The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff
...this is the crux of the problem.
Seriously what difference does it make the dude is arrested? We're never going to hear about the story I talked about.
I'll gladly sit back and wait for you to find a recent story with an update of what happened.
I bet you won't, it's not what the media wants to talk about...
Hence again, where's the outrage?
It's good to know I have to meet a quota of outrage to post something... :rolleyes:

Y'all are pathetic.

I look forward to talking to some of y'all after returning after the election, if I don't get banned. Been fun. Peace, love, chicken and Trump 2020.
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I did assume you were lying about Tulsi.
Assume what you want, you already assumed I'm a murderer...
I'm voting for her and we know she ain't gonna win. I'd rather Trump won than Biden cause the meme I posted is exactly what's gonna happen if they win.
Assume what you want, you already assumed I'm a murderer...
I'm voting for her and we know she ain't gonna win. I'd rather Trump won than Biden cause the meme I posted is exactly what's gonna happen if they win.

I'm myself curious to find out what exactly Kamala's positions are when she is no longer scheming to get to the top.
I'm done answering questions that had nothing to do with the original topic. Something y'all love to do...

Oh and your answer is the sentence you forgot to quote...
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I have no idea what that means...
Regardless I'm not voting for him and I will sit back and laugh anyways. I'll sit back and laugh too if Biden wins...

By definition, it's taking pleasure or satisfaction at another's misfortune. Even if it's no real benefit to you. In an off beat way, it could be voting for Tulsi but secretly hoping Trump wins, not necessarily because you really want him to win but because you know it would piss off a lot of people in this thread. Or at a stretch, it could be a desire to have this thread closed for what you see as an injustice to what happened in a different thread. Even though the two have nothing to do with one another. A point I BELIEVE you kind of know and understand. But you're aggravated and annoyed by it in principle. So perhaps you choose not to separate the two.
Cause maybe people are outraged about it, even though the "majority" don't want to talk about it?
My thread was created over a subject that deserves outrage to this day.
A criminal who fought the police and was in the wrong gets all the attention.
Hence where's the outrage...

Seriously if I fought the police I wouldn't expect people to worship me, I'd expect them to sit back and be like "that idiot..."

I'd quote someone here who explained way better than I can of why we feel some subject is lacking outrage regardless of it's on 3 news sites yet no one knows.

It was a legitimate thread, instead of saying hey y'all, don't post that and deleting said post, let's just silence everyone. Y'all know why and the fact I was pissed off when I created the thread.
And don't get me started on creating the thread for 3 initial pages of criticism for doing what was asked!

I give up!
Cool. This is you going over the exact same points I already addressed in the now-locked thread and the subsequent PM exchange. You don't understand what the difference is between a crime committed by a person in general authority and getting away with it, and a crime committed by someone else and not getting away with it, and you don't understand that the outrage comes from the position of general authority and the lack of repercussions not from the fact a crime was committed or what it was (or the races of those involved).

But that's irrelevant - it's just you choosing to rail against other people in yet another location. What I asked you for was how you got, mentally, from "the mods locked my ill-conceived thread, rapidly descending to beyond rock bottom" to "the mods should also do something about posts making jokes about third-generation fictional constructs becoming drug-addicted prostitutes".

Join these dots. Help us to see what you're seeing. Show how these things are linked. Explain the thought process that's left you feeling somehow short-changed at your thread being locked because a guy made a joke about the fictional daughter of the fictional boss of a fictional barman in a fictional bar, in a totally different thread.
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it's just you choosing to rail against other people in yet another location
:lol: Me rail against other people?! I hardly post compared to y'all!

I wonder why...

Seriously what difference does it make that a person was in "general authority"? So what man? I'm sorry to see you think a criminal avoiding arrest is more important.
:lol: Me rail against other people?! I hardly post compared to y'all!
You... think the quantity of posts has something to do with their content?

Your posts today, in this thread, are you complaining about how the staff treated you in another thread - and I'm still waiting for you to join the dots on how they're even close to related. It's yet another example of you posting to complain about other people.

Seriously what difference does it make that a person was in "general authority"? So what man?
The people who are supposed to defend rights aren't supposed to ignore them. This is pretty basic stuff, man.
I'm sorry to see you think a criminal avoiding arrest is more important.
Than what?

All crime is bad (well, where the crime is defined by rational laws). It's pretty much a default state that a crime results in the violation of someone's rights.

Someone getting away with a crime is worse, because those subject to the crime are not served by the systems intended to protect them from crime and punish (and rehabilitate) those who commit it - to deter further crimes from the criminal and others.

If the person who commits the crime is supposed to defend your rights and they get away with committing the crime, you have the outrage, because it shows a lack of accountability in the criminal justice system. If the criminal is punished for the crime, it does not. Again, pretty basic stuff.

Now, for the fourth time of asking, please join the dots. How is the lack of moderator action on a post about the fictional daughter of the fictional boss of a fictional barman in a fictional bar becoming a substance-addicted prostitute in any way related to your thread being locked?
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How is the lack of moderator action on a post about the fictional daughter of the fictional boss of a fictional barman in a fictional bar becoming a substance-addicted prostitute in any way related to your thread being locked?
Why couldn't have said post be deleted with a warning to all and my thread left alone?

I hope y'all remember how US Drag Racers were treated in the GT5 days here...
Why couldn't have said post be deleted with a warning to all and my thread left alone?
It wasn't one post. It was several posts from users attempting to race-bait. I already explained all of this. But what does any of that have to do with the post you're complaining about in this thread? Why have you jumped into this thread to complain that this post is left intact but your absolutely unrelated thread is not?
I hope y'all remember how US Drag Racers were treated in the GT5 days here...
What does this have to do with anything at all?
What does this have to do with anything at all?
IMO a lot.
I've been here a while and though a good bit. That section is what brought me to this site.

Why have you jumped into this thread to complain that this post is left intact but your absolutely unrelated thread is not?
I've answered why, we disagree...
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But I really don't care, the echo chamber here echoes well,
I don't care what y'all said...
So you call this an echo chamber, then say you don't care what we say in a discussion with you?

Those 2 approaches don't correlate well.

Seriously what difference does it make the dude is arrested? We're never going to hear about the story I talked about.
I'm pretty positive I've asked this 1-2 times already, what do you want me to be outraged over? The man committed a sick crime, and he was arrested. You want me to be an advocate for capital punishment in this case? Sure, if he's found guilty on account of raping & killing a baby, go for it. I believe Pennsylvania still finds capital punishment legal.

Other than that, what I was supposed to be mad about? This is a case where police & the justice system have done what they're supposed to do & now the man awaits trial & verdict of his actions. There's nothing more I can ask for before we get into a deep & complicated debate about how you prevent these actions from occurring.

Sarah Silverman was an appropriate counter to that, though.
I've answered why
You haven't. You've done anything but answer. You've brought up more and more irrelevancies, but the question still remains on the table. What does that post have to do with your thread? How is your mind connecting these two things together?
IMO a lot. I've been here a while and though a good bit. That section is what brought me to this site.
So... help me out here... a post about a fictional woman that the staff hasn't taken any action about is somehow ... something to do with your thread on a totally different topic being locked, because... you used to be a GT5 drag racer?

I'd love to be drunk enough for that to make sense.
You haven't. You've done anything but answer. You've brought up more and more irrelevancies, but the question still remains on the table. What does that post have to do with your thread? How is your mind connecting these two things together?

So... help me out here... a post about a fictional woman that the staff hasn't taken any action about is somehow ... something to do with your thread on a totally different topic being locked, because... you used to be a GT5 drag racer?

I'd love to be drunk enough for that to make sense.
It's the fact you let someone joke about death and shut a thread down about a real death. Is it really that hard?
I honestly don't get y'all.
I honestly tried to interact with that thread at first and thought we were getting somewhere talking out the issues until it became "no discussion, here's a link to another horrendous black guy crime of the week who's already in custody, rinse and repeat".

When the people posting them go onto say they're not even interested in discussion then there's no point to the thread any more. Shame, really, as this thread and others will probably get swamped with similar contextless links.
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It's the fact you let someone joke about death and shut a thread down about a real death. Is it really that hard?
This is so much of a reach you may as well have said "well, they both have words in but you treated them differently, so there!".

The "joke about death" is... literally a joke. Not only that, it's a joke about a fictional situation that couldn't possibly occur, because one of the people in it is already dead and has been since before you were born. Not only that your initial complaint was about @TheCracker's post, which contains no death, but a joke comment about the fictional daughter of a fictional bar owner, who employs the fictional barman in the fictional situation from the first post. So this objection to a "joke about death" is an after-the-fact invention.

Your thread was shut down after, and I've patiently explained this to you several times including by PM, you and other posters in it were deliberately trying to conflate a perceived lack of outrage to any crime across racial lines with a racial bias (while pretending that the media-sourced links you were posting were being ignored by the media), completely missing the entire concept of why people were angered by murders such as Floyd and Taylor - which is that they were killed by people supposed to protect their rights, without due process, and the perpetrators escaped any part of the criminal justice system to answer for their crimes (Chauvin was arrested and charged, four days after three other police officers witnessed him executing a man), rather than the races of the involved parties. This turned into users posting race-baiting nonsense and then, latterly, really plumbing the depths with stuff that still makes me highly concerned for the mindset of anyone who'd think to share it here. Your thread wasn't locked because of "one post" near the end, or because it was "about a real death" (we have several of those), but because of its entire concept and the behaviour of the users in it.

And the latter is still absolutely unrelated to the former. You just wanted to complain about it in a new place, because you didn't get the resolution you wanted the first twice.

Now, I've tried to tell you this in the original thread, and then by PM because you didn't accept it the first time, and I've tried to tell you this here in this thread more than once today. If you're still not getting it, that's your problem - and it is a very, very big problem - but it's one that you'll have to bear in private from this point on.
I don't care what y'all said...

That's been clear from the start, because the entire point of your thread wasn't this:

Cause maybe people are outraged about it, even though the "majority" don't want to talk about it?
My thread was created over a subject that deserves outrage to this day.
A criminal who fought the police and was in the wrong gets all the attention.
Hence where's the outrage...

Rather, it was this:

Cause maybe people are outraged about it, even though the "majority" don't want to talk about it?
My thread was created over a subject that deserves outrage to this day.
A criminal who fought the police and was in the wrong gets all the attention.
Hence where's the outrage...

Your intention wasn't to somehow pay respectful attention to anything, no matter how much you try to insist it was. Your actual intention was to try to show that some of us ("the majority", as you put it), aren't outraged enough. And since we've told you over and over that's simply not the case - we are outraged, as any human being would be - you were forced to either "care what y'all say" and accept that your assumption was wrong, or plug your fingers into your ears as far as they'll go. Clearly you opted for the latter. And when this intellectual cowardice was met with exactly the response it ought to have been, you decided you were being treated unfairly. Unfortunately, it's not the first time such a cycle has happened with you.

Seriously what difference does it make the dude is arrested?

That's been explained to you umpteen times in the posts that you "don't care" to listen to. Why should anybody bother to answer you again?

We're never going to hear about the story I talked about.

Why? Because nobody but you is capable of finding news online? We really ought to notify all the news websites that they're wasting their time then.

I'll gladly sit back and wait for you to find a recent story with an update of what happened.

Have there been any updates yet? Court cases take a long time to progress. Should all the media be posting daily "nothing new here" articles to satisfy you?

I bet you won't, it's not what the media wants to talk about...

But the media did talk about it, or none of us would know about it. And I'm sure they'll report on it more when there is something new to report.

But no, it's not going to get the same continuous coverage of something like George Floyd, and that's because everybody agrees that it was an awful thing. And lacking a clash of opposing viewpoints to report on, there's not much else to report on. If everybody had agreed on the George Floyd matter, there would have been much less reporting there, too. No need to preach to a united choir.

I know all of this will bounce off the knuckles blocking your ear canals, but c'est la vie, eh?

Y'all are pathetic.

Said the only person here with any integrity, apparently. :rolleyes:

I look forward to talking to some of y'all after returning after the election, if I don't get banned. Been fun. Peace, love, chicken and Trump 2020.

I thought you weren't voting for Trump?
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