Just saw this thread today... Heres some of my Photography. comments and critiques always welcome.
Check out my Flickr account to see the rest if you want.
Aye, great T/S. Real or Photoshop?
Here's the first snow shot I've taken that I like. The fact I took it in April makes it slightly surprising. Shot information available in my blog.
Some very nice shots on there. đź‘Ť You're very arty.Thanks. Very true, but I couldn't get the colorways and fonts I wanted to use. What would you highlight though? hah.
Okay my internet finally works, so here goes:
Is that the M107?...
Is that the M107?
I've gotta get PS for that dodge/burn. Third one works best, but don't overuse the effect though
Regardless, I've got nothing (yet).
I don't want to drag this thread off-topic, but:Yes it is
I don't want to drag this thread off-topic, but:
ZOMG!@ Did you fire it? What's it like? Did you try to shoot through steel plates with it?...
Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaa that was complicated. Somebody overthought the 80/20 rule with that program! Expires in 29 days, that supposed to happen?
What did you use to get your effect? There is a Lightroom preset that comes close, but it also really messes with some of the other levels and burns out some values. I did poke around though:
Gonna look into it a little more tomorrow, but I may just wait until I get my CS3 bundle in a bit.