And, as I've stated repeatedly, we've only been responding to what you have written. You've invented some really bizarre crap - like accusing me of homophobia and accusing GTPlanet of homophobia because you didn't understand the words I'd used - but no-one has done you the same disservice.
If what you say is not what you mean it is your problem for not saying what you mean.
No you haven't. You have (on multiple occasions), changed meanings of words. Changed sentence structures, or took them out of context. (You = plural here). I can say what I want, but apparently when people can't make fun of my posts they will just change the meaning of them.
There are people who think homosexuals don't deserve their respect. So why are you allowed to insult people you dislike and don't respect but they aren't?
Answer that and you'll see why you've been afforded so little sympathy in this thread.
Simple. I'm a homosexual, I was born this way. I have not chosen for it, nor does it make me any kind of different. BUT there are people who think so, and single me out for that reason. They don't respect me for an idea that's not even theirs. 80% of people that are really homophobic are quite religious as well.
I don't respect them because they can't treat other people who have done nothing wrong decently.
The fact you see it as an argument, not a discussion, is probably another reason.
Well, considering people do have to make fun of people, that's when a polite discussion ends.
And again, no-one's twisted anything you've said. Your lack of clarity is your own issue. We can't read inside your head, only what you type.
My lack of clarity? Don't be so fast to make assumptions, and if you're not sure what something means, don't react.
You say you're in Germany. It's a country that tried, in the 1930s, to decide what people thought was offensive and outlaw it. The people were heavily coerced and misled, but it was decided that homosexuality was amongst the offensive things. Homosexuals were tagged, rounded up, castrated/sterilised and executed. This is exactly what you get when you set off down the path of limiting freedoms.
So, you're comparing me to a fascist? Anyway, read the bolded statements, and maybe, just maybe you will realise where the problem really lies.
Why are you choosing not to learn from these mistakes?
Because I won't make those mistakes? -.- Like... The current time doesn't allow for Western nations to become dictatorships. As long as people keep in power, ultimately the right things will be done.
Because when a person displays an emotion, you know that person cares about that fact. If I insulted you for 'baldy', and you weren't bald... What wold be the point? Insults are useless when a person doesn't care about them. And it's just a one-time thing.
If you hold an opinion strong enough that you think people should be gaoled for disagreeing with you - or face "correction" of their behaviour (nice euphemism - they tried that in the 1930s too, and then more recently only using electricity) - then it needs to be strong enough to be defended. "Agree to disagree" is a byword for "I'm not able to back this up, so I'm going to pretend it has equal validity in substitute for an actual defence".
This is an opinions forum, for discussion, not a statements board. If you're not prepared to discuss it, don't pass your opinions.
I assume that gaoled must be 'jailed'? If not, say so. Anyway, there are other ways to reach correcting behaviour, and you can't correct being gay with electroshock therapy. I know that, and I never said I would apply such measures. Again, placing words in my mouth there are not there.
Remember my first post? The reason I came here? The second paragraph makes no sense :/ (And yes, I insulted people that use FoS as a trump card to insult others... Frankly, some of them aren't even averagely intelligent (statistically provable) so it's a compliment for those.)
Unless there's someone else there, typing your expletives and insults for you, I will. And I still will anyway, because you remain solely responsible for anything posted from your account.
Good luck. Have fun.
No seriously. I don't really care if you ban this account or not. Like I said before, I came into this thread for a simple post. But considering I got sarcasm all the way, I've been trying to leave this thread alone. But the comments you make seem to make me look like some kind of lunatic. Won't happen.
And yet none have insulted you, like you have to them. You have been afforded the respect you deny to anyone who disagrees with you - by way of those people respecting GTPlanet's rules (and themselves - they agreed to the rules, like you did).
None have insulted me? Like I said before, to me, sarcasm towards some opinions are worse than insults.
Every time you post to say something is offensive, or to say something you've said cannot possibly be offensive, you are determining what is offensive.
What's offensive to me, yes. But it's not me that should have put the line there. It's your education and raising that should have.
You're free, of course, to do that for yourself, but you're also delusional if you think nothing you've said in this thread can be offensive. It's been pointed out to you repeatedly that everything can be offensive - you refuse to recognise it.
A lot can be offensive, yes. Not everything. And yes, I've been offensive in this thread. Like I told you about 10 pages ago, give me an infraction for it or stop bringing it up -.-
They could decide what was offensive to them. They do not get to do it for me or the planet. Incidentally they're also both dead and I really enjoy being reminded of it at Christmas, so thanks for that. Still, referencing dead relatives can't be offensive if you said it, right?
Never knew my father, my mother passed away as well, so I basically know how you feel. And if you found it offensive that I brought them up, I apologise for that, and we should stop this discussion, considering a couple of the arguments I'm bringing forward could be possibly offending.
The law has no place deciding what is offensive or you end up with massive, massive rights violations. Like when homosexuals were executed in the country you say you're currently in (and the one in your profile) because the majority - from which law gets its mandate - decided homosexuality was offensive.
That was in another time, another way of thinking. Can't compare now, to the Germany from 1930-1945.
Who said anything about anarchy? I just pointed out that any law, no matter how small can ultimately result in prison or death if you feel it is worth fighting against to the bitter end.
And if you think that is an exaggeration, find a law and protest it and its punishment via defiance, then tell me how it works out.
Well, it IS an exaggeration considering IF you really wanted to make a difference, you must go public. When you do that, you're not solely getting imprisoned or shot. That's impossible.
The way you describe how you and other homosexuals have been treated, I'd suggest you have your own share of issues.
Ofcourse we do, but not on the same scale.
Not completely sure you know what you are talking about. But then, I also have enough money left in my paycheck (after paying into Social Security) to pay my bills and save up for both my daughter's college and my own retirement.
I don't know what I'm talking about? We compared social welfare/security systems all around the globe for an essay. I know pretty much what I'm talking of.
We are responding to your posts. Why should we ask when they appear to be pretty clear? You want Romney in jail, you support jailing dumb kids for acting like dumb kids.
First statement is wrong, second statement is 100% made up. Seriously, I never said such a thing.
The worst thing that is publicly known is that one person accused him of being a bully to a homosexual kid when he was a teenager (30 or 40 years ago). And that was about the kid's long hair. Not a word about homosexuality was supposedly said. That is the worst, non-business, accusation against him. The closest he came to being accused of actually performing some kind of hate crime, and as it only came to light near the end of the election cycle it can easily be questioned.
How about wanting to put the homosexuals in the closets again? Keeping marriages, financial benefits and that sort of things away from homosexuals? To me, that's worse than a single attack on one person.
Don't believe everything you hear. If we did that in the US we would think 9/11 was a George Bush plot and Obama is an illegal immigrant. All kinds of false claims get made about US politicians. You can't believe 90% of it.
I don't but I saw enough election videos with the words coming out of Romney's mouth.
But is a lack of decency worth jail time? Better yet, a lack of decency in a way that is only visible to your friends, unless people are actively looking for it?
Yes, It's definitely worth it. When someone jokes about dead relatives, that's simply not done.