The Not-Very-Official FA Cup 2006 Thread

  • Thread starter Famine
And? None of the quarter finals have been played yet - look at the first post...
Ooops, wrong thread :lol:.

Man City out, West Ham through, pretty rubbish game I thought. 2-1 to West Ham.
Well it's Liverpool aint it. If we go there even in conversation, all our cars will end up on bricks.
el flexo
well done lads!
I saw teh goals and only one I would put down to truly good attacking.

I've seen better defences in U13s football, and better goalkeeping from 12yr olds.
Agreed, Riise's shot was the only one that wasn't down to crap goal keeping and defending, still you can't deny Liverpool the win because the other team played rubbish, if Man U won 7-0 I'd still be happy even if it was mainly down to poor defending.

Chelsea won 1-0, I though Newcastle were the better side overall, the final ball into the box was poor, but Chelsea's wasn't much better and Newcastle dominated the mid field for the best part of the game. Though neither side played particularly great.
Did anyone get sent off in the end? Both teams looked like they were trying really hard to get themselves red-carded...
Yep, Elliott got sent off for Newcastle and it wasn't deserved since he only slightly brushed Wright Phillips as he was trying to get out of the way, but Shaun still went down, he should have been booked for diving. There was other instances of diving that should have been penalised by a couple of the Chelsea players too including one where there was no contact at all and the player was on the ground saying what you took me down, this is one of the reasonosn I don't like Chelsea, when they're out played they play dirty. Instead, thanks to brilliant refereeing, they got free kicks and from time to time the Newcastle player booked.
Chelsea vs Liverpool will be a hard one to predict. Chelsea always thrash them in the league, but in other competitions they seem to struggle to even score against them.

God I hate Liverpool so much. I think there is a real rivalry between them now. It's like Arsenal and Man U really, although their rivalry isn't as big as it used to be as they're no longer fighting each other for the title.
Liverpool got it, 2-1, I really thought Chelsea was going to score another near the end though, if it wen't to extra time Chelsea would haev been through, I couldn't see Liverpool holding on, they looked absolutely knackered by the end of that match.
:lol: If anyone lives/works near Kings Road, keep an eye out for Tim Lovejoy prancing down the street in a tutu on wednesday at noon :lol:
:ouch: Yeah i don't think we deserved to lose against Liverpool, shame we went out. Hopefully Liverpool will get well and truly thrashed in final.
No Arsenal fan's been here yet then, or are you all getting too drunk to figure how to wrok a computer :lol:. The final should be a good game.
No Arsenal fan's been here yet then, or are you all getting too drunk to figure how to wrok a computer :lol:. The final should be a good game.

Ironic, considering that this is the FA CUP THREAD...

Oh bugger.

I do this a lot when it's late and I've had a drink.
i think liverpool will have it. they've been playing much better.

that said, the hammers have had a pretty top season in the top tier, and to finish above established premiership teams is a feat in itself. they'll present a danger, i suspect.
Come on you hammers!

I have to go with the London based team and the fact that i've got a few friends and relatives who are Hammers fans.