- 5,987
I have no idea, therefore I must buy every piece of expensive equipment.
Let us know what you end up doing it seems interesting that a hospital would have a photographer.
^ I can't see anything ^
I don't use image shack, and i have never had a problem. I use photobucket. Auto's all images too 800X600 too, used it for years with zero issues.
I think you should try to use a lower ISO, so you can show off bigger shots without much or any noise showing up in stock shots.
You're really good at that. And Diana is cute!
You're really good at that. And Diana is cute!
Well done.
I don't put images any bigger than this on web sites no matter the quality.
:tup:Agreed.You're really good at that. And Diana is cute!
Well done.
That's an "ok" shot. But I blame the lens. I had that lens and it's just terrible, especially at 300mm. This pic has way too much noise in it, which is expected with this lens. It's obviously holding back the 20D, which is capable of beautiful images. Also, as you probably know, that lens isn't worth a hill of beans in low light.
A higher end Canon or Sigma 70-200mm lens would be a good upgrade.
Thanks for the feedback. I tried to sell the lens a while back and got no replies. I may try again here soon, but with a lower price and just cut my losses. I was looking to upgrade in the long-range area anyhow because as you say the lens is sub-par. I find myself having to use tweak the hell out of the photo in PS to even make anything out of it to begin with. I was just looking for feedback on the photo itself mostly, but I will certainly look into your suggestion. Thanks again.
I was able to sell mine on Ebay. I got $150 for it. I included shipping in the cost and I think that helped sell it too. If you want to keep it any longer try staying away from 300mm and use a tripod. Some images may be nice, but unfortunately very few. Here's some shots I took with the 75-300mm. PS has been used of course.
Here's some pics I took today. All taken with the Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8
The Blues first practice since was yesterday. And of course I didn't bring my camera. They'll be practicing for the remainder of the week as well. Kinda sucks without #6 there. Some of the coolest maneuvers were done by him.