it shouldnt look that bad, a lot of the test shots on dp review arent like that:
In your menu settings is there an option for jpeg detail? if there is try to change the resolution to fine, you will fit less pictures on the card but more detail in your shots.
Was that taken with IS on or off? try both IS mode 1, mode 2, and off and see if it makes a difference.
Thanks guys. 👍...
I second skylineGTR_guy's post. Also check that the camera ISO is on auto: it's awfully noisy, and it may be that the camera is using a higher ISO than is strictly necessary. It also looks like your lens could do with cleaning.
As a rule of thumb, try not to center whatever you're taking a picture of in the shot.Thanks guys. 👍
I'll look into it and get back to you.
Thanks. I'll get into composition when I figure out how to actually use my camera properly.As a rule of thumb, try not to center whatever you're taking a picture of in the shot.
It's not bad Giles, but it seems really cluttered. I'd try to go for something a bit simpler. What photoblog program are you using?
It's Pixelpost. With a template by a Canadian dude. I like the look of the template, but it hasn't really taken my modifications well, and the navigation isn't really sufficiently intuitive. I'll keep looking for templates for it, because I like the general operation of the program. I've got a Lightroom mod so I can export direct from Lightroom to the blog, which is pretty cool.
Thanks, tait. Love that holga poop.
@Boz Mon: Some nice shots you've got there.
Giles, I agree that it's a bit cluttered and that it's not very intuitive, but in general I got to say it pleased me. 👍
Kinda figured it was pixelpost. In my opinion it's the best out there. Weird to hear it's not taking your modifications well; I've always had an easy time editing templates to my own needs. If you need any help or have any questions you can shoot me a pm. You can see mine here;
Thanks DM.
Previously, the detail was on max., and it was for these pics too. What's IS? I didn't find any setting like that in my menu....
In your menu settings is there an option for jpeg detail? if there is try to change the resolution to fine, you will fit less pictures on the card but more detail in your shots.
Was that taken with IS on or off? try both IS mode 1, mode 2, and off and see if it makes a difference.
OK, so I gave my lens a clean (as best I could...) and took some sample pics with different ISO ratings to see which worked best.
I tried at all the available settings for the camera: auto, 80, 100, 200, 400 and 800.
Auto set the ISO at 80. I found the best ISO rating to use was 100. (See the picture below - click for full res.)
Clearly, things get progressively worse the higher the ISO rating.
So, having figured out that ISO100 was the best for this instance, how can I decide in the future what ISO rating to use for my pictures? These images were taken at midday in full sunlight - pretty much the most light I'm ever going to get, right? So what should I do when shooting in a lower, more normal light?
Previously, the detail was on max., and it was for these pics too. What's IS? I didn't find any setting like that in my menu.
You should, on a compact camera, leave the ISO on auto, as it usually does quite a good job of holding the ISO as low as possible to give you the best quality images.
ISO affects image quality because it functions like "gain" on an amplifier. Basically, the sensor is made more sensitive by pumping more power through it, but this leads to more 'false positives' across the pixels. We see that as noise in the image.
You should, on a compact camera, leave the ISO on auto, as it usually does quite a good job of holding the ISO as low as possible to give you the best quality images. You can download Noise Ninja for a bit of Photoshop Noise Reduction goodness if you need it.
IS is Image Stabilisation (also called Optical Stabilisation by Sigma and Vibration Reduction by Nikon). Whilst it's normally very helpful, it can sometimes disrupt the image, especially if it's malfunctioning.
It does seem that this set of images are much clearer than the previous set. Are you happier with them?
Thanks.I always found that my camera was too afraid to raise the ISO in auto mode in low-light places. It would always stick it low and just kick up shutter speed, ruining most photos. There should be an ISO "tri-pod auto" mode that keeps it as low as possible and a regular ISO auto mode that isn't as reluctant pushing up the sensitivity.
I was talking to a friend with a more professional camera than me, a Canon 400D, and he said he tends to keep his ISO set at 400, then move it up or down depending on light conditions. I agree with exigeracer's comments as I've found the camera is always very keen to give me a very low shutter speed, which would indicate it's not too keen on cranking up the ISO in auto mode.
Now that I know what IS is, I'll take some shots in all three settings and see what the results are. I've always had it on the most aggressive setting (2) as I might as well have Parkinson's on a bad day...
I also just bought a tripod, so now a longer exposure time shouldn't be so bad for static shots.
My (Canon weilding) mate also told me that a larger MP image might not be as good quality, but it'll look better when resized down. I think I/we touched on this earlier and I'm not sure if he's 100% accurate here? Doesn't seem right to pay extra for a higher MP camera, just so you images can look poor in full res., but look better when resized.
I wouldn't go past a 400 iso unless I'm either shooting film, or shooting a picture that I don't really care about as a photograph. Also, remember that 1/30th is the absolutely slowest speed you should shoot at, and 1/50th is when you should start taking caution to being as still as possible.
An image from a larger megapixeled sensor (assuming both sensors are roughly the same physical size) will produce a better quality picture than the latter, whether it be full resolution or scaled down.
Oh, and tait, do you use the Lightroom plugin? Do you know if posting through Lightroom triggers the ping announce addon?