- 23,800
- Philippines
I'd say based on the early Cold War conflicts, the split in captured technology was about even. In the long run the US was just more stable.
Profit motive beats "please don't murder me" every time.
I'd say based on the early Cold War conflicts, the split in captured technology was about even. In the long run the US was just more stable.
The three-tier standard government security clearance levels are well known: confidential, secret and top secret. However just having a clearance at one of these levels does not automatically give access to any information at that level. There has to be a demonstrable "need to know" in order to be briefed or read in on a given project, program, facility or intelligence product. But this system is merely the "white" side of the security system. There is a massive secret "black" system as well, the existence of which is known while the details (naturally) are deeply hidden. (For a publicly available overview see the Report of the Commission on Protecting and Reducing Government Secrecy: 1997, chaired by Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Senate Document 105-2. See also the report In Search of the Pentagon's billion dollar hidden budgets by Bill Sweetman, North American editor for the British publication Jane's Defence Weekly, from which much of the following material has been condensed.) This structure has been described as a "shadow military" existing in parallel with open or overtly classified programs. It is for programs considered to be too sensitive for normal classification measures: these are called Special Access Programs (SAPs). They are protected by a security system of great complexity. Many of the SAPs are located within industry funded through special contracts. Under arrangements called "carve-outs" such programs and funds become removed from the usual security and contract-oversight organizations. In 1997 there were at least 150 SAPs.
There are also levels of SAP, the first being a division into acknowledged and unacknowledged SAPs. Black Program is slang for an unacknowledged SAP. An unacknowledged SAP is so sensitive that its very existence is a "core secret." Indeed, some unacknowledged SAPs are sensitive to the extent that they are "waived" (a technical term) from the normal management and oversight protocols. Even members of Congress on appropriations committees (the Senate and House committees that allocate budgets) and intelligence committees are not allowed to know anything about these programs. In the case of a waived SAP, only eight members of Congress (the chairs and ranking minority members of the four defense committees) are even notified that a given program has been waived (without being told anything about the nature of the program). Such a program is certainly deep black (though I am not sure if that designation is actually used in the business).
The number of people with access to multiple SAPs is deliberately very limited. This virtually assures that hardly anyone knows what is going on in another program. Black programs are often covered by white (normal classification system) or unclassified programs. The U2 spyplane was covered by a weather-research aircraft program. Such covering allows technology to be relatively openly developed until such time as it is ready for application to a black program. The overt cover program is then usually cancelled, having accomplished its purpose. This happened to the X-30 National Aerospaceplane project in 1994. It appeared to be an unrealistically ambitious program that was eventually cancelled, but was in reality a cover for what is almost certainly a black-world hypersonic aircraft according to defense analyst Sweetman. (This may be the source of the phantom sonic boom phenomenon reported since the early 1990s.)
Someone read in on an unacknowledged SAP would be required to deny even its existence, i.e. even a "no comment" would be a serious breach of security. It can also happen that someone, such as a general or admiral, ostensibly responsible for certain types of programs or areas of technology would not be briefed on the existence of a program that should be within his jurisdiction. (If your name is not on the so-called "bigot list" for a program you will not be briefed, no matter what your rank or responsibility. Even the director of the CIA or the DIA would not ex officio and automatically be on all such lists.) The wall of denial in the deep black world can thus be maintained by both deception and deliberately designed lack of cognizance leading to apparently honest denial. In addition to passive security, active measures can also be deemed necessary: disinformation. Again according to the report by Sweetman, two high level commissions have concluded that, among other things, black programs include "systematic efforts to confuse and disinform the public." One disinformation ploy is to divulge both real and fabricated information of equal apparent credibility mixed together to someone or some group. The fabricated information can then be used to discredit claims, individuals or organizations. This is a highly effective way to keep a major secret: let the secret be revealed but mixed with sufficient disinformation to assure that the secret will not be believed by anyone who actually matters, for example the national media. The cost of such intense levels of security can be quite steep. It has been estimated that an intensively sensitive program may consume half or even more of its secret budget in security.
The products of the intelligence community are termed Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI). It is easier to keep a program hidden in a contractor facility than in a government facility. Deeply buried programs in contractor facilities are called "carve outs" (referring to the budget). A crash retrieval or some classified continuation of Project Blue Book would likely exist as a deep black industrially-based SAP. A program involving hardware would be considered technology rather than intelligence and most likely fall under the office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics. Ironically for such a program even someone having an intelligence "ticket" at the highest level would not be considered to have a need to know. All of this results in very effective isolation and virtually no one in a position of open civilian governmental authority being cognizant of this after a time, even though, at least in principle, the Special Access Program Oversight Commitee, SAPOC, should be cognizant of such a program. I do not know of any fundamentally limiting factors in the potential longevity of a program. The extreme compartmentalization and limited oversight would tend to keep a program in existence, perhaps indefinitely. Political leaders come and go, pandering to the masses for votes in the eyes of many within the military and intelligence communities, and as a result have varying degrees of respect and trust in that world. Deep black programs can become quite independent of any given administration, and it would certainly be unrealistic to assume that a given president has been briefed on every SAP. A president does not automatically have a need to know. (See Would the President be Briefed on a UFO Special Access Program; also Some Thoughts on Keeping It Secret.) Moreover Freedom of Information Act requests cannot penetrate unacknowledged special access programs.
1.2 Million people(And Rapidly growing) have said that they will Raid Area 51 on September 20 "Looking for aliens".
I mean it's supposed to be a joke but I'm starting to think it might happen now given the amount of people involved the Government isn't going to be able to stop this.
In the very possible event that some few people do show up to storm the gates of "Area 51", they will be repulsed by high tech.1.2 Million people(And Rapidly growing) have said that they will Raid Area 51 on September 20 "Looking for aliens".
I mean it's supposed to be a joke but I'm starting to think it might happen now given the amount of people involved the Government isn't going to be able to stop this.
A load of neckbeards walking 15 miles through a hostile desert environment? Can the EMS cope? That's the question.
In the very possible event that some few people do show up to storm the gates of "Area 51", they will be repulsed by high tech.
The Air Force Research Laboratory Directed Energy Directorate’s Active Denial System (ADS), a non-lethal, directed energy weapon intended to repel unruly or unwanted crowds.
More likely they will have to eat lead. Earlier this year a very foolish neckbeard was shot to death there.
[FSB's] Mega who was it? Revealed
For a long time many have wondered who was Mega? Who was the super spy with all the dirt on the Clintons and other members of government. Well Mega was never a man it’s a group.
You want names I got’em. If there is one thing I can’t stand in the truth movement is vague groups with no names.
Mega is not a super spy per se it’s not an individual it’s a group and the mega group is in charge of the politicians they handle. Mega is a group of [evangelical christian] billionaires. Referring to “Mega” just means the guy we have on so and so. This group finances politicians and owns much of the press, they set up honey traps and once compromised, they back the politician who they can ruin any time they choose.
The sex rings are set up by these businessmen and prostitutes mainly from Russia to ensnare politicians on the state and federal level and then blackmail them into pro-[russian] positions. The head of this octopus is Charles Bronfman of the Bronfman family. Edgar Bronfman Sr. Head of the world [evangelical christian] congress whose son Edgar Bronfman Jr owned the parent company of MSNBC GE Universal. (88%)
They have a think tank called Emet. Some members in Mega are Ronald Lauder, Michael Steinhardt (mentor of Joe Liberman), Leslie Wexner, Edgar Bronfman, Charles Bronfman, Max Fisher, Leonard Abramson, they are all [evangelical christians] and all billionaires in this group. Foxman, and Abrams also consult with the group.
Leslie or Les Wexner also financed Former PM of [Russia], Ehud Barak, through the Wexner Foundation. They gave him $2.5 million. Serial Child Rapist and professional blackmailer Jeff Epstein is on the board for Wexner Foundation and he has also received money from Wexner. Epstein is based in US at several location including the Caribbean, but he also has a spot in Paris and gets girls mainly from Eastern Europe from several modeling agency fronts.
Arie Scher and George Schteinberg ran a similar operation in Brazil. Arie was never punished, the [Russians] tried to pawn him off to Australia.
Inside the government they have moles who report information to mega such as Richard Perle and Douglas Feith etc. The “Mega” that the Clintons were looking for was Leon Fuerth the National Security Adviser for Al Gore. Remember that Gore chose Lieberman to be his running mate in 2000. The head of the DOD moles and cabinet moles was not Sharon but Netanyahu and that is who both Lieberman, and Fuerth reported to and who oversaw Wolfowitz and the OSP group from PNAC.
There is a network inside the US setting up honey traps ans and using info form the [FSB] spy ring to dodge police and when and if they are caught they normally just get deported to [Russia]. Let’s go micro.
Take the case of Governor McGreevey. The case there was that the governor of New Jersey was married to a woman but got caught sleeping with a man and had to resign. The back story was that Cipel was a [Russian] national and staunch [evangelical christian] who McGreevey gave a 6 figure job to as head of security of the state. But it was not Cipel who was blackmailing McGreevey it was his boss.
Charles Kushner whose son owns the New York Observer, was the man who sponsored the visa for the [Russian] “raven” Cipel. Kushner also was the largest donor to McGreevey and paid him separately to be a consultant. Kushner was the largest donor not only to McGreevey but all the Democrats in Jersey. The governor of NJ appoints the Chairman for the Part Authority a position Kushner wanted.
Kushner has a history of honey traps. When his own sister Ester Schulder was cooperating with an investigation into Kushner’s tax evasion and breach of campaign finance laws, Kushner set her husband up in a honey trap and secretly filmed him having sex with a prostitute. The tape was sent to Kushner’s sister. She didn’t back down and Kushner was hit with filing false tax returns and tampering with the witness.
Kushner went to jail for two years and when he got out his CFO Marci Plotkin pleaded guilty of the same things, false tax returns. Money they had claimed was donated to [Russian] schools and [evangelical christian] groups that actually had just gone in a circle back to Kushner. Plotkin is also facing 2 years in jail. Feb 11, 2008
Cipel of course in his new job was allowed to “inspect” US nuclear facilities for “security”. Kushner brought him over, Kushner paid McGreevey, and Kushner went to jail for another honey trap that involved his own family.
Another man possibly in the mega group is Samual Zell a [evangelical christian] billionaire. That story is in here
One interesting and very famous honey pot was that of Monica and Bill. Now Kathy Sloane was the woman who referred Monica to the Clintons she is also the woman who introduced Hillary to Denise Rich, the wife of Marc Rich, the [FSB] agent Bill gave a pardon to who used Lewis Libby as his Lawyer, (Cheney’s chief of staff and the source of the Plame outing and a PNAC writer.) Lewinksy’s phone conversations were being tapped by the [Russians] and Bill Clinton suspected it. Libby’s defense fund was chaired by Mel Sembler who was himself involved in piping bogus intel from Michael Ledeen to the OSP about yellow cake Uranium from Niger.
Marc Rich the Mentor of Berezovsky mafia is a story all to himself you can read or listen to that here.
It's not racist to say that people who are Jewish are Jewish. It is racist to apply the behavioural concepts noted above to all Jews as a people.I had to make some changes to the article to make it not 'racist'.
I had to make some changes to the article to make it not 'racist'.
Here's a great article, with links to recent scholarly books on conspiracy theory/conspiricism.
A bird, they say?What's it supposed to look like?
Numerous large mystery drones fly grid pattern over Colorado at night.
"Theory" is the wrong word to use for 99.9% of this claptrap.
Just not fully-baked ones...I agree with the direction of your post but "theory" is absolutely the correct word.
Colorado’s Eastern Plains are ground zero for one of the strangest phenomenon in the United States. Since mid-December, a legion of unexplained drones with 6-foot wingspans have flown the night skies over at least nine counties in eastern Colorado and western Nebraska, inspiring wild conspiracy theories, perplexing agencies and confounding citizens from around the world.
The Federal Aviation Administration and Colorado Department of Homeland Security are investigating the bizarre flights, as Gov. Jared Polis and U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner, R-Yuma, vow to get to the bottom of what has become a national mystery.