Sorry, I quoted you for something entirely different. That being Ten's deliberate, and "naughty", misspelling of source, that you reproduced.^Have you read beyond the first half senstence?? He asked for a quote that was already given in the my inital post
I don't know where this is going, but I ain't him.Sorry, I quoted you for something entirely different. That being Ten's deliberate, and "naughty", misspelling of source, that you reproduced.
A serious search on this industry (beyond pronhub) is quite shocking.
On the suicide...
And the list goes on...
Cause it's something done in private.
Really. Glad you enjoyed it. I didn't.
Yes I am, never been there. If its like FB then you don't see much. I also see people who get off taking up skirt shots of unsuspecting women in public(on other sites). WHICH IS ILLEGAL.
My point was some of the scenes pretty much condone abuse and sodomy. Some of the acts would be illegal.
And don't tell me some of the women don't get traumatized in the industry.
I've seen some beautiful women do "castings" which are on the verge of sexual assault. And you never see them again. Cause of the sick minded perverts in the industry.
And lets face it, if we talk real porn, not the playboy stuff, you need to have some psycological damage to begin with to get into that kind.
I'm pretty sure a large chunk of the nude photos on the web came from people who didn't want that to begin with.Cause you aren't going to take nude photos for the world to see for free, or would you.
Then you weren't going to get into the industry. To this day, the only way men can get in is being blessed in the pants or doing gay porn.You answered your own question.
At one time I was offered to do porn. I went in applied and the guy said and I quote. "You could make more doing gay porn."(I has just gotten out of a prison work camp and I was 175lbs of muscle(now I'm 190lbs of beer gut)Regardless y'all know my view on that subject. It was also that day I learned the industry doesn't care about the actors views/belifes. I don't do "gay for pay." That was the ONLY offer.
If it traumatizes them, that's unfortunate. But, they consented to it in the first place. You don't consent to getting roped and bound for sex and then blame the entire industry.My point never was about being forced. My point was some of the scenes pretty much condone abuse and sodomy. Some of the acts would be illegal. And don't tell me some of the women don't get traumatized in the industry.
I've seen some beautiful women do "castings" which are on the verge of sexual assault. And you never see them again. Cause of the sick minded perverts in the industry. Porn could be beautiful. But perverts have destroyed the industry with abuse and fetishes, porn has gone to hell!!!!
While I have nothing, absolutly nothing against porn, the parties involved,
it is not only for the money they do it. Most of these girls had very bad experience as minors, have huge psycological problems, and are physiclly and mentally abused, on set and behind.
And as long as this industries has as much demand as it has, these broken people will be further broken. I am not a saint or taking a high moral ground here, as I am guilty of watchin it too.
A good breakdown from what happens in that industry is the case of Jessie Rogers
I quote the most relevant part to the thread and in order to stay AUP friendly.
Seriously, you don't think there's much hidden controversy in the regular film industry as well? I'm pretty sure drugs, suicide, abuse, and rampant partying goes way back with Hollywood, so there's no saints in either industry. Agents pushing their girls to show a little more skin? There's definitely stories in Hollywood there of sleazeballs.There is a lot of abuse, trickery,...
And i would go as far as say that all people in that business are mentally not very healthy. The suicide rate of pornstars is shocking...
Seriously a good look behind the curtains of that business is an eye opener....
It's interesting. Anyone that agrees that porn should be age restricted has in effect acknowledged that there are moral or ethical issues tied to porn. Regarding age, if there should be a line, why should there be a line? Yet-to-fully-develop brains seems maybe a valid argument, but that would imply that there's something wrong with that type of information being input. Another view to posit is that minors should not be allowed to watch depictions of things they are not allowed to do / give consent to having done to them, in real life. Under that rationale though, a documentary with someone driving a car on a public road, or drinking alcohol, or voting, or buying cigarettes, or any number of other "ordinary" actions in it, should be age restricted.
While I have nothing, absolutly nothing against porn, the parties involved,
it is not only for the money they do it. Most of these girls had very bad experience as minors, have huge psycological problems, and are physiclly and mentally abused, on set and behind.
And as long as this industries has as much demand as it has, these broken people will be further broken. I am not a saint or taking a high moral ground here, as I am guilty of watchin it too.
A good breakdown from what happens in that industry is the case of Jessie Rogers
There is a lot of abuse, trickery,...
And i would go as far as say that all people in that business are mentally not very healthy. The suicide rate of pornstars is shocking...
Seriously a good look behind the curtains of that business is an eye opener....
If it traumatizes them, that's unfortunate. But, they consented to it in the first place. You don't consent to getting roped and bound for sex and then blame the entire industry.
I'm not denying many have had an awful time in the industry...
Seriously, you don't think there's much hidden controversy in the regular film industry as well? I'm pretty sure drugs, suicide, abuse, and rampant partying goes way back with Hollywood, so there's no saints in either industry. Agents pushing their girls to show a little more skin? There's definitely stories in Hollywood there of sleazeballs.
It's the eternal struggle of our morals and standards vs our beastly desires and dirty sexual fantasies.
It's nature and although no one wants his daughter or family member to get involved in the porn industry...
Most urges and desires and especially sexual ones, are in itself something beastly (natural if you want), it's evolution's way of giving us that intense desire to engage in the act of reproducing, or in the case of gay people a substitute for said desire but without the possibility due to sexual preferences. Doesn't matter really as it's subconscious and as long as we all chase that high of getting an orgasm we're happy. We don't even realize why we want it so bad anyway it just comes to us due to our hormones.Why are desires beastly and sexual fantasies dirty?
Nah i wouldn't want my daughter or son to end up in that world, as it's a shady one and you end up with a social stigma everywhere. But that's me being a hypocrite i suppose as i do like porn.Depends. If that's what she wants to do then I want her to do it. Or him, if it's a male.
I feel like a lot of people are forgetting that there's men in porn too. Which is probably another innate cultural giveaway like what @Danoff was talking about, men are assumed to be willing and eager for any sex that they can get. I think it's tough for a lot of people to empathise with a guy who has spent hours having sex even though he's not particularly into it.
Which is a problem in user supplied porn. That can be found on the same "free" sites as legit porn vids/pictures. While the subject is about the "industry", the problem is a larger subject.I'm pretty sure a large chunk of the nude photos on the web came from people who didn't want that to begin with.
I guess a Tec 9 ain't enough for a woman, yet enough for "gay for pay", go figure.Then you weren't going to get into the industry. To this day, the only way men can get in is being blessed in the pants or doing gay porn.
Still seems to be a beat um up, spit um out kind of industry. Even if they do "agree", things happen that a safety word can't stop. I'm sure y'all have seen a vid or two where all looks good then you see a slap to the face that she wasn't expecting, yet still has to "finish cause she "signed up" even tough you can tell she didn't want to.If it traumatizes them, that's unfortunate. But, they consented to it in the first place. You don't consent to getting roped and bound for sex and then blame the entire industry.
yet ignore the fact women have had to go to the ER after some scenes. I'm sure if they would have told some of them, what she was REALLY getting into, they would say 🤬 no. Who goes to the ER, during or after sex!?(except heart patients)...
Cause I feel bad for a woman that has to be beaten just for the "stud to get off". And if you enjoy that shame on you!
Why would that matter? What do personal likes and dislikes have to do with morality?Y'all want to talk about morals!? What would y'all do if it was your family member?
No. Most girls leave on their own terms, usually because it's an extremely competitive industry.I
Still seems to be a beat um up, spit um out kind of industry.
You got a source for this?Even if they do "agree", things happen that a safety word can't stop. I'm sure y'all have seen a vid or two where all looks good then you see a slap to the face that she wasn't expecting, yet still has to "finish cause she "signed up" even tough you can tell she didn't want to.
I liked you until the bolded part.
They should not have to be subjected to perverts who go beyond what the contract said, just so he can "give the money shot" cause hes gotten burned out on "normal" sex.
You mean the same way actors and actresses have had to as well in Hollywood? Damn, how the hell would someone like Tom Cruise not realize he could get seriously injured by doing his own stunts?===========================
Y'all keep trying to justify the industry, yet ignore the fact women have had to go to the ER after some scenes. I'm sure if they would have told some of them, what she was REALLY getting into, they would say 🤬 no. Who goes to the ER, during or after sex!?(except heart patients)...
Considering what I read typically comes straight from the porn star themselves, yes.I really don't get y'all at times. I know y'all are book smart, but it seems reality and street smarts are lacking at times. Have any of y'all tried the industry or tried to join it? Or are these "facts"/opinions y'all read?
Get off your high horse. You're sitting here acting like you have any clue about the industry because you once got offered to take some man meat for cash, and think those girls are in some sort of actual danger. No one here said the industry is full of saints, hell I've said the exact opposite.If y'all feel the industry is filled with Saints. I guess I'm done here. Cause I feel bad for a woman that has to be beaten just for the "stud to get off". And if you enjoy that shame on you! I might be a crazy, redneck, bigoted fool. But I do have some respect and compassion for people even if I don't agree with what they do. And if y'all really think they really "like" what they are doing, I'm speechless.
I'm really lost at this point trying to figure y'all out.....
I'm trying to figure out how come every time I post anything in this sub forum I have to go through multiple day debates, over points that some people agree with, while other users debate, debate and debate, while never really giving their 2 cents on the subject.
He's likely referencing bondage porn, in which sometimes, the girls are slapped. However again, nowhere as bad as it appears b/c it's not like these guys are cocking back and bringing in a 90mph swing into someone's face. They're typically light, repeated slaps that yes, do leave a mark after a while. Nothing along the lines of being actually beaten though; you'd see these people showing real pain and emotion if they were being legitimately tortured by paddles and whips. Some people do get off on that, though.The whole point of this subsection of GTP is for opinions and debates surrounding current events. I think we're under the impression that if you're posting on a discussion board, especially in a sub-forum regarding hot-button social issues, that you want to have some form of discussion surrounding them. Plus debate is good, it forces you to research your position more and understand issues from a viewpoint that is different from your own.
On topic though, I'm not sure what kind of porn you're looking at @ryzno if you seem to think it's an industry where women are beat up, spit on, and sent to the ER. I think most mainstream movie aren't anything like that....I'll be happy to do some more research for you though, you know for science.
Y'all keep trying to justify the industry, yet ignore the fact women have had to go to the ER after some scenes. I'm sure if they would have told some of them, what she was REALLY getting into, they would say 🤬 no. Who goes to the ER, during or after sex!?(except heart patients)...
I really don't get y'all at times. I know y'all are book smart, but it seems reality and street smarts are lacking at times. Have any of y'all tried the industry or tried to join it? Or are these "facts"/opinions y'all read?
If y'all feel the industry is filled with Saints. I guess I'm done here. Cause I feel bad for a woman that has to be beaten just for the "stud to get off". And if you enjoy that shame on you! I might be a crazy, redneck, bigoted fool. But I do have some respect and compassion for people even if I don't agree with what they do. And if y'all really think they really "like" what they are doing, I'm speechless.
I'm really lost at this point trying to figure y'all out.....
Agreed. If anybody is treated wrongly at work, they should have a way to get out out of that situation without any negative repercussions against themselves for doing so.There are nasty and abusive people in the industry, no doubt. Like there are in any industry. You're not selling the idea that porn is worse than anything else very well. It's just a job. Some good, some bad. If you get into a bad situation, there are absolutely laws that can help you. Most people that take jobs where they're abused don't have evidence on camera.
In that hypothetical you have a utopia of a workplace.But let's say for the sake of argument we remove all the criminals from the industry, and it's only composed of people who truly want to be there and do what they're doing for the money that they receive. Is such an industry still offensive to you?
I guess nothing... Even though we base our morals on what we believe.Why would that matter? What do personal likes and dislikes have to do with morality?
I beg to differ. I saw a scene where the girl took the money shot to the face and was showing off for the camera and dude did knock the crap out of her while she wasn't even paying attention. And dude got what was coming to him, she went strait for his willy after he hit her.However again, nowhere as bad as it appears b/c it's not like these guys are cocking back and bringing in a 90mph swing into someone's face.
I'm not offended by it, but I do feel bad for some of them.But let's say for the sake of argument we remove all the criminals from the industry, and it's only composed of people who truly want to be there and do what they're doing for the money that they receive. Is such an industry still offensive to you?
I'm not on any high horse... But it gets hard trying to explain crap, then have to explain more crap that I didn't even say. And I wasn't going to be the receiver, I'm not a "bottom"...Get off your high horse.
You might...Even though we base our morals on what we believe.
My closing statement in this thread. ANYONE who takes off their clothes for cash lost some moral points in my book. ANYONE who has sex for cash prostitution or porn lost some moral points in my book. Either that or I have no clue what morals are.
And this is for everyone in the O&CE section. Why the heck do I get cross examined every time I say something? Yet other people will say almost my same thoughts, just worded differently and no on says a word?
Listen I don't have anything against porn and the people in it.
I beg to differ. I saw a scene where the girl took the money shot to the face and was showing off for the camera and dude did knock the crap out of her while she wasn't even paying attention. And dude got what was coming to him, she went strait for his willy after he hit her.
I'm not offended by it, but I do feel bad for some of them.
I'm not on any high horse... But it gets hard trying to explain crap, then have to explain more crap that I didn't even say. And I wasn't going to be the receiver, I'm not a "bottom"...
My closing statement in this thread. ANYONE who takes off their clothes for cash lost some moral points in my book. ANYONE who has sex for cash prostitution or porn lost some moral points in my book. Either that or I have no clue what morals are.
And this is for everyone in the O&CE section. Why the heck do I get cross examined every time I say something? Yet other people will say almost my same thoughts, just worded differently and no on says a word?
Rodriguez took PEDs, Grey starred in Adult Films.
The equating comes from the fact that they made decisions that could be frowned upon by many. So they can help educate others what consequences come from said decisions, because they experienced it first-hand.So one of them cheated and one of them didn't. What equates those two in your mind?
The equating comes from the fact that they made decisions that could be frowned upon by many. So they can help educate others what consequences come from said decisions, because they experienced it first-hand.