The Photography Thread

  • Thread starter CDailey
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Couple quick shots of one of mah kittahs. Some simple ps work on the levels and saturation.


Dang thats like one of those nature type shots you see in magazines, ugly little bastard.

What lens were you using and is that 100% crop?
Checking the EXIF shows that he's using a Canon A710 IS point 'n shoot. Quite surprising how good p&s cameras have become.
Checking the EXIF shows that he's using a Canon A710 IS point 'n shoot. Quite surprising how good p&s cameras have become.

That's the one. A710 with shutter priority and macro. It's been shrunk, I've got a 100% crop at 1280x1024 for wallpaper and the cicada takes up the whole screen.
Cod - is that a Maine Coon?

We think he is. My wife picked him up at the Humane Society about 8 years ago. He has the look and all the attributes normally seen in a Maine Coon, but since he was found on the street by Animal Control we'll never know for certain.
Well does he weigh like 22 lbs with no fat?

Our neighbours have a fairly large cat that isn't a Maine Coon, but looks a lot like one, and then I have a good friend who's got two of them and they're the size of dufflebags.
Here are three shots that I took of a friends guitar. I edited them and put them all together in photoshop. Feedback please.


And here is a shot of my dog, Coco.
^^Now thats the type of lighting that makes me smile^^

Thanks man. It was an on camera flash, and I just laid down a black tablecloth sort of thing. I would have set up the studio flashes and backdrop, but I didnt feel like going through that much trouble.

not bad i think coming straight from the camera

Yea the shots are pretty good, some good angles. Although the fact that that car looks amazingly sexy no matter what picture of it you look at helps. Third one is the best.
Here are some non car photos from my trip to az, all directly from the camera, no pp other than resize:

My dad and a bunch of guys were fishing, they hadn't caught any yet but this guy (or girl?) did so I snapped a picture and proceeded to give them a hard time that a bird was outfishing 5 grown men with 10 poles :lol:


When my brother saw this he stared at it for about 10 seconds then turned to me and says "Oh my God we're next!" :lol:

in an old rusted out car


pimp my ride?




these next two are just to illustrate the big difference between auto and manual settings.


and this was what happened when we got bored of tossing small logs on the fire :lol:
I went for a trip to the beach on Monday with a few friends, I got some good shots of them that were taken very spontaneously as they wouldn't stay still! As well as some of the usual landscape stuff. Here they all are anyway;

A basic shot, but I decided not to make it a full body one;

Onto the more arty stuff now;

Nice shots Moglet 👍

I was wondering if you could make a 1600x1200 version of this one? :

Sure! If you don't get it tomorrow at some point, PM me about it because I'm very forgetful!

Moglet 👍 👍

Thanks antihero, I've sort of missed a bit on this forum recently but now the weather's a bit better I can get out and about taking more shots. :)
skyline those shots must not have loaded for me before but now that I see them, great work. There's a few in there I really like.

Sure! If you don't get it tomorrow at some point, PM me about it because I'm very forgetful!

Thanks antihero, I've sort of missed a bit on this forum recently but now the weather's a bit better I can get out and about taking more shots. :)

Good to see you around. Hopefully by this weekend I will have a bunch of ****. Right now I'm on the hunt for an older Nikon 35mm camera.
skyline those shots must not have loaded for me before but now that I see them, great work. There's a few in there I really like.

Imageshack an be a bit goofy sometimes, i should have just hosted them on my server. But thanks 👍 Glad you like em
Good to see you around. Hopefully by this weekend I will have a bunch of ****. Right now I'm on the hunt for an older Nikon 35mm camera.

Sounds good, I'm going on a hunt for cameras soon actually. My local Cash Converters store usually has loads of old cameras in stock and I'm also going to trawl the charity shops for some ancient things. After that I'm aiming to get myself a 50mm f1.8 Nikkor lens.

Gotta wait until I have the money first though. :(
well I just got the bill for the motorcycle i messed up, cheaper than I expected (well by 50 bucks anyway) So if all goes according to plan, I MAY be able to still get that 10mm lens I've been eyeing
Everyone has been posting some really awesome pics lately!! Keep it up guys!!

Another Practice. Mostly cloudy though. More to come.



speedy can i get that first one in like a 1920 x 1200?

ITR thats nuts, love the lighting/color

AH: I see two pics, the jungle one I like how it fades into darkness, and cute kid, i swear I had a motorcycle toy just like that when I was a kid
Few more shots with the manual minolta. Man i never realized how much the AF helps me out! I have a pretty bad astigmatism that i have to wear glasses for but i can't wear them when i shoot pictures because they get in my way and just piss me off. Plus i can't wear them at work because of getting saw dust on them the first minute of the day so i have never got used to having them on. The whole time i used the manual i thought something was wrong with it because a good 90 percent of the pictures were always blurry, wasn't the camera it was my eyes! Haha. I didn't know i had bad eyesight until my wife was saying something about a sign or what have you and i couldn't read what it said and then she told me ok well, your blind. I had no

One of my mates


My nephew


My youngest taken by my wife in a mirror

Thanks! I like the last large one you posted, its got some high contrast and i eat that up:)
my first studio assignment, a promotional shoot for fuddruckers, cant beat free food =D

sorry for the watermark but since this was for a client I needed to mark it

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