHO started the stupidity in this thread after all? Don't blame me for lashing out when people act stupidly to an emotional post from which I expected a little bit of support, which instead gets me 90% of the people that read this thread to think I'm some sort of lunatic. Which I'm not. By far.

If it is a law it has an ultimate conclusion that ends at gunpoint, because government/regulation is force. I know you can't see it because you are not currently saying it should be an imprisonable fine (even though you fully supported a person being jailed for a Facebook post - pardon us if we are confused by that). But if your desired law were to pass and I was fined for saying something "offensive" like accusing our president of being only slightly better than the Connecticut shooter (which I believe) and decided to protest the law by not paying the fine, what happens? Maybe more fines. I refuse those in protest. Then I'm held in contempt of court, which results in jail. I continue to protest by refusing to go willingly and fight to resist arrest. It will end by either me being tazed or shot. And since I have a pacemaker, I have a better chance of surviving the bullet.

You see, every regulation ultimately means you either accept your loss of freedom or find yourself in jail or worse. It is the only power government has to enforce laws.

Yeah, why not accept any laws and just go straight into anarchy? Stop exaggerating so much for crying out loud.

Yes, because when we were under European law we were doing so much better.

At least there aren't mass shootings as much as in America over here. Plus we have a decent social security system (better than the USA anyway).

You may want to avoid attacking individuals directly. You have suggested jailing Romney, then backed off, then openly said you approve of a law that jailed someone for a Facebook post. Stupid? No. Confused because you seem to be all over the place? You betcha.

If you get confused, thats not my problem. You can ask stuff instead of assuming stuff... I have tried to dig up quite a bit on Romney but considering quite a couple of instances aren't bothering to reply to letters, that seems a dead end. Which, I can't prove the statement I made.

But if you start joking about stuff like the guy did on Facebook, you have NO kind of decency what so ever. It's not people their opinions that upset me, it's the lack of overall decency.
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1: True.
2: Wrong
3: Wrong (Where the hell did you get this from?)
4: Wrong.
5: True.
6: Wrong. (Where did you get this from as well?
You might want to check your own posts again - you've made a comment for every one of those points since you first decided that banning freedoms somehow generates freedom.

The funniest part is that you cited the fact you dislike me as a reason for insulting me (#4, which you deny), yet accept the note that you don't accept dislike as a reason for insulting your group (#5, which you accept).
It's not helpful to this thread to have a participation of an individual like me? WHO started the stupidity in this thread after all?
That'll have been when you said "Freedom of speech is the trump card of the averagely intelligent." - which was insulting - and "You do realise that FoS is not allowing people to be discriminating or offensive in any way?" - which was wrong. Though you seem to have finally distanced yourself from the latter one.
Don't blame me for lashing out when people act stupidly to an emotional post from which I expected a little bit of support
Notice anyone else lashing out while you - the person who said they hate insulting and abusive behaviour - dish out insults to all who don't agree with you?

Nope. So yes, I blame you for lashing out. If you're not capable of holding the same adult discussion as everyone else, don't expect anyone to treat you as an adult.
which instead gets me 90% of the people that read this thread to think I'm some sort of lunatic. Which I'm not. By far.
Except that you've spent a month saying that limiting freedom of speech is still freedom of speech, that freedoms should be restricted in order that you don't have to hear things you don't like while you have been abusing others, that someone is so homophobic that you think he should be locked up without providing any evidence of it...

Everyone's been extraordinarily patient with you while you've told them only you deserve to have an opinion, that only you define what is offensive (which is things other people say - when you use terms that could be offensive you determine it to be "stupid" that the term could be offensive) and that your solution to making the world a better place for you to live is exactly the same one used in the 1930s to round people like you up and execute them.
You might want to check your own posts again - you've made a comment for every one of those points since you first decided that banning freedoms somehow generates freedom.

I'm certain I did not. Whatever you guys made from my points is NOT what I meant.

The funniest part is that you cited the fact you dislike me as a reason for insulting me (#4, which you deny), yet accept the note that you don't accept dislike as a reason for insulting your group (#5, which you accept).

The reason I insulted you was not dislike solely. It was basically because you don't deserve any kind of respect in my opinion. Which comes from the fact that you're not trying to make gaps closer, no, you're obviously willing to keep the argument going and twisting words I'm using.

That'll have been when you said "Freedom of speech is the trump card of the averagely intelligent." - which was insulting - and "You do realise that FoS is not allowing people to be discriminating or offensive in any way?" - which was wrong. Though you seem to have finally distanced yourself from the latter one.

I haven't, it's just not been the part of the discussion you guys got so childish about :/

Notice anyone else lashing out while you - the person who said they hate insulting and abusive behavior - dish out insults to all who don't agree with you?

I think that giving a very personal and emotional message a sarcastic response is worse than any kind of insult could be. And I don't insult people who don't agree with me, just the ones that are too childish to agree to disagree, hellbent on proving me 'wrong'.

Nope. So yes, I blame you for lashing out. If you're not capable of holding the same adult discussion as everyone else, don't expect anyone to treat you as an adult.

Blame me for whatever you want, I don't really care frankly.

Except that you've spent a month saying that limiting freedom of speech is still freedom of speech, that freedoms should be restricted in order that you don't have to hear things you don't like while you have been abusing others, that someone is so homophobic that you think he should be locked up without providing any evidence of it...

No... I never said limiting freedom of speech = freedom of speech. I just wanted a limitation on Freedom of Speech, which got the childish response: Then it's not freedom. No of course not! But frankly, I don't want total freedom.

Everyone's been extraordinarily patient with you while you've told them only you deserve to have an opinion, that only you define what is offensive (which is things other people say - when you use terms that could be offensive you determine it to be "stupid" that the term could be offensive) and that your solution to making the world a better place for you to live is exactly the same one used in the 1930s to round people like you up and execute them.

That's a joke right? People have been sarcastic since the friggin' first post I made on this thread.

Besides, how many times do I have to explain it's not me that decides what is offensive or not? Your parents should have. But since they can't or won't, law must step in.
I'm certain I did not. Whatever you guys made from my points is NOT what I meant.
And, as I've stated repeatedly, we've only been responding to what you have written. You've invented some really bizarre crap - like accusing me of homophobia and accusing GTPlanet of homophobia because you didn't understand the words I'd used - but no-one has done you the same disservice.

If what you say is not what you mean it is your problem for not saying what you mean.
The reason I insulted you was not dislike solely. It was basically because you don't deserve any kind of respect in my opinion.
There are people who think homosexuals don't deserve their respect. So why are you allowed to insult people you dislike and don't respect but they aren't?

Answer that and you'll see why you've been afforded so little sympathy in this thread.
Which comes from the fact that you're not trying to make gaps closer, no, you're obviously willing to keep the argument going and twisting words I'm using.
The fact you see it as an argument, not a discussion, is probably another reason.

And again, no-one's twisted anything you've said. Your lack of clarity is your own issue. We can't read inside your head, only what you type.
I haven't, it's just not been the part of the discussion you guys got so childish about :/

No... I never said limiting freedom of speech = freedom of speech. I just wanted a limitation on Freedom of Speech, which got the childish response: Then it's not freedom. No of course not! But frankly, I don't want total freedom.
So... you haven't distanced yourself from that comment, but there you distance yourself from that comment...

You say you're in Germany. It's a country that tried, in the 1930s, to decide what people thought was offensive and outlaw it. The people were heavily coerced and misled, but it was decided that homosexuality was amongst the offensive things. Homosexuals were tagged, rounded up, castrated/sterilised and executed. This is exactly what you get when you set off down the path of limiting freedoms.

Why are you choosing not to learn from these mistakes?
I think that giving a very personal and emotional message a sarcastic response is worse than any kind of insult could be.
And I don't insult people who don't agree with me, just the ones that are too childish to agree to disagree, hellbent on proving me 'wrong'.
"Agree to disagree" is a waste of words. It's right up there with "I'm entitled to my opinion" and equally misguided.

If you hold an opinion strong enough that you think people should be gaoled for disagreeing with you - or face "correction" of their behaviour (nice euphemism - they tried that in the 1930s too, and then more recently only using electricity) - then it needs to be strong enough to be defended. "Agree to disagree" is a byword for "I'm not able to back this up, so I'm going to pretend it has equal validity in substitute for an actual defence".

This is an opinions forum, for discussion, not a statements board. If you're not prepared to discuss it, don't pass your opinions.
Blame me for whatever you want, I don't really care frankly.
Unless there's someone else there, typing your expletives and insults for you, I will. And I still will anyway, because you remain solely responsible for anything posted from your account.
That's a joke right? People have been sarcastic since the friggin' first post I made on this thread.
And yet none have insulted you, like you have to them. You have been afforded the respect you deny to anyone who disagrees with you - by way of those people respecting GTPlanet's rules (and themselves - they agreed to the rules, like you did).
Besides, how many times do I have to explain it's not me that decides what is offensive or not?
Every time you post to say something is offensive, or to say something you've said cannot possibly be offensive, you are determining what is offensive.

You're free, of course, to do that for yourself, but you're also delusional if you think nothing you've said in this thread can be offensive. It's been pointed out to you repeatedly that everything can be offensive - you refuse to recognise it.
Your parents should have.
They could decide what was offensive to them. They do not get to do it for me or the planet.

Incidentally they're also both dead and I really enjoy being reminded of it at Christmas, so thanks for that. Still, referencing dead relatives can't be offensive if you said it, right?
But since they can't or won't, law must step in.
The law has no place deciding what is offensive or you end up with massive, massive rights violations. Like when homosexuals were executed in the country you say you're currently in (and the one in your profile) because the majority - from which law gets its mandate - decided homosexuality was offensive.
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Besides, how many times do I have to explain it's not me that decides what is offensive or not? Your parents should have. But since they can't or won't, law must step in.

That is the most sense you have made so far, it's not fool proof but a very valid point.
I think that giving a very personal and emotional message a sarcastic response is worse than any kind of insult could be. And I don't insult people who don't agree with me, just the ones that are too childish to agree to disagree, hell bent on proving me 'wrong'.

Not really, this board, this section in particular is about discussion of ideas and such, not hand holding.. If we all agreed to disagree, there would be exactly one post in each thread lol.

The reason I insulted you was not dislike solely. It was basically because you don't deserve any kind of respect in my opinion. Which comes from the fact that you're not trying to make gaps closer, no, you're obviously willing to keep the argument going and twisting words I'm using.

That is ridiculous, I've butted heads with the guy more then enough and it's pretty safe to say we will never share a pint and have a laugh over it all but... Does not deserve respect? Oh brother, I think you have no idea of the things you speak. I know emotion is strong, reason should be stronger.

it's almost amazing you're not a creationist.

I almost missed that part, hey now, I resemble that remark :mad: :lol:
I say this because after age 20 or so, you can't change your sexuality. If you don't want to be hetrosexual, there's not much you can do about it. We also have no idea what causes people to be gay, and we have no control over it. This is why it should be legal.
I'm not saying any reasoning should make it illegal. I don't support making things illegal just because I may dislike or not understand them.

Yeah, why not accept any laws and just go straight into anarchy? Stop exaggerating so much for crying out loud.
Who said anything about anarchy? I just pointed out that any law, no matter how small can ultimately result in prison or death if you feel it is worth fighting against to the bitter end.
And if you think that is an exaggeration, find a law and protest it and its punishment via defiance, then tell me how it works out.

At least there aren't mass shootings as much as in America over here.
The way you describe how you and other homosexuals have been treated, I'd suggest you have your own share of issues.

Plus we have a decent social security system (better than the USA anyway).
Not completely sure you know what you are talking about. But then, I also have enough money left in my paycheck (after paying into Social Security) to pay my bills and save up for both my daughter's college and my own retirement.

If you get confused, thats not my problem. You can ask stuff instead of assuming stuff...
We are responding to your posts. Why should we ask when they appear to be pretty clear? You want Romney in jail, you support jailing dumb kids for acting like dumb kids.

I have tried to dig up quite a bit on Romney but considering quite a couple of instances aren't bothering to reply to letters, that seems a dead end. Which, I can't prove the statement I made.
The worst thing that is publicly known is that one person accused him of being a bully to a homosexual kid when he was a teenager (30 or 40 years ago). And that was about the kid's long hair. Not a word about homosexuality was supposedly said. That is the worst, non-business, accusation against him. The closest he came to being accused of actually performing some kind of hate crime, and as it only came to light near the end of the election cycle it can easily be questioned.

Don't believe everything you hear. If we did that in the US we would think 9/11 was a George Bush plot and Obama is an illegal immigrant. All kinds of false claims get made about US politicians. You can't believe 90% of it.

But if you start joking about stuff like the guy did on Facebook, you have NO kind of decency what so ever. It's not people their opinions that upset me, it's the lack of overall decency.
But is a lack of decency worth jail time? Better yet, a lack of decency in a way that is only visible to your friends, unless people are actively looking for it?

If the US had draconian laws like that half our celebrities would be in jail.
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And, as I've stated repeatedly, we've only been responding to what you have written. You've invented some really bizarre crap - like accusing me of homophobia and accusing GTPlanet of homophobia because you didn't understand the words I'd used - but no-one has done you the same disservice.
If what you say is not what you mean it is your problem for not saying what you mean.

No you haven't. You have (on multiple occasions), changed meanings of words. Changed sentence structures, or took them out of context. (You = plural here). I can say what I want, but apparently when people can't make fun of my posts they will just change the meaning of them.

There are people who think homosexuals don't deserve their respect. So why are you allowed to insult people you dislike and don't respect but they aren't?
Answer that and you'll see why you've been afforded so little sympathy in this thread.

Simple. I'm a homosexual, I was born this way. I have not chosen for it, nor does it make me any kind of different. BUT there are people who think so, and single me out for that reason. They don't respect me for an idea that's not even theirs. 80% of people that are really homophobic are quite religious as well.

I don't respect them because they can't treat other people who have done nothing wrong decently.

The fact you see it as an argument, not a discussion, is probably another reason.

Well, considering people do have to make fun of people, that's when a polite discussion ends.

And again, no-one's twisted anything you've said. Your lack of clarity is your own issue. We can't read inside your head, only what you type.

My lack of clarity? Don't be so fast to make assumptions, and if you're not sure what something means, don't react.

You say you're in Germany. It's a country that tried, in the 1930s, to decide what people thought was offensive and outlaw it. The people were heavily coerced and misled, but it was decided that homosexuality was amongst the offensive things. Homosexuals were tagged, rounded up, castrated/sterilised and executed. This is exactly what you get when you set off down the path of limiting freedoms.

So, you're comparing me to a fascist? Anyway, read the bolded statements, and maybe, just maybe you will realise where the problem really lies.

Why are you choosing not to learn from these mistakes?

Because I won't make those mistakes? -.- Like... The current time doesn't allow for Western nations to become dictatorships. As long as people keep in power, ultimately the right things will be done.

Because when a person displays an emotion, you know that person cares about that fact. If I insulted you for 'baldy', and you weren't bald... What wold be the point? Insults are useless when a person doesn't care about them. And it's just a one-time thing.

If you hold an opinion strong enough that you think people should be gaoled for disagreeing with you - or face "correction" of their behaviour (nice euphemism - they tried that in the 1930s too, and then more recently only using electricity) - then it needs to be strong enough to be defended. "Agree to disagree" is a byword for "I'm not able to back this up, so I'm going to pretend it has equal validity in substitute for an actual defence".

This is an opinions forum, for discussion, not a statements board. If you're not prepared to discuss it, don't pass your opinions.

I assume that gaoled must be 'jailed'? If not, say so. Anyway, there are other ways to reach correcting behaviour, and you can't correct being gay with electroshock therapy. I know that, and I never said I would apply such measures. Again, placing words in my mouth there are not there.

Remember my first post? The reason I came here? The second paragraph makes no sense :/ (And yes, I insulted people that use FoS as a trump card to insult others... Frankly, some of them aren't even averagely intelligent (statistically provable) so it's a compliment for those.)

Unless there's someone else there, typing your expletives and insults for you, I will. And I still will anyway, because you remain solely responsible for anything posted from your account.

Good luck. Have fun.

No seriously. I don't really care if you ban this account or not. Like I said before, I came into this thread for a simple post. But considering I got sarcasm all the way, I've been trying to leave this thread alone. But the comments you make seem to make me look like some kind of lunatic. Won't happen.

And yet none have insulted you, like you have to them. You have been afforded the respect you deny to anyone who disagrees with you - by way of those people respecting GTPlanet's rules (and themselves - they agreed to the rules, like you did).

None have insulted me? Like I said before, to me, sarcasm towards some opinions are worse than insults.

Every time you post to say something is offensive, or to say something you've said cannot possibly be offensive, you are determining what is offensive.

What's offensive to me, yes. But it's not me that should have put the line there. It's your education and raising that should have.

You're free, of course, to do that for yourself, but you're also delusional if you think nothing you've said in this thread can be offensive. It's been pointed out to you repeatedly that everything can be offensive - you refuse to recognise it.

A lot can be offensive, yes. Not everything. And yes, I've been offensive in this thread. Like I told you about 10 pages ago, give me an infraction for it or stop bringing it up -.-

They could decide what was offensive to them. They do not get to do it for me or the planet. Incidentally they're also both dead and I really enjoy being reminded of it at Christmas, so thanks for that. Still, referencing dead relatives can't be offensive if you said it, right?

Never knew my father, my mother passed away as well, so I basically know how you feel. And if you found it offensive that I brought them up, I apologise for that, and we should stop this discussion, considering a couple of the arguments I'm bringing forward could be possibly offending.

The law has no place deciding what is offensive or you end up with massive, massive rights violations. Like when homosexuals were executed in the country you say you're currently in (and the one in your profile) because the majority - from which law gets its mandate - decided homosexuality was offensive.

That was in another time, another way of thinking. Can't compare now, to the Germany from 1930-1945.

Who said anything about anarchy? I just pointed out that any law, no matter how small can ultimately result in prison or death if you feel it is worth fighting against to the bitter end.
And if you think that is an exaggeration, find a law and protest it and its punishment via defiance, then tell me how it works out.

Well, it IS an exaggeration considering IF you really wanted to make a difference, you must go public. When you do that, you're not solely getting imprisoned or shot. That's impossible.

The way you describe how you and other homosexuals have been treated, I'd suggest you have your own share of issues.

Ofcourse we do, but not on the same scale.

Not completely sure you know what you are talking about. But then, I also have enough money left in my paycheck (after paying into Social Security) to pay my bills and save up for both my daughter's college and my own retirement.

I don't know what I'm talking about? We compared social welfare/security systems all around the globe for an essay. I know pretty much what I'm talking of.

We are responding to your posts. Why should we ask when they appear to be pretty clear? You want Romney in jail, you support jailing dumb kids for acting like dumb kids.

First statement is wrong, second statement is 100% made up. Seriously, I never said such a thing.

The worst thing that is publicly known is that one person accused him of being a bully to a homosexual kid when he was a teenager (30 or 40 years ago). And that was about the kid's long hair. Not a word about homosexuality was supposedly said. That is the worst, non-business, accusation against him. The closest he came to being accused of actually performing some kind of hate crime, and as it only came to light near the end of the election cycle it can easily be questioned.

How about wanting to put the homosexuals in the closets again? Keeping marriages, financial benefits and that sort of things away from homosexuals? To me, that's worse than a single attack on one person.

Don't believe everything you hear. If we did that in the US we would think 9/11 was a George Bush plot and Obama is an illegal immigrant. All kinds of false claims get made about US politicians. You can't believe 90% of it.

I don't but I saw enough election videos with the words coming out of Romney's mouth.

But is a lack of decency worth jail time? Better yet, a lack of decency in a way that is only visible to your friends, unless people are actively looking for it?

Yes, It's definitely worth it. When someone jokes about dead relatives, that's simply not done.