The Photography Thread

  • Thread starter CDailey
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Well I havent posted in here for a long time now, but yesterday a Nikon D40 came up at a good price, so I grabbed it only to find out it came with a free 512Mb SD card, cant complain. Came with one kit lens (18-55mm Nikor) and so far I have been wowed with how easy it is to use and the quality of pictures it puts out, now I have just got to learn how to take them.






I decided to experiment a little today with the stormy weather;





I just bought a new car last night. :D


More pics to come later.
So guys, I finally got a new lens. Thursday night, my mom comes into my room and throws an ad for Ritz Camera from the newspaper down in my lap and says "here, look." I look at it and there's a Quantaray 55-200mm AF f4-5.6 lens for $99, normally $180. I was kinda skeptical at first because hey, it's Quantary. They make good filters, but I had no idea they made lenses too. Today we go to Ritz Camera and take a look at them and come to find out, the Quantaray lenses are actually rebranded Tamrons and Sigmas! I brought my camera and laptop so I could take some tests shots in-store and download them to see how they looked. I was pleasantly surprised to say the least. The DOF on this thing is amazing. I took a portrait of my mom and of the store employee and they looked great. I was sold. We bought the lens as well as a circular polarizer for it. I also got a UV filter for it, and a circular polarizer for my 18-55 Canon kit lens. Here are some photos I took. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to actually go outside and get some proper test shots. The only editing done to these photos were resizing and auto color because they were all taken with crappy lighting.

(I did some minor cropping on this one to center the fan)




(The man behind the camera!)


Charles is a gangstaaaaa. Pretty damn good price, I've never heard of that brand but Sigma and Tamron are quality in my books.

Here's some randoms from an exploration expedition in Toronto. I wish I would have had my camera on me while exploring the Canadian Malting Plant ( I got a few random street shots though;





antihero - did you get to the top of the malt plant? I hear it's the hands-down best view of the Toronto skyline from up there. How did it smell? The malt towers in Montreal, which have been abandonned for 50 or so years, have an unmistakable stink recognisable from literally blocks around the thing. Kids on the street refer to the place simply as "stinky".
They smelt pretty bad, but nothing new for me (i've been in a few dirty places). I didn't get to the VERY top but I was high enough to have an amazing view of Toronto on the waterfront. It really is the best, it's position is perfect. When I go back I gurantee I will get some photos.
I have started playing around with my camera a bit now and am getting used to the settings and options. comments, advice etc welcome. . .







I love that shot. Was it taken from behind a window to get that effect of vertical movement? However you did it, it looks great. 👍

Here are some of my shots from the Valentine's party I went to recently. I went up with my camera, got drunk and tried to take photos. However, I'm NEVER taking my D50 to a party again. I was so drunk I ended up giving the camera to some random girl to take photos. Her mate then asked me if it was my camera and when I told her how much it cost she began to panic!

It was also interesting to see how many people asked me who's camera it was. When I said it was mine they asked if they could take a shot and when the screen didn't come up as a viewfinder they thought it was broken. Trying to explain how an SLR works over karaoke while drunk isn't a good idea!

Anyway onto the photos;


and a photo of myself drinking some good old Cider (I'm in Somerset after all!)
It was also interesting to see how many people asked me who's camera it was. When I said it was mine they asked if they could take a shot and when the screen didn't come up as a viewfinder they thought it was broken. Trying to explain how an SLR works over karaoke while drunk isn't a good idea!

haha I know what you mean, I get a whole ton of "oooh thats a nice camera" comments (especially with the 70-200 + hood, chicks love it lol) followed by "can I see it" and then promptly "how do i turn it on?" "oh" "dang thats a nice camera how much did you pay for it?" then finally "here take it back I dont want to break it" That about sums up 90% of my camera conversations lol
Since my planned "test the new lens out" trip sucked arse, I messed around with some out of focus shots. Here are a few



@ITR: Looking forward to some more photos with that lens. Those out-of-focus are cool. 👍

@sejtur: I really like the way you compose your shots. 👍

@antihero: Love those, especially #2 and #5.
Oh man I stay the hell away from my camera when I'm drunk... I think last time I had it with to a party, only 4 out of 200+ frames were worth keeping. Fun stuff.
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