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- United Kingdom
I'm also currently compiling a mental list of exactly which conspiracy theory's you subscribe to and what order the are going to come out in!
Good, when I get older I may consult you for reminders. You may have a problem with this one though, since at no time have I ever said that they were real, nor a forgery. It was you who said they were a forgery. If a judge says they're a forgery then they must be. (I'm sure this is logical, since a judge has never lied).
In fact I would also be inclined to believe the timeline from here. https://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10007244
This page offers a few interesting points.
1)The conspiracy and its leaders, the so-called Elders of Zion, never existed.
So the Elders of Zion never existed. So is that why it's a forgery. Fine, I'm willing to accept that.
2) 1864 French political satirist Maurice Joly writes The Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu. Joly's book never mentions Jews, but much of the Protocols would be fabricated based on ideas contained in it.
So the protocols are a forgery of The Dialogue in Hell? Since we can't discuss the Protocols, we can of course discuss The Dialogue in Hell.
SInce the Protocols were never reported to be in print for a number of years after this then, this would be a likely conclusion.(But it's not a proof)
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