Actually, I've only once ever had a gay man hit on me seriously. Not comfortable.
But it's a lot rarer than having loud, obnoxious heterosexual men hitting on women. Kind of an eye-opener on how they feel when they're around us..
...that homo Pekka Haavisto...
Actually, I've only once ever had a gay man hit on me seriously. Not comfortable.
But it's a lot rarer than having loud, obnoxious heterosexual men hitting on women. Kind of an eye-opener on how they feel when they're around us.
Most of my gay friends are really chill. No different, really, than most straight people.
It made for one very interesting story at brunch the next day with my other friends, but if anything, it made me think about what girls have to deal with with aggressive guys at bars each week. It's really unnerving.
I have had quite a few free drinks thanks to my I don't care you're gay attitude. Gimme vodka and dance for me!
If acting on homosexual desires is a sin, then acting on heterosexual desires would have to be an equal sin. Would someone like to oppose that statement with logic and reason?
If acting on homosexual desires is a sin, then acting on heterosexual desires would have to be an equal sin. Would someone like to oppose that statement with logic and reason?
Leviticus 18:22
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
There it is, in black and white.
That's a bible quote, its doesn't cover any logic or reason behind it.Leviticus 18:22
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
There it is, in black and white.
20:13 If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.
Leviticus 20:9
For every one that curseth his father or his mother shall be surely put to death: he hath cursed his father or his mother; his blood shall be upon him.
Which would make sense if the same section of the bible (and other parts of the OT) don't cover all the petty reasons to execute someone. Which includes children who are rude to parents. Logic that would seem to force pro-creation, yet advocate the harshest of penalties should the fruits of that procreation step out of line.The whole point of sexuality from most major religion's standpoint is to make a connection in a marriage and to have children. The idea is openness to procreation (meaning no contraceptives), and having sex within a monogamous marriage. A married couple having sex without contraceptives is fine in the eyes of most religions. A gay couple having sex is sinful because there's no "openness to procreation".
EDIT: Tree'd by Danny.
Because if we are going to accept Levidicus in its entire form, I can pretty much promise that every member of GT Planet has broken at least one of the laws it contains, and a large number to the degree that the penalty would be death.
MĂśLE_9242;8001090Also, this:
I said using logic and reason.
Procreation is not a good enough reason to say hetero sex is ok while homo sex is not. Procreation is unnecessary to the planet. Why is the survival of humanity a necessity? If we all stopped procreating, humanity would die out. Why is that such a problem? For who and/or what is it a problem? Why do we need to bear children? Is there a goal, a purpose?
That's a bible quote, its doesn't cover any logic or reason behind it.
Merriam-Webster says:
Definition of SIN. 1. a: an offense against religious or moral law . b: an action that is or is felt to be highly reprehensible
So it's not a distinctly religious word.
I'm not religious and I think my posting history in this thread should show I don't actually believe there's anything wrong with homosexuality. He asked why it was sinful, and Danny and I put up the religious backing for it. Sin is a distinctly religious word. Do I think homosexuality is sinful? Yes. Do I think it's morally wrong or in any way a bad thing? Of course not.
That being said, I agree with Scaff on how absurd and inconsistent the "laws" in the Bible are. There's no WBC holding signs saying "God hates kids who talk back to their parents", or "God hates people who eat shellfish". Despite that though, the act of homosexuality is explicitly forbidden in the bible, although a lot of other things are just as explicitly forbidden (like the whole tattoos and shellfish bit), but people argue them away as being "interpretation".