The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff
I've loved Robyn Hitchcock's music since I found the Soft Boys' masterful 1980 release Underwater Moonlight in the late '80s, but this sort of thing makes me love Robyn Hitchcock. He's re-written and re-recorded his 1986 piece "The President" to suit current events.

"He's holding up a bible while the rubber bullets fly
He's holding up a bible but he cannot quote one line"

I was disappointed by the absence of an apoplectic response in the comments section to the tune of "I've been listening to your music for decades but this crosses a line," but then I doubt any Trump supporters even know who he is, and that's just dandy. The closest is a "Disgusting," likely from someone to whose attention it was brought by a social media post.
I mean...I know Jay Nordlinger writes for the National Review, but boy does he make it difficult to not like him.



Also found this one in my bookmarks and I don't believe I'd posted it yet. Posting ironically, of course; it's the layers that tickle me.


It needs a person or people for "whom" to refer to. There is no antecedent that it's referencing. And then we get recapitalization after the ellipsis? Are these supposed to be sentences?


But even if you try to fix it for them, it still comes out wrong.

"Americans, many of whom are offended by this cloth... trample on this cloth and what it stands for."

I mean that's not quite right because now it's saying Americans trample, but not necessarily the same Americans. It should say something like...

"Many who are offended by this cloth... trample on this cloth and what it stands for."

Now we're getting closer. But really, the second phrase including the figurative interpretation of trample now looks like it's also referring to a literal interpretation of trample as well (which, I mean maybe that's intended, but... not sure). I'd make a further rewrite.

"Many who are offended by this cloth... trample on what this cloth stands for."

There, I think that's about got it. Mind you I'm not the greatest with the English language.
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It needs a person or people for "whom" to refer to. There is no antecedent that it's referencing. And then we get recapitalization after the ellipsis? Are these supposed to be sentences?
I think I get you regarding the former--it seems to start in the middle of a thought--but I'm chalking the latter up to parsing of language for the purpose of meme format, similar to the way lines in poems may begin with a capital letter while those capitalized letters likely wouldn't be capitalized in traditional sentence format.

There are certainly layers to the message being conveyed even if you disregard how poorly it's been conveyed.

Edit: Caught the edit. I'm 97% certain that "whom" is accurate where "who" is not, because "many of them trample" the latter, "them" being those offended by the former.

Ideally it would be something along the lines of "many of the people who are offended by this trample this" and that way you avoid mucking about with who vs. whom.
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I think I get you regarding the former--it seems to start in the middle of a thought--but I'm chalking the latter up to parsing of language for the purpose of meme format, similar to the way lines in poems may begin with a capital letter while those capitalized letters likely wouldn't be capitalized in traditional sentence format.

There are certainly layers to the message being conveyed even if you disregard how poorly it's been conveyed.

Well I hope I'm not missing any layers. Let me know if I got them all:

- Confederacy literally tried to trample the US flag by going to war to remove half of the nation. Nobody loves the union more than the confederacy.
- Trampling the US flag and what it stands for is free speech, which is what it stands for. Decrying free speech is the opposite.
- The US stands for opportunity and equality for all, which is what the confederacy fought against.
- Basic grammar fail.
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And no, I don't know why the doctor has moobs, or is shirtless for that matter.
It's ironic how Trump supporters act like Trump is a "pro-2A president" and that Biden will shamelessly rip away every single firearm from all the normal law-abiding gun owners in the US, yet Trump has placed the most restrictions on gun ownership than any president in decades. Even more ironic how they're the "facts over feelings" side yet they're spouting this rhetoric.
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