The New Spiderman... Diversity for Diversity's sake?

  • Thread starter niky


Karma Chameleon
Staff Emeritus
Really... they make Spiderman 2099 half-Hispanic and no one notices... then they make Ultimate Spiderman half-black, and suddenly it's newsworthy... whuzzat?


I've often complained against the necrophilic exploitation of dead characters and old franchises... while this, on the face of it... is actually a well-meaning attempt to make Spiderman all current, yo... it begs the question: Why?

Why make Nick Fury black? Why make Catwoman black? Why make Spiderman black? Why not create a new franchise, a new hero, who is? Push that?

Is it simply because the audience is entrenched, and they figure they'll have no choice but to continue buying the comic, even with the change? We've seen many new heroes launch over the past few decades, and few have been as successful as the old franchises... but as we can see with the X-Men, you can have a relatively new multi-cultural team work for this audience.

X-Men doesn't push diversity just for the sake of diversity... but simply because it's part of the story... they're the dregs of society... the outcasts. The same could be said of the Doom Patrol and the Outsiders, who not only have minority characters, but also handicapped ones, as well.

Just as long as you don't do it for the sake of doing a minority character. Don't try to force hipness or relevance and fall back on stereotypes (as with Static (DC), Katana (DC, Outsiders), Black Panther (Marvel) or Sunfire (X-Men))...

Maybe they'll write this in in a good way... but I don't know... it was never really an issue in Spiderman 2099 because that was simply a different Spiderman.

Here, we're replacing The Spiderman with a new one. But why just one? Why not a number of Spidermen, as happened with the "Death" of Superman? Because, realistically... that's what would happen. Though personally, I thought Superman should have stayed dead.

I really don't know how I feel about this. I can dig a black/latino/asian/whatever superhero. But I can't dig a "replacement" Spidey. Once the man is dead, retire his number. That's it. Finis. Thoughts?
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Why make Catwoman black?

Because Halle Berry agreed to wear this.


The whole Spider Man thing is stupid, would actually probably be better by making a new character as there wouldn't be issues like this and would let the character form his own identity.
Not quite sure... I do recall one or another of the graphic novels showing her as mulatto long before that disastrous movie.
How are the other Spidermen even Spiderman? Did they get bitten by just the exact same spider as Peter Parker? What gives? Spiderman isn't like Green Lantern or Batman.
That just seems like another example of people (writers, in this case) over-catering to minorities. I'm not saying that we aren't equal, but if political correctness weren't such an issue, I doubt this would have happened.
Clearly a case of laziness. The writers and publishers are well aware that it takes time to establish a superhero that will be accepted and popular. They also want to "diversify" their lineup a little more (nothing wrong with that). So the simple and quick way to do this is to do the ol' switcheroo.

It's just as lazy as the entirely "Ultimate Universe" thing Marvel has going and the DC resetting of it's universe. Don't get me wrong, I love these characters and have a vast collection of comics primary made up of X-men & Batman however I think publishers need to start looking at new stories and characters, not just recycling the current ones. There have been some really great new stories in the past like Ex Machina, however they seem to be few and far between.
That just seems like another example of people (writers, in this case) over-catering to minorities. I'm not saying that we aren't equal, but if political correctness weren't such an issue, I doubt this would have happened.

This. It seems like some entities/ organisations go so far out of the way just to encompass a character who is part of an ethnic minority to the the place where the main article will be published that what they're actually doing is drawing more relevance to the minority's colour/ creed. It a way it's kind of reverse racism.

Clearly a case of laziness. The writers and publishers are well aware that it takes time to establish a superhero that will be accepted and popular. They also want to "diversify" their lineup a little more (nothing wrong with that). So the simple and quick way to do this is to do the ol' switcheroo.

Also this. It seems they're cashing in on a well established line because they know to start from scratch will take 10X the effort and there is nothing to prove that the new idea/ line will be a success.
How are the other Spidermen even Spiderman? Did they get bitten by just the exact same spider as Peter Parker? What gives? Spiderman isn't like Green Lantern or Batman.

Miguel (Spidey 2099) gets his powers from a scientific experiment... he's sort of like a future Peter Parker... boy genius / mad scientist. This new one gets bitten by a spider. I don't know how they're going to explain that away.


Now that comics have gone mainstream and represent multi-million dollar media franchises thanks to videogame, cartoon and movie tie-ins... it seems that the moguls are less and less willing to invest time and marketing money in new properties.

Shame... there have been some fantastic new comics over the past few years, but they've been lost in the background fuzz.
Perhaps GTP members could create a new super hero. He could be a vampire, mutate into a green monster, be involved in an experiment gone wrong, be a God-like figure, have a lot of wealth at his disposal, be a crazy scientist inventor type, be brought back from the dead. This is really tough. :grumpy:
Because Halle Berry agreed to wear this.


Halle Berry is fine, but I always found that her catwoman was way to revealing to be truly sexy. Just cheap in my opinion

Michelle Pfeiffer's catwoman on the other hand. Wow! :drool:

Anyway, I do also dislike this sort of thing. Basically most change in certain series of games/films/books irks me. Especially if they change something that was the point and strength of it. Why not simply create something new instead that has got it's own merit and lives on it's own name, rather than mooch on an established franchise.
Perhaps GTP members could create a new super hero. He could be a vampire, mutate into a green monster, be involved in an experiment gone wrong, be a God-like figure, have a lot of wealth at his disposal, be a crazy scientist inventor type, be brought back from the dead. This is really tough. :grumpy:

not that hard.

He could be a internet meme, powered by clicks on the internetzzzz 👍
He could be a internet meme, powered by clicks on the internetzzzz 👍

:lol: That really is funny. 👍

What I mean is that it would be so difficult these days to make a credible super hero without following something that has already been done. Of course it is possible but would take loads of marketing to make this new creation successful enough to be worth investing time in (for the creators.)
It's much easier to re-brand or reinvent something that is already tried and tested.
This is really a non-issue. I'm not even a Comic Book Guy and I know that alternate timelines / histories are a dime a dozen. I'm sure there's a Spidey in a wheelchair out there in some alternate universe, really.
Also this. It seems they're cashing in on a well established line because they know to start from scratch will take 10X the effort and there is nothing to prove that the new idea/ line will be a success.
Ultimate lines were a reboot with future movie plans in mind. It retells the stories in a more modern setting and in a way more friendly to cinema. Nick Fury was made black because they wanted him to look like Samuel L Jackson. They even got his permission to do it. There was no known movie plans at that time, but I bet Marvel knew what they were doing and let Jackson know that with his likeness in the comics he had the part when the movie came to fruition.


I think another thing that is being missed here is that the comic industry attempts various versions of reboots all the time. They come in a new title, and alternate reality, or a straight reboot. But more often than not they fail. There are a rash of comics that only lasted a year or two and then got shut down. The main title may make reference to the events as an alternate or dream event to tie it up, but then it is forgotten. And then there are also the events that garner publicity, spike sales back up, and then after six months everything winds up going back to normal, like when Superman died, Captain America died, and Batman broke his back. Oh noes it's all over! Oh there they are! Yay, aliens/inter-dimensional beings/conspiracies!!!

Now, let me lay out how this will work out exactly. In about a year someone will actually have Peter Parker's body. SHIELD, aliens, Asgardians, someone. Hell it could just be that his mutation puts him in a chrysalis form to regenerate. Whatever happens, Peter Parker will return and this kid will take on a new name.
Why not create a new franchise, a new hero, who is? Push that?

I nominate "The Shapeshifter"

He/she could be a different persona at will, and be played by a variety of actors.

Respectfully submitted,
The Administrator? Really?

I figured we'd have a more Captain-Planet-like deal, with 5 Super Mods summoned by Mother Jordan and each given rings of power to keep the internet clean. Merge! Close! Move! Delete! Ban! Then, "By your powers combined, I am Captain Famine!" Yeah, that would be cool.
The Administrator? Really?

I figured we'd have a more Captain-Planet-like deal, with 5 Super Mods summoned by Mother Jordan and each given rings of power to keep the internet clean. Merge! Close! Move! Delete! Ban! Then, "By your powers combined, I am Captain Famine!" Yeah, that would be cool.

I get to be the wimpy Carebear... Ma-Ti.
I figured we'd have a more Captain-Planet-like deal, with 5 Super Mods summoned by Mother Jordan and each given rings of power to keep the internet clean. Merge! Close! Move! Delete! Ban! Then, "By your powers combined, I am Captain Famine!" Yeah, that would be cool.

I imagine him like this:

That is exactly what I thought. Niky, I think we'll let Syntax be Ma-Ti. :lol:
The theme song could be....

"GT planet, needs a hero, gonna bring your post count to zero......"
Damnit... I wanted the monkey!

Slightly on-topic... Captain Planet is probably one of the worst displays of forced racial mixing there is... and yet they didn't have a single Indian or Malay character... instead going for two Caucasian characters, simply because they needed a romantic pairing... whoops.
Captain Planet is probably one of the worst displays of forced racial mixing there is...
I never noticed as the green, eco-friendly brainwashing was attempting to take hold.

And have you seen the Power Rangers? Red ranger has Native American background, black ranger is black, yellow ranger is Asian, pink ranger is a girl, and blue ranger is a nerd that never gets laid.
The Administrator? Really?

I figured we'd have a more Captain-Planet-like deal, with 5 Super Mods summoned by Mother Jordan and each given rings of power to keep the internet clean. Merge! Close! Move! Delete! Ban! Then, "By your powers combined, I am Captain Famine!" Yeah, that would be cool.

How you doin', new signature quote :sly: