The Interview

  • Thread starter Crispy
We watched it last weekend on Youtube. (My spouse put it on.) And it was so over the top that it was actually way more entertaining than I'd expected. My spouse said something about them being "in touch with their inner 12 year old". But it was so extreme and that fits, because they were often making fun of really extremely weird things you hear about North Korea that really are kind of ready-made set-ups for ridiculousness & bathroom humour.
(Like that the leader doesn't poo. I had heard that on a Frontline documentary prior.)

But in regards to ...

I was actually surprised.
I wholly expected it to be ridiculous and/or grossly insulting somehow. Like a cheesy horror comedy type death. Like that he's killed on the toilet. Or in some humiliating way.
But he wasn't. He got a Bond villain sort of send-off.
Almost rather complimentary, if viewed in that light.
Just watched it on Netflix. I thuroughly enjoyed it. The ending was quite spectacular; a solid mix of comedy and action. The whole movie was actually much better thought out than I anticipated. 9.5/10 would watch again and recommend.