The " I want a livery editor" thread.

  • Thread starter stucar17
The livery editor as it is now in Forza, is actually nearly perfect.

No undo button = me is an angry painter.

I'd let it slide if Forza were only one game, but the fact that there is no darned undo button for four games and counting is a really silly oversight on Turn 10's behalf.
This is literally a must!!!
Theres only so much you can do with a paint bucket and a small selection of wheels. You can't make your own unique car. Having this would also bring so much more entertainment and fun to the game rather than most of it being fairly serious and realistic.


There wouldnt be much ceativity left, when there would be an import feature for files from pc. And many childs would import their porn.jpeg-file, stick it on their fully tuned veyron and show it around in public lobbies. Where is the creativity, when someone imports a picture from google-search to their car, instead of working on their own for some hours and learn something by it?
Again. Being scared by technology because you scared people abouse it.
Looser mentality. :indiff:

You need to tell me why there are no porno cars in sites like and
If we are able to create liveries with templates we could upload them here at and I'm sure moderators can find a way to keep things organized. I'm sure we'll see no porno here.
After, it's also the community to self moderate to denouncing the bad behavior or the use of porn photos.

In forza, ban the import photos directly from the PC is a good thing. At least, the people use the talent and time to be rewarding (via the in-game auction system of cars with liveries). In addition, it also avoids the use of porn pictures.

ps: Sorry for my english. I'm stranger.

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Since GT6 is going to have online club and league support features, I think a livery editor is about as necessary as it gets. Being able to paint up your cars and race cars as you like is one thing. But as I said before GT5's release, having no liveries takes away all online individual identity. Liveries are the racing identity of professional race cars. If you want to see an even bigger food fight than over the Standards, don't give us a Livery Editor, or make it with those wretchedly simple templates we got in GT5. Yech.
This is a very cool idea, but it could end up with people paying literally millions for a simple livery :dunce:

Yeah, like on Forza.

In Forza, you can trade a car with your livery applied. but the buyer can not modify or apply it on a another car if you decide to lock your livery before selling ;)
Honestly, as much as I hope not, i think it means decals/vynils. I know a lot of people are whining for it, but I don't want it. ... I definitely do not want liveries. Liveries are a waste of time. Some people may like it but I guarantee I'll end up wasting a few hours on it, and end up not even liking my designs, so I'd rather it not even be in the game. Plus cars look ugly with stickers on them.

So because of your lack in ability, everyone else should suffer? Despicable. I can't stand comments like yours. Saying this is like saying, "since I can't paint a beautiful masterpiece, I don't think anyone should be allowed to." Napoleonic & dictator like thinking that is.

Liveries/stickers are more than a "waste of time", they are individual expressions of the owner of said vehicle to differentiate himself in a way that driving can not allow. Just like you have the freedom to design your room, house, apartment, clothing, and life, so to should we have the freedom to differentiate ourselves with our vehicles.

If you can't sticker then learn how. And if you think they simply "look ugly with stickers on them", then don't put stickers on yours! But even if I couldn't sticker/vinyl, I could not deny some of the awesome designs out there on many tuners, rally, and race cars and how the ability for people to create their own would add a world of individuality and diversity and create infinite possibilities.

Just as a decent and deep track editor that lets you have control over the environment, scenery, and track would allow for infinite track possibilities. A great livery editor would allow for an infinite array of vehicles from drag to drift, rally to race, pro to street. The possibilities are infinite. GT could even have a contest where people could design the next GTAcademy livery or be the creator for future GTAcademy designs!!! The possibilities are freaking ENDLESS with an unrestricted livery/vinyl editor!!!

For good or for bad, the control is in each individuals hands and can even grow new friendships, groups, teams, and communities. And that's a plus for everyone!
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The possibilities are infinite. GT could even have a contest where people could design the next GTAcademy livery or be the creator for future GTAcademy designs!!! The possibilities are freaking ENDLESS with an unrestricted livery/vinyl editor!!!

Indeed, Falken tires recently ran a competition to design their car for later in the season utilising the Forza livery editor, it's been done for other cars and series but nothing quite as high profile as that. Shows the 'power' that the livery editor can have.
Honestly, as much as I hope not, i think it means decals/vynils. I know a lot of people are whining for it, but I don't want it. All I want is some paint options, like I want to be able to paint the interior in a bunch of different ways, kind of like in TDU 2 where you could change the color of your interior. I definitely do not want liveries. Liveries are a waste of time. Some people may like it but I guarantee I'll end up wasting a few hours on it, and end up not even liking my designs, so I'd rather it not even be in the game. Plus cars look ugly with stickers on them.

I also definitely want more upgrade options, most of all, aero packages. One of my biggest problems with the aero upgrades in GT5 was that it would only let you add downforce to the rear, not the front. It's very important to have some on the front if you're to really turn a road car into a race car. You can't do it with just rear downforce.

I hope that "multiple aerodynamic parts" doesn't mean say "multiple" aero parts we already have because they may change the appearance, but only the wings are useful and that sucks.

So every race car ever made looks ugly (after all they have 'stickers' on them).

Honestly I'm fairly rubbish with livery editors, but can still manage the likes of these:

Far better than a field full of plain cars or everybody running one of a set number of themes, and it would open up a new series of competitions here as well, which would be great.
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Tying in with what Scaff said; a livery editor also helps increase the authenticity of user-made replicas. Scaff himself made a replica of Nissan UK's crazy rear-drive Micra in FM4 - as best as he could given the swap limitations - and adding a livery inspired by the real thing made it that much sweeter to drive.

While there hasn't been any outright mention of a livery editor yet, I can only assume there are plans afoot for one, and it's just being saved for a later reveal. With proposed group and club features, it'd be downright silly if we don't get one. Tying in with it, I actually do hope we can sell them for credits, either sticker groups or entire liveries. The idea of letting players explore other avenues of credit accumulation is an awesome one; I love logging into a game and getting a few thousand credits just because someone else liked my designs. Oh, and there should be absolutely no limitations on the price we can set, from free to whatever the max credit limit is. The market - and even more so, each individual - decides the value of the design.
And your flag beside it

This is a very cool idea, but it could end up with people paying literally millions for a simple livery :dunce:

We got GTPlanet for that,we would get some fantastic liveries with the talent here.
While there hasn't been any outright mention of a livery editor yet, I can only assume there are plans afoot for one, and it's just being saved for a later reveal. With proposed group and club features, it'd be downright silly if we don't get one.


Two confirmed. One to go. :sly:
Tying in with what Scaff said; a livery editor also helps increase the authenticity of user-made replicas. Scaff himself made a replica of Nissan UK's crazy rear-drive Micra in FM4 - as best as he could given the swap limitations - and adding a livery inspired by the real thing made it that much sweeter to drive.

While there hasn't been any outright mention of a livery editor yet, I can only assume there are plans afoot for one, and it's just being saved for a later reveal. With proposed group and club features, it'd be downright silly if we don't get one. Tying in with it, I actually do hope we can sell them for credits, either sticker groups or entire liveries. The idea of letting players explore other avenues of credit accumulation is an awesome one; I love logging into a game and getting a few thousand credits just because someone else liked my designs. Oh, and there should be absolutely no limitations on the price we can set, from free to whatever the max credit limit is. The market - and even more so, each individual - decides the value of the design.

100% agree with this right here. It baffles me when people don't want livery editor. I have spent countless hours on GT5, I could only imagine how much more time I will spend on GT6 if a livery editor is in the game.
Tying in with what Scaff said; a livery editor also helps increase the authenticity of user-made replicas. Scaff himself made a replica of Nissan UK's crazy rear-drive Micra in FM4 - as best as he could given the swap limitations - and adding a livery inspired by the real thing made it that much sweeter to drive.

While there hasn't been any outright mention of a livery editor yet, I can only assume there are plans afoot for one, and it's just being saved for a later reveal. With proposed group and club features, it'd be downright silly if we don't get one. Tying in with it, I actually do hope we can sell them for credits, either sticker groups or entire liveries. The idea of letting players explore other avenues of credit accumulation is an awesome one; I love logging into a game and getting a few thousand credits just because someone else liked my designs. Oh, and there should be absolutely no limitations on the price we can set, from free to whatever the max credit limit is. The market - and even more so, each individual - decides the value of the design.

This one:

Two confirmed. One to go. :sly:

Considering it just might be the top thing on my personal wishlist after a real tire model, it's fair to say the confirmation of that will mean I'll be sinking countless hours into GT6. According to the in-game stats, I spend more time painting than anything else bar actually racing in FM4.

100% agree with this right here. It baffles me when people don't want livery editor. I have spent countless hours on GT5, I could only imagine how much more time I will spend on GT6 if a livery editor is in the game.

You and me both, JDM!

This one:


That's the one 👍

Just realised we can create the old RM cars from previous GT games :drool:

Been there.


Done that.




I love those pic Slip, I would love to have something similar In my leauge where players could join a Mazda track day and drives those Miata you have there. Heres to hoping my man. :cheers:
I remember that Set Kyle,it's actually what reminded me that we can recreate those cars :lol: ,if we do get livery editor be prepared to make us all of those :D
It would be pretty sweet to make old GTRM cars, yes. And as you all state, what's the point with a race club if we can't put the clubs sticker or design on our cars. Would be quite hard to, let's say, separate the different people within the two clubs that have a race-off, and saving the replay and uploading it to youtube. (Yes, I'm hoping for that too, since GT5 WAS SUPPOSED TO HAVE THAT FEATURE.)
You know, as much as I look forward to creating race car liveries and coming up with original patterns, etcetera, there's also other interesting stuff I imagine you can do with a livery editor.
From applying a subtle low contrast two-tone paint job to for example highlighting or instead masking certain parts or lines of a car so that its appearance drastically or subtly changes (or just painting certain parts like for example bumpers in a different colour).

I'm also strangely tempted to do something like this (if possible), which I reckon is quite hard to get right in a convincing way. ;)

I made this thread hoping to get this amount of support, with a lot of people saying what I was thinking.

I help to run race leagues here in Australia and New Zealand and the prospect of being able to run team liveries for our league races is calling very loud.

Like anything, if you don't want it or like it simply don't use it !!

It just has so much upside I wouldn't believe they wouldn't add one in some capacity.
I spend more time painting than anything else bar actually racing in FM4.
Aren't we sad? Well, I was sad, I did spend more time painting than racing in Forza 3. :P

I'm also strangely tempted to do something like this (if possible), which I reckon is quite hard to get right in a convincing way. ;)

[piccie snip - guys, be nice to the poster and don't quote images unless they say yay. It eats up their bandwidth]
Anyway, dude! That's just what I'd intended to do in Forza! Sort of, I meant to create a racing beater, but when I started in Forza 2 the paint was too glossy and it didn't look right. However, I have seen some cool rust jobs like that in F3 and 4.

I really wish I could get along with Forza 4, because there are two things I miss that just aren't in other games: the sense of danger in pushing street cars too hard, and that crazy Livery Editor.

As stucar17 says, GT6 is going to need a Livery Editor more than ever. With PD giving us club and league builder tools, and the ability to create not just events, but series and championships, the fans are going to go ballistic if there's no way to give their personal cars the liveries that real life race car drivers have. This is practically what makes race cars what they are these days, and as others have said, the talent pool here for creating original and legacy liveries is very high. Plus, I have a feeling that in their usual user friendly way, PD will give us templates for those who lack artsy talent. Just please, not templates solely, that would vex me to no end.

I know these are old, but I thought I'd share mine. I'm just a middle of the road car artist compared to some of the talent here and at the Forza forums. If I can whip these out, just imagine the possibilities.




And the images from Forza 4 are delectable.
Sweet liveries bro 👍 Just curious, how'd you get the GTP logo on there? That much have taken donkey years to create, let alone the rest of the livery(s) :scared:
Am I the only one that finds it ironic for Tenacious D's cars from Forza are decked out in GT5 and Sony paraphernalia :lol: I mean Playstation on the hood and side; GT5 on the side and GTPlanet on the side.

OT: I'm curious to see the if the following comes true... Say GT6 launches with a livery editor, but it is very simplistic (meaning not having the capabilities for multiple layers i.e. Forza). Will it be enough to satisfy players who are so concerned about the livery editor in the first place, or will they complain about that to?

It seems natural that he would announce the team/club/community aspects first...Now, let's hope the last feature is implemented. It only makes sense.

"Both are technically possible, and we might be preparing it (laughs).

This *** ain't funny, Kazunori. Actually, yes it is lollololol!

No, but really, there's no coming back from this one.