- 5,588
- Dahlonega, GA
- ryzno
From Websters Dictionary:You might...
adjective mor·al \ˈmȯr-əl, ˈmär-\
Simple Definition of moral
- : concerning or relating to what is right and wrong in human behavior
- : based on what you think is right and good
- : considered right and good by most people : agreeing with a standard of right behavior
I do have a hard time expressing myself with words. I had to do my graduation essay 3 times and it only needed to be 2 pages.It's possibly true. You're very adamant that it's immoral, but you're having a hell of a time explaining clearly why it's immoral without resorting to "because I said so".
But from what I've gathered so far we're taught morals. I was taught doing porn is wrong. So in my book it's immoral.
Had to google succinctly, I guess I'm that. See above response to Imari.Must be the way you said it. Maybe you just put it more succinctly than everyone else so we just have an easier time referencing it.
I post here cause I do like to learn from other peoples views. But I don't ask a million questions either if I don't get it or agree. I don't have ANYONE ignored/blocked. Like I said, I do like to read other peoples views even if I think they are incorrect. You can still learn things. Just like the links to Fox, referenced in the America(or the Election thread not sure). Even though you don't like the source you can still learn something.You're not being singled out here. You have an opinion that it other don't readily understand your reasons for holding. It's a discussion board, so people are asking you about it. If you don't want to reply, put us all on ignore. Or don't post in an opinions section of a discussion forum.
I look at porn a couple of times a week. I have nothing against it. I guess I'm immoral for watching it. If so oh well. Like I said I think what they do is wrong. They do it fine, I still think it's immoral. Just like I said when I said I threw some of my moral point out the window just trying to get in the damn industry we're talking about.You sure? Because a lot of what you say comes across as "I'm not racist, but...".
And I still can't figure out why we're talking about different industries. And comparing the morality of them.but it also happens everywhere so it's hard to use that to specifically designate why one industry is more immoral than others.
I'll use the prize boar as an example. What does it have to do with this at all? Someone had to jack it off to breed another one. I don't see anything having to do with morals in that. I was taught that is a thing that is needed in farming.
Well you know my view on homosexuality... Regardless he referenced that I would be the one taking the "man meat", which I wouldn't. So it does matter.Why does that matter? Is it worse to be taking it instead of giving it?
Seriously?Like... is a bikini ok? How about an ankle? How about topless? What about top on but just bottomless? How small can the thong get before it's immoral? Pasties? Merkin? What about something that's translucent... sheer but still kinda see through?
Sauce required lol. I can't even figure out how you could do that.What about sex with your spouse for money on camera where no nudity is shown?