The " I want a livery editor" thread.

  • Thread starter stucar17
For me personally, the absence of a livery editor in GT is what's keeping this series from becoming a complete game for me. A livery editor is one of the main reasons why I play Forza. There are times when I simply don't feel like racing/driving and just want to chill and create some really cool custom liveries to show off. When that urge strikes me, it would be nice to be able to do it in GT and not have to pop in Forza to satisfy my creative thirst. If GT had a livery editor, it then, without a doubt, be my end all - be all automotive driving/racing game.
Even Test Drive Unlimited 2 offered you the option of customizing your car via sticker shops. And I, for one, had a good experience with it. Is there even a plausible reason why PD haven't still introduced a livery editor in the GT series?
Even Test Drive Unlimited 2 offered you the option of customizing your car via sticker shops. And I, for one, had a good experience with it. Is there even a plausible reason why PD haven't still introduced a livery editor in the GT series?

Either its coming in the " alleged update " and we will have some kind of editor / creator

Or as usual .. PD do what they usually do and ignore the cries and leave it out

I have pre-ordered the anniversary edition of gt6 but....

My respect for the series will take a huge nose dive if we don't get the editor and a shed load of old revamped tracks after the amount of time this forum has been asking for both.. LISTEN UP PD WILL YA !!!!
Honestly, does this kill the experience of the game? Look how nice this car looks, even with the "gay" livery designs. We should be able to do something like this in Gran Turismo, also.
I was thinking more along these lines.. simple / diff colors / diff rims with a door number... job done !

C'mon PD .. It's not hard to implement

I was thinking more along these lines.. simple / diff colors / diff rims with a door number... job done !


This, right here. I cannot think of a single reason why someone who loves racing as much as Kaz would want to deny this to race car drivers. If it was simple and restricted to numbers, paint and racing stripes, then the engine could handle it and you would not need moderation. Color me disappointed.
The "penis on car argument" is terribly flawed mostly because another console game, NASCAR 09, had something even better: Paint booth, where you imported your paint schemes into the game via the server and through all the visiting of the communities, I never spotted one car with a penis on it.
Good heavens, the argument is not so pedantic as you make it sound.

The "penis on the car argument"... it's an argument about the various ways various people might find it annoying to have to look at what someone else thinks of as "art".
Or who chooses something that's likely to be provocative or offensive just because. And let's not kid ourselves that such griefers don't exist playing Gran Turismo. :rolleyes:

Many people find the number of people who paint their cars Passionate Pink, with neon orange wheel rims is bad enough.

For example, I don't much care to see your avatar with the bikini doll when I'm racing.
I remember reading a letter from a reader in a magazine (think it was Gamestop magazine), where the guy said he was sick of seeing boobies, and he was perfectly happy with his wife's & was tired of seeing them in whatever game.

There are SO many images that people would choose that others would likely find offensive or spoiling to their gameplay. Racist nonsense, religious blasphemy, pornographic images, plain old insulting gestures or text, just an ugly gargoyle face... or yellow smiley faces for that matter.

And I think Johnnypenso is right, that chasing down prohibited image violators would take enough man hours & resources that most people playing GT6 would prefer that allocated elsewhere, and not ever have to see that crap in the first place & not have to waste time reporting people for something so minor that can cause so much annoyance.

At some point of course stuff like that will be automated in the way copyright images & sounds are automatically flagged on Youtube. At that point, it may be worth letting the editors run free... because there will be a way to filter immediately & hold for moderation images with certain kinds of text, images, shapes, & symbols. But I don't think we're there yet. And I also think that technology will have to work very hard to keep up with those who would spend hours upon hours just trying to beat the filter to get in an offensive controversial inflammatory image.
I would say one thing about this silly "debate" about "not having the livery editor because of..."...

Stop caring about what others do and do what you want to do. As simple as that, people who play Gran Turismo are mostly mature people who keep playing the game since the first...and I don´t think they are going to use a great tool as a Livery Editor is to put penises and stuff like that.
Also as kids also play the game...if one of them or more want to put penises in their cars, what is the problem? They will show us how immature they are and nothing more.

If you play more racing games and take a look at what happens there with the livery´ll find out that no one put penises in their cars, because as far as I know no one would want to have one in it.
A non racing game included some kind of "logo editor" which works the same as a livery editor...Battlefield 4...a game full of kids on consoles...still I never saw a penis or something like that in the game what so ever. I saw troll faces and stuff like that..."Oh so horrible!"...

Come on...the argument of "what is correct or what not" is out of place in a mere racing game in where you need that tool to have a better experience. After all you are going to race with your friends mostly or in closed championships made by communities (as this one) with people who cares to win a race and just want something that represents their team with a more personal touch.

You are caring for an uncertain future of things that are not happening in other games who already have this feature for ages...incredible...

PD Bring it on that livery editor please...

PS: I never write the word "penis" so many times in a thread ever...not even once. :lol:
Come on...the argument of "what is correct or what not" is out of place in a mere racing game in where you need that tool to have a better experience.

Yes, well let's get away from the penises, shall we? ;)

You're missing the point...

I'm not dissing you for wanting the option. Just pointing out that no, not everyone thinks it's "needed" as a tool for a better experience.

In a utopia, it sounds wonderful to me. But I know it's not a utopia in the online gaming world. LOL

And there are MANY people with valid concerns that it will cause a worse experience... if animosity is incited by provocative images.
It's bad enough there are arguments that start among strangers regarding the races themselves, that sometimes turn ugly. (and spiral into racism, nationalism, political, etc) We don't need to bring in pre-conditioning with questionable art declaring a stance on this or that not related to racing.

Perhaps you don't mind it if someone offends you... perhaps you're not inclined to be offended by much. But this is not true of all people who play Gran Turismo.
Perhaps there are very few people who would put Nazi insignia, an upside down crucifix, some kind of racist logo, or yes, a penis... but it will happen. And some people don't want to be annoyed by that at all, to have any such distraction from the racing.

You, and others may look at the list of pros and cons, and see the issue heavily weighted toward the benefits. Others, however, see far more on the potential negatives.

You can stand all day ranting about the irrelevance of such superficial offense... until the cows come home. About how people shouldn't be easily offended, or how this or that shouldn't matter to them.
But in the end, people will not behave how you think they should.
And controversy, scandal, offense, and hostility, will alienate people, and cause loss of sales. That's a problem not to be underestimated as an impact on the game - for all.
Gran Turismo Home> Settings> Online Settings> Enable Custom Liveries> Off

It really could be that simple. I get to have my cars look like they belong on a track and you get to avoid the penises. Not everything has to be all or nothing for everybody, options exist for a reason ;)
Gran Turismo Home> Settings> Online Settings> Enable Custom Liveries> Off

It really could be that simple. I get to have my cars look like they belong on a track and you get to avoid the penises. Not everything has to be all or nothing for everybody, options exist for a reason ;)

Now that's a better angle to approach this topic from. 👍

Although I disagree that the topic is about getting cars to look like they belong on a track... matter of opinion that. (No right or wrong.)

And, I have to add, if you switch that option to enabled on, you might be surprised that people would use a livery editor to make their cars look like they most definitely do NOT belong on a track. LOL ;)
Believe me when I say that I know where you're coming from. I played Forza 3 & Midnight Club LA online. I saw some pretty bad 'creations' on both with the nudity, racism and antisocial stuff you are talking about. The good however, far outweighed the bad.

By saying I want cars to look like they belong on a track, I don't only mean cars that look like they just drove off a NASCAR field. I'd like to be able to put on little event specific stickers like this as well...
Good heavens, the argument is not so pedantic as you make it sound.

The "penis on the car argument"... it's an argument about the various ways various people might find it annoying to have to look at what someone else thinks of as "art".
Or who chooses something that's likely to be provocative or offensive just because. And let's not kid ourselves that such griefers don't exist playing Gran Turismo. :rolleyes:

Many people find the number of people who paint their cars Passionate Pink, with neon orange wheel rims is bad enough.

For example, I don't much care to see your avatar with the bikini doll when I'm racing.
I remember reading a letter from a reader in a magazine (think it was Gamestop magazine), where the guy said he was sick of seeing boobies, and he was perfectly happy with his wife's & was tired of seeing them in whatever game.

There are SO many images that people would choose that others would likely find offensive or spoiling to their gameplay. Racist nonsense, religious blasphemy, pornographic images, plain old insulting gestures or text, just an ugly gargoyle face... or yellow smiley faces for that matter.

And I think Johnnypenso is right, that chasing down prohibited image violators would take enough man hours & resources that most people playing GT6 would prefer that allocated elsewhere, and not ever have to see that crap in the first place & not have to waste time reporting people for something so minor that can cause so much annoyance.

At some point of course stuff like that will be automated in the way copyright images & sounds are automatically flagged on Youtube. At that point, it may be worth letting the editors run free... because there will be a way to filter immediately & hold for moderation images with certain kinds of text, images, shapes, & symbols. But I don't think we're there yet. And I also think that technology will have to work very hard to keep up with those who would spend hours upon hours just trying to beat the filter to get in an offensive controversial inflammatory image.

These problems have been solved for years.

1. Toggle switch "Display user created liveries".
2. Report button.

Don't wanna see any liveries? Use #1.
Wanna see liveries, but see something offensive? Use #2.

PD can hire an intern to double check images that are reported more than X number of times, for the grand cost of bugger all. Or simply auto-ban any image that is reported more than X number of times, for the grand cost of absolutely nothing.

Want to be really innovative? You could even have a "Display friends liveries only" toggle. Wow, we're thinking outside the box now.
Just what we need, more unpaid slave laborers interns in an already depressed demand economy.
1) I wouldn't think much of PD for not paying its workers who have to look at the obscene & profane all day.
2) I would however rather their resources be spent on hiring workers doing more important things.
It would be nice if there could be selection on stickers and you could use them. Or stripes. Like in need for speed underground 1. No need anybody be on guard then. Safe and easy.
That's perfect! That way, it gives the player an almost unlimited amount of combinations, while not giving them the ability to arrange those circles and cylinders in a naughty way. It would also make it user friendly, too! :cool:
As i posted earlier in the thread shall we abolish chat features too now because people are scared of what others may shout down the mic? No? This arguemnet against no livery is pretty rubbish, 10 million people bought gt5 many of which would love an editor but they shouldnt have it because of a few idots? If you're so scared of a penis i suggest not turning the tv on or leaving the house ever.
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These problems have been solved for years.

1. Toggle switch "Display user created liveries".
2. Report button.

Don't wanna see any liveries? Use #1.
Wanna see liveries, but see something offensive? Use #2.

PD can hire an intern to double check images that are reported more than X number of times, for the grand cost of bugger all. Or simply auto-ban any image that is reported more than X number of times, for the grand cost of absolutely nothing.

Want to be really innovative? You could even have a "Display friends liveries only" toggle. Wow, we're thinking outside the box now.

I think the default setting would probably have to be "off"' and if you enabled it, you would get a pretty strong disclaimer stating that you should prepare yourself of a bunch of racist 13 year olds that may well have painted their cars with a badly drawn gentle men's private area thing. Well, maybe not quite that, but something like it.

I think the trouble here might be the PEGI rating system...although the avalanche of potty mouth talk on the online chat portion of the game seems to be able to get around those restrictions...
For me personally, the absence of a livery editor in GT is what's keeping this series from becoming a complete game for me. A livery editor is one of the main reasons why I play Forza. There are times when I simply don't feel like racing/driving and just want to chill and create some really cool custom liveries to show off. When that urge strikes me, it would be nice to be able to do it in GT and not have to pop in Forza to satisfy my creative thirst. If GT had a livery editor, it then, without a doubt, be my end all - be all automotive driving/racing game.

Get this point over to Kaz_Yamauchi on twitter