The Obutto oZone...

I'm a long time lurker on this forum and I felt inclined to come on here and post for the first time after having read Oner's review of Obotto seat on the afterdawn forum.

"I was originally going to get the Playseat but after seeing videos of how the wheel stand was right in between your legs and how much it moved/flexed plus how cheap the seat was (and the rest of the components), this showed to me that it would definitely not be up to my high standards required for purchase. "

Now, assuming you've never owned the Playseat or even tried one out in person, how could you make such call? That's a rather bold assumption to make. Well, I actually own one and I'll tell you right now that the Playseat Evo does NOT feel cheap, nor do the rest of the components as you claim, and does NOT shake when driving and the pole between the legs is NOT an issue in any way shape or form if you position the pedals properly.

In fact, when I received my evo, I was pleasantly surprised at how sturdy and nice the seat is. Without a doubht, it well exceeded my expectation and some more. I don't doubt that the obotto provides a good experience. But deliberately putting down another product to make a point is unnecessary and misleading. Especially when you have no idea and all you've seen of it is vids of it on youtube.

I don't know how well the Obotto seat performs compared to the evo since I haven't used it but I don't think I'm alone here when I say that the Playseat looks quite a bit better than the Obotto seat when it comes to its looks.

Just my .02 cent.

When I purchased the Playseat EVO - I too thought it was great as it significantly improved the immersive feeling and enjoyment of racing games.

However, over time I realized that the discomfort and pain to my backside from sitting in that so called "seat" for more than an hour was becoming more of a negative.

Eventually I decided to buy an Obutto O-Zone and I couldn't be happier, as the op mentioned the pedal plate is my only con as I had to attach my CSP's or the thing would flip up when I was braking. I can also game for hours without any discomfort as the Obutto seat is very well made.

I also purchased the Table and Triple Screen mount accessories and they really compliment the setup well. The Screens are stable even with my Butkicker PRO.

To sum up my feelings on my Playseat purchase in retrospect is now "ignorance is bliss". It's a decent setup but probably better suited to kids and younger adults as us old guys need a comfy seat - LOL!

Obligatory pics:


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I'm in the process of buying a new, smaller dedicated, monitor for driving. Right now all I have is my regular 40" LED tv, which is light weight, but obviously pretty big. I already drive pretty close to the screen so I don't mind that, but my only concern was the size itself. Anyone have something this big attached to the standard mount, or will I have to mod?

Also, I was hoping if the official Obutto poster here could give me a heads up on availablitiy, it says on the US distributor's site that it'll be available starting on the 15th of this month. Is that a new bath of just an estimation?

If anyone could point me in the right direction in terms of getting either answer I'd appreciate it as well.

Is it hard to drill through the wheel plate? Is it made of metal? Will a Fanatec wheel clamp?

I put the clamp in place. Then used a 1/4" metal drill bit to drill the holes. I posted some pix a few pages back.

With the clamp in place, the bit won't move about on the plate. Just take your time and and let the bit do the work.

Drilling the holes to hard mount my T500 was more of an adventure. 1 because Thrustmaster does not include a template and the printable templates are useless on "standard" 8.5" x 11" printer paper. 2, the V bars under the plate are in the way. The wheel needs to be a few mm closer to the driver so the bolts can clear those bars.
Let's like MainPerformance PC hasn't gotten any new rigs still. I sent an E-mail to them a while ago, still haven't gotten word back.
Let's like MainPerformance PC hasn't gotten any new rigs still. I sent an E-mail to them a while ago, still haven't gotten word back.

12/6/2011 4:08pm ET - Obutto Shipment/Container Update

Posted By: Michael M.

Hello eager cockpit owners!

A quick update regarding our Holiday shipment of Obutto Cockpits. We tried our best to arrange, and expedite a pre-holiday delivery of Obutto cockpits and accessories, but it seems that things were just not meant to be. We were originally scheduled for a December 10th delivery date, we purposefully put an ETA of 12-15-2011 to try and allow a few days, and possibly surprise some of you before the holidays.

We have been tracking our container, and it looks like the estimated delivery is December 16th due to weather across the pacific ocean, this does not mean the container is available on this day. It can take a day or two as the port authority's work to unload the vessel, and US Customs makes decisions on what containers to inspect. Our last 4 shipments to the US, have all been flagged for a US Customs Exam, based on this past, we are assuming, worst case, that this container will be flagged as well (Let's hope not!).

If the container is flagged for any kind of exam by US Customs, you can also expect additional delays, by up to 2 weeks. Please understand, that should this happen, it is 100% out of our control. We have no say in it, please understand this!

In an effort to give you all as much information as possible, I am providing you all our container #, and a link where you may track the vessel & the container as it approaches the US.

The container number is: CRXU9354636

The link to input the container number:

When you click the above link, in the center of the page, you will copy and paste the container # under the CARGO TRACKING TAB, in the last text field, then click GO.
Thanks a bunch for that, checked the container and it looks like it cleared customs already?

Will keep checking, thanks again.
Hi Wardez,

Yes, our container has been released, the trucking company should be in line tomorrow to retrieve it. Should also be able to ship tomorrow or Tuesday all pre-orders.
Hey Michael! Appreciate you asking about the email I sent. It was sent to
So I'm not sure if I sent it to the right place.

Anyway, it's fine now, got the answer I was looking for here. Well 1 of 2, I'm ordering it anyway but I was wondering if a 40" LED would work on the rig as a stand in monitor till I get my new high-performance 24" set up.

Do these batches of 100 or so rigs get sold out pretty quickly? 'cause I was also wondering whether I should bite now or wait till next week when I have a bit more money lying around.

Appreciate your time Mr. Main.
Hey Michael! Appreciate you asking about the email I sent. It was sent to
So I'm not sure if I sent it to the right place.

Anyway, it's fine now, got the answer I was looking for here. Well 1 of 2, I'm ordering it anyway but I was wondering if a 40" LED would work on the rig as a stand in monitor till I get my new high-performance 24" set up.

Do these batches of 100 or so rigs get sold out pretty quickly? 'cause I was also wondering whether I should bite now or wait till next week when I have a bit more money lying around.

Appreciate your time Mr. Main.

We get them in containers ranging from 175 to 185 depending on the amount of accessories we order.

Sometimes we sell out quickly before we can get another batch in, sometimes they last 3 months or so :) Really depends on the word getting out. We have a fairly big review coming out soon that should increase sales by a huge amount here shortly. Watch the tech channel on youtube here: for that review!

Regarding the 40" LCD, I have seen some people mount them to the center monitor mount, but the Obutto tabletop can get in the way if mounted too far backward.

Sorry for the late reply, it's hard to keep up this time of year!

BTW, that email goes to Obutto, other then being a distributor, we have no affiliation with them. Quickest answers regarding any issues, or questions should be directed here if you are in the US:

Inquiries outside of the US should be directed to the distributor of that country, you can find a list of them here:
Thanks a lot man, looking forward to having my own and congrats on that legit review 👍

Appreciated, have a happy holiday.
Cheers Raudi, and great lookin setup you have there :)


Re drilling the the steering wheel mount or pedal tray it is quite easy as Dave said, cheers for that Dave. The mounting plates are just 2mm thick sheetmetal so if you have an electric drill just mark your holes, place a punch in the centre of your hole marking and whack it with a hammer (this will guide your drill bit so it doesn't wander), and then drill your holes with an 8mm bit or similar imperial size.


Re Fanatec's clamping to the steering wheel mount, Yes they will. All you have to do is use something as a spacer between your clamp and the bottom surface of the mounting plate. Reason being our steering wheel mount has a small lip on it designed to cater to the G25/27 clamps that have small plastic "feet" or spacers on them. So to mount the Fanatec's flat clamps you can use a deck of cards, can of snuff, block of wood (painted black preferably), or anything to clear the lip giving you a flat surface.


Best wishes to all of you OBUTTO owners and I certainly appreciate your support 👍

Best regards,
I am very happy with my Ozone, I've had it for a few years now and recently moved to T500RS on it from the G25. The crappy clamping mechanism and the frame tube on the Ozone don't really like each other, but I made a plate to hardmount the wheel to and its been great since...

I just hard mounted my T500RS right to the plate and it worked fine, I had heard of all the issues but I had no problems at all.... however I do have an older model Ozone. Maybe they moved the support bar somewhere in there?
Anyone tried reverse mounting their G27 pedals to the Ozone- In such a way that you would be remount the original plastic G27 casing (face) to act as dust/wire cover?

My Ozone will be here next week and I am looking for creative ideas for mounting the pedals. I don't want to have the pedal mechanism(s) exposed to the elements (and my feet:ouch:). I've seen some ideas floating around the web including building a box. I would like to avoid that as I don't have all the necessary tools. I've also seen some put the plate back over inverted pedals- just not on an Obutto cockpit.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

One last question- Anyone ran into the problem of the monitor mount on the Ozone not providing enough clearance for power and display cables? Did you just use longer bolts and spacers to grant the clearance? I was think an articulating arm could be useful.

By the way- I Really broke the bank this week. Don't tell my wife :guilty:

  • Project Cars (PC) - $40ish
  • LG 29um67 Monitor - $300
  • Asus Radeon R9 390X - $300
  • Obutto Ozone - $560ish
  • Clubsport Shifter SQ 1.5 w/ usb adapter - $240ish
  • GT Eye - 3 Spring Set - $55ish
  • Total - Not adding that up
  • Anyone interested in purchasing a G27 shifter and a wheelstandpro??? :lol:
Maybe in a year or so I'll work on a 1440p 34" ultrawide curved monitor.
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Nice! Enjoy your toys!

No idea about the pedals as I’m just using the provided plate. Are your monitor I/O ports on the back of it and not facing down? That could be a problem and may require you to cut or drill the plate.

BTW I’m also thinking about a big curved display, as triple screen configuration is a bit too much for me.
Anyone tried reverse mounting their G27 pedals to the Ozone- In such a way that you would be remount the original plastic G27 casing (face) to act as dust/wire cover?

My Ozone will be here next week and I am looking for creative ideas for mounting the pedals. I don't want to have the pedal mechanism(s) exposed to the elements (and my feet:ouch:). I've seen some ideas floating around the web including building a box. I would like to avoid that as I don't have all the necessary tools. I've also seen some put the plate back over inverted pedals- just not on an Obutto cockpit.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

One last question- Anyone ran into the problem of the monitor mount on the Ozone not providing enough clearance for power and display cables? Did you just use longer bolts and spacers to grant the clearance? I was think an articulating arm could be useful.

By the way- I Really broke the bank this week. Don't tell my wife :guilty:

  • Project Cars (PC) - $40ish
  • LG 29um67 Monitor - $300
  • Asus Radeon R9 390X - $300
  • Obutto Ozone - $560ish
  • Clubsport Shifter SQ 1.5 w/ usb adapter - $240ish
  • GT Eye - 3 Spring Set - $55ish
  • Total - Not adding that up
  • Anyone interested in purchasing a G27 shifter and a wheelstandpro??? :lol:
Maybe in a year or so I'll work on a 1440p 34" ultrawide curved monitor.
I have an oZone and spent quite a bit of time researching the rig before my purchase.

The solution I seen on one of the rigs featured here was take the pedal mount tray from where it normally goes in the rig, and fit it to the front of the angled supports for the wheel deck, the angle of the supports is just right for the G27 pedals.

Hope that helps.

Credit to @lazjet for the picture, and above listed post.

I have an oZone and spent quite a bit of time researching the rig before my purchase.

The solution I seen on one of the rigs featured here was take the pedal mount tray from where it normally goes in the rig, and fit it to the front of the angled supports for the wheel deck, the angle of the supports is just right for the G27 pedals.

Hope that helps.

Credit to @lazjet for the picture, and above listed post.

It does help and I have seen it. I wonder if I can bolt the top plate/panel of the pedal apparatus to the mount tray. This would serve to make it look nicer and protect the wires.

Everything should be here by Wednesday. I'll send pics as I get it configured.
You can but keep in mind that this will then give you a close accelerator/brake pedal combo, with a clutch further out.

As you can see in the below picture spacing is not even:

Boo! Thanks- I didn't think of that at all. Big decisions...

Edit- I just ordered a Dremel. What's stopping me from carving out that brake slot just a few inches further?

You can but keep in mind that this will then give you a close accelerator/brake pedal combo, with a clutch further out.

As you can see in the below picture spacing is not even:

Started putting my Ozone together last night. I am super impressed with the ease of installation and quality of the materials! The chair, for me, is super comfortable and I'm quite a bit overweight. (5'11"-230lbs). It took me a couple of hours to install. It would have been even faster with an extra pair of hands.

A few small issues:
  • Had an extra flat washer and was missing one spring washer (I don't think I lost it).
  • The plastic housing for the recline adjustment lever wasn't preinstalled and I can't seem to get it to make a perfect fit.
  • They should definitely redesign the monitor plate. I'm going to have to saw out a spot for my monitor's power and displayport cable. It shouldn't be too big of a deal.
  • Not sure but the pedal space might be a little tight.
I am go hoping to get my monitor and shifter installed this weekend and then I will begin working on a custom top for the wheel plate and custom inverted pedal plate.

So robust for such a small footprint...
Any ideas for a trim around the keyboard rack on the ozone? Every time I get out of the seat my mouse goes flying across the room. I was thinking of some automotive weatherstripping. I also just put rubber trim in an Amazon search but wanted to check with you guys first.

Also- has anyone routed mouse and keyboard cables before? Success?