The Next Civil War

  • Thread starter 87chevy
You want to watch people get blown up just because they have different opinions than you?

You want to point out or quote where i said anything like that ? I dont speak in riddles, i say exactly what i mean .

And as a follow up i do believe it is the Americans that seem to enjoy blowing people up that have other opinions than them .
You want to point out or quote where i said anything like that ? I dont speak in riddles, i say exactly what i mean .

There wont be a civil war , unless of course trumpers think they can take on M1 tanks or drones with smart bombs . And i wont lie , i would love to watch it .

I'm asking for clarification, because to me it certainly seems like you are implying you would like to see people you don't agree with get blown up.

And as a follow up i do believe it is the Americans that seem to enjoy blowing people up that have other opinions than them .

I'm not arguing that and I'm also not really sure what that has to do with this discussion. It very much reeks of the "whataboutism" people always point out when debating Trump supporters.
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I'm asking for clarification, because to me it certainly seems like you are implying you would like to see people you don't agree with get blown up.

I'm not arguing that and I'm also not really sure what that has to do with this discussion. It very much reeks of the "whataboutism" people always point out when debating Trump supporters.
I will be really clear for you . I do not care what happens to terrorists or their supporters , jail , blown up , firing squads , it is all fine with me and my soul thank you very much .

Let your imagination run wild, i will sleep fine tonight and every other night to come .
I will be really clear for you . I do not care what happens to terrorists or their supporters , jail , blown up , firing squads , it is all fine with me and my soul thank you very much .

Let your imagination run wild, i will sleep fine tonight and every other night to come .

No positive change will come to the world as long as people have attitudes like yours. Enjoy your sleep my friend, hopefully the screams don't wake you up mid-dream.
No positive change will come to the world as long as people have attitudes like yours. Enjoy your sleep my friend, hopefully the screams don't wake you up mid-dream.
The screams of first nations being slaughtered by American troops do haunt me as do the screams of people being burned alive by American napalm bombs being dropped on innocent villages as do the screams of Iraqis as depleted uranium rounds smashed there way through lives all over a lie.

As far as terrorists , never hear them , never will .

By the way would you accuse a WWTwo veteran on the allies side of whataboutism talking about what the Germans under Hitler did to the jews and anyone else they didnt like ?

Almost 500 people now grand juried from january 6 th sounds less like look over there and a whole lot more like reality .
I will enjoy every second of every minute of all them terrorists going to jail and mabey some facing military justice , which i heard is amusing in its own special ways
The screams of first nations being slaughtered by American troops do haunt me as do the screams of people being burned alive by American napalm bombs being dropped on innocent villages as do the screams of Iraqis as depleted uranium rounds smashed there way through lives all over a lie.

As far as terrorists , never hear them , never will .

I still don't see what the actions of America or any other nation has to do with what YOU said. I also have no more control over my government than you do yours. If it was up to me we wouldn't even have an international military presence outside of the UN and NATO.

And guess what, all those terrorists, they feel the same way about me and you as you do them. You can either do your part to stop the cycle or you can help grease the wheel, I guess we know what one you prefer.

By the way would you accuse a WWTwo veteran on the allies side of whataboutism talking about what the Germans under Hitler did to the jews and anyone else they didnt like ?

Considering the U.S. had no problem throwing Japanese people into internment camps, yes. The Allies also got involved because Germany couldn't manage to stay in their own yard, we didn't know the full extent of what Germany was doing in the concentration camps until the war was well under way.

Almost 500 people now grand juried from january 6 th sounds less like look over there and a whole lot more like reality .
I will enjoy every second of every minute of all them terrorists going to jail and mabey some facing military justice , which i heard is amusing in its own special ways

I fully support them going to jail, however I DO NOT wish any harm on them though. Again, you can be part of the stick that stops the cycle or you can be the grease gun that helps it move.