The Photography Thread

  • Thread starter CDailey
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Maybe he was going for noisy type shot, considering the subject matter? I'll go against the grain and say that I don't like number one. There's nothing wrong with it. It's a good photo, I just don't like it. I really like the 2nd one though.
Exige, just go. I'm sure it will be worth it. I've done my fair share of sketchy **** and they are always worth it (at least until I fall and break my ass).

After my visit to the same place, I heard that a dead body was found there a year before I went, and that the police tried to seal off anymore entry to the building. I could only find one way in when I was nosing around, and it was pretty iffy (a few bricks kicked out of the base of a huge malt silo, who knows how deep it went). Like I said a couple months ago, I'm always scared of bringing expensive camera equipment to these places as well, the only people that really explore these places are there to paint, and I know that they aren't very polite. If I can get a couple friends together, I'll for sure head back for some shots and maybe a try at getting in.

Until then, I have some other spots lined up, but come on, it's snowing right now. Hahaha.
My first attempt at HDR. I suck at curves.

Sorry for the crappy location, I was just trying to find a place to put my camera, since I don't have a tripod, and I needed some kind of background with clouds and colors.
Haven't seen these in a while. I used to see them everyday on the LHD. Good to see some come through NAS sometimes. :) Not the best shots though. :(




I went out to see a drift event yesterday, here's a couple of pics.








All taken with my trusty Nikon Coolpix 5900.

I am still looking around for a decent new camera, I'm not sure to go for a high-end big zoom or a lower-end DSLR.
Anyhow, constructive criticism welcome!
Well, went for another walk with the girlfriend today and got some more pics, I''ll only post up two for now though, comments appreciated. :)

And one for fun, had a BBQ this evening and a ladybug decided to join us!

Nice shots there revolution, I would have gone too but my hangover from the night before was too big and I didnt feel up to driving. As if the bloody monaro POS won though!
Thanks for the feedback. And yes i was going for a bit of a raw\grainy feel on the #2 and 3, you hit it ITR. Just got back from the Barbers track.
In case you would like to see some of the track. Very nice place. I was with wka. Race 125cc shifter sprint. Got a few pics at night but no race pics because didn't get a single race lap in because of rain. Soon as i settle in and eat im going to pop in my card to check out the ones i got and i will post a few up if they are worth it! Missed the race on sat because got in and i didn't know they had moved the race up so when i had already pulled of the gear to swap it out someone said hey man were up in 20 mins...ah! Not enough time to put the other on and re-jet it so i missed it. Then bad weather so the whole weekend only got 1 10 minute session of practice in.

Well checked out the card and here are some i got. Im posting them in thumbnail because there are several ones and i don't want to eat space up for no reason. The one with the red and white streaks is on that i took of me going around and around on a little 150cc miniscooter that i use as a pit bike. And there is one that shows how the weather turned out to stay for 2 days, and 1 the day i left with trailer hooked and ready to go:)

From the fair a few days. Remind me to bring my tripod along next time I go to the fair at night. I missed so many good shots. :indiff:




I like the first one with the wheel, like how the shading and lighting worked out in it.
Just the one from yesterday evening. :)

Comments appreciated as always. :)

Skyline: Wow some sweet shots there.
The leaves seem weird, really jagged for some reason. Don't take offense, I just hate sunsets.

Haha none taken, I'm game to any advice at all.

lol no not bad. I like it. the powerlines are a bit out of place but other then that its good I dont think I can do that with my SLR I'd blind myself

Thanks! Yeah I was pretty happy with it when I uploaded it, I was half expecting it to come out a little too dark.
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