The Photography Thread

  • Thread starter CDailey
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That Dove:evolution of beauty commercial got me semi interested in the topic, found a decent tutorial and gave it a try:
Good news (for me, anyway), Ive been asked to photograph various activites and a conference for my University tomorrow, and aswell as that I was asked today if they could use one of my photos in the prospectus for next year! So i'll be getting my photos in a book, I already have 3 framed on the walls there, I'm getting some put on promotional postcards and one of them will be in the prospectus too.

Also, the guys who designed the Sony Bravia 'Bouncing Balls' and paint explosion ads will be there while I'm shooting so hopefully I'll get to have a little chat with them too. :)

Anyway, onto some more photos;






I'm very very pleased with the shot above. I like to call it 'The Beach' :)
Fantastic shots Moglet.

Here's a shot I did yesterday during the snow. Freaking freezing and holding the camera at 1/45 exposure.


Still a little blurry :(
I felt this is fitting in this topic. Right now after two years at McMaster university i'm leaving to pursue photography at Ryerson. It's a big change no doubt, but i'm not happy with with i'm doing. I initially majored in communication studies because I felt it would bring about a better job with more pay but i've realized life isn't about the money. I'd rather be doing something I love for the rest of my life. I'm going to study general photography but I will be mainly studying photojournalism. Wish me luck folks :cheers:
I felt this is fitting in this topic. Right now after two years at McMaster university i'm leaving to pursue photography at Ryerson. It's a big change no doubt, but i'm not happy with with i'm doing. I initially majored in communication studies because I felt it would bring about a better job with more pay but i've realized life isn't about the money. I'd rather be doing something I love for the rest of my life. I'm going to study general photography but I will be mainly studying photojournalism. Wish me luck folks :cheers:

Best of luck! I'm doing echocardiology, but if my work with creating takes off then I'll gladly do that full time, but atleast I'll have something to fall back on if it doesn't. I also have some other projects I want to get rolling within the next year or two. But yeah man definitely do what you love doing, you wont regret it.
I felt this is fitting in this topic. Right now after two years at McMaster university i'm leaving to pursue photography at Ryerson. It's a big change no doubt, but i'm not happy with with i'm doing. I initially majored in communication studies because I felt it would bring about a better job with more pay but i've realized life isn't about the money. I'd rather be doing something I love for the rest of my life. I'm going to study general photography but I will be mainly studying photojournalism. Wish me luck folks :cheers:

Best of luck AH :) 👍 I am kinda on the same boat and waste too much time on the program that I don't like, but I also feel the pressure from my girlfriend's parents about financial status crap. Sometimes I really don't know how to live :indiff:
Thanks skyline :cheers:

I understand pressure like that franz. I already feel like i've wasted 2 years but oh well, it was necessary in helping me decide what I want to do. Live for yourself, that's all that matters.

Congrats on the switch over dude. It's a great school. 4 years here and I'm about to graduate soon :)
So I did some event coverage for Tuner Playground today at Auto Crave

The results: 99 pics of cars, 264 of girls

I'll put some up once I sort through them.

Trying out the camera tonight. Kinda liked this one even though it is not what I wanted.:ouch:
Had a 'Metro meet' today, involving various owners of the car that I have. There was only 5 of us there but we visited some cool locations that allowed me to shoot the cars together aswell as getting some more artistic shots. Here they are:













What do you think?
I think the second one is great.
Mind you, the first is nice as well, but I would have frame it a little higher (i.e. more sky and less ground) and underexpose it a bit. 👍

Moglet and skylineGTR_guy: great shots! 👍
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