JaiI suppose that is the case, I don't find anything at school interesting or important. Things I do consider important are times like when they added the blue ones to the tubes of Smarties. Taking notes is probably a good idea, but I don't like holding a pen or a pencil, it hurts and I keep managing to throw it at people.
I'm not a Practical Learner, imagine someone like me trying to do something practical. I like reading sessions in class though, as long as I'm not doing it. When I have to do it, I can't take a thing in.
SlashfanReading for me, I'm ok with this kind of thing or searching a manual for info. However, if I have to read a novel, let alone fake, I see it as a waste of time and not adding anything to the knowledge base. I have better things to do with my life then sit and read fake stories. Now if it's true/history and interesting, count me in.
Talking about cars, I actually saw a MP4-12C a few days back (in orange). It's the first one I've seen in real life.
And what's oiling my gears is that my attention span has risen a fair bit recently, and I don't know why. Before I found it really hard to concentrate while reading for example but now I feel more focused.
Sometimes, I really hope that you are trying to act dumb because it's funny or for attention, because you remind me of a girl that does that. If you don't, that's really nothing to be proud of. If you could learn to really apply yourself, you will surprise yourself with what can be accomplished by you that you may have thought impossible.I suppose that is the case, I don't find anything at school interesting or important. Things I do consider important are times like when they added the blue ones to the tubes of Smarties. Taking notes is probably a good idea, but I don't like holding a pen or a pencil, it hurts and I keep managing to throw it at people.
I'm not a Practical Learner, imagine someone like me trying to do something practical. I like reading sessions in class though, as long as I'm not doing it. When I have to do it, I can't take a thing in.
rb26xI think I remember you saying you didn't, but did you smoke pot? I'm being honest, because when I stopped a couple years ago I realized my attention span and short-term memory improved ten-fold.
Haha I think you are mixing me up with someone else my friend.
I cant remember anyone asking me that before, but even so the answer is no. In the end I can't find anything to blame but my own cognitive faculties.
Well, that's just more motivation to not get into drugs. See, I can be an optimist!
lemansfanaticMost drugs are bad because you become addicted to them, just like alcohol. but i tell you what used to oil my gears was my friends and how much fun we had with weed. (ahh college years) i am clean now but still remember coming home from class and walking into a room with 12-15 of my closest friends all huddled together sitting around a room laughing and passing the bong. i cant immagine many things that bring people that close together other than some good pot. i know its wrong to advocate illegal substanses here and i will probably be banned or at least flamed, but now that i'm clear headed all the time i reflect back on my stoner days a lot. i really wish i could go back every now and then and share a toke with some close friends and watch everyone get the giggles for hours on end. flame on!
It depends on what gender and what species the other creature was.
It was with my girlfriend, who or what do you think it was?
race'emhardActually "Bi" means something else, I'll let figure that one out.
I'm pretty sure I win for today Jai.
PatrickAudi is making a second Truth in 24!