- 651
who do you think would have won
probably you, you post a lot, but i'm catching you....Quote: from SCOTTtheBOMB on 4:46 pm on Aug. 8, 2001[br]who do you think would have won
Quote: from SCOTTtheBOMB on 4:56 pm on Aug. 8, 2001[br]
oh yes, well over half my posts come from that thread, from talking to you and Josh.....Quote: from elyk27 on 1:39 am on Aug. 10, 2001[br]me and saleen are very frequent posters but we mostly post nonsense that doesnt matter....i have gotten like 200 of my posts from the 1000 reply page....i'm sure saleen has gotten many more from that post
i don't think anybody is going to win, people stopped voting after the first page, but i think i would of wonQuote: from ghostrider on 2:09 pm on Aug. 12, 2001[br]Has anybody won this thing yet?
Sometimes you only need 1 word for a reply..Originally posted by robisme
Hi, I wonder how many replies there would really be, if all the Onelines and one word replies where deleted ????????
Content is quality!
Originally posted by ghostrider
Sometimes you only need 1 word for a reply..